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K. L. Kincy

Author of Deadly Delicious

2 Works 13 Members 2 Reviews

Works by K. L. Kincy

Deadly Delicious (2014) 9 copies
Deadly Delicious (2015) 4 copies


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Jospehine DeLune is 12 years old and comes from a long family of powerful magical women, each of which baked their might conjure into their creations

Except for Josephine who has no magic and cannot cook… but she has to learn as she has drawn the attention of both a sinister figure, Shaula and, even worse, the dangerous gaze of the Ravenous One.

She now has to learn if she wants to avoid being devoured

I like this book it was fun and had a very fun concept – I love the idea of magic, and conjure, being so mixed with cooking. The whole way they use magic is excellently well written – putting together recipes with magical components and mundane baking. I do love the world building of it, it’s fun, and while it’s not entirely original it is certainly one of the best examples I’ve seen depicted. Just the mix of flour and sugar and Full Moon butter and any of the other mundane and strange ingredients added to make everything from curses to love potions all through food – from pickles to pies to cakes, the food is full of magic

And that even leads to zombies that crave cake – and it works with the story

With such a setting it would be very easy to make a story that was, perhaps, a little silly or too childish especially with a 12 year old protagonist. But it not only worked as a story but there were some nice deeper elements addressed as well – there’s some definite reflections on race (especially since this book is set in 1955) though some of them are confused with prejudice against her magical family, including Authelia a friend who drops Josephine when she wants to be popular and realises she can’t be while being friends with a Black girl. Or Quentin’s parents who are leery of him getting too close

It has to be noted that these prejudices are often conflated or linked to the hostility towards her as a witch. And, if anything, her difficulties seem under-presented considering this book is set in 1950s Missouri

In turn we also have some nice examinations of class and work – Josephine and her mother, Clara are concerned because they do not make much money and her magical bakery is threatened by corporate competition – especially when it comes with the money and power to demonise home baking in the press. Even aside from work, we see a number of people regard Clara with contempt and even pity because she works in the family business and because her parents aren’t wealthy – yet at the same time these people are happy to avail themselves of Clara‘s magical baking. Even her own coven, seemingly largely white women without a large amount of magical talent, are quick to take advantage of Clara‘s labour to present it as their own.

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FangsfortheFantasy | Oct 30, 2015 |
Deadly Delicious by K.L. Kincy is a children’s or tween novel. Josephine Elle DeLune is twelve years old and she thinks she is a useless witch. The females in her family have the ability to conjure through cooking and baking. In 1951 Josephine is eight years old. Her grandmother tries to get her to rescue their ancestor’s spell book from a swamp in Louisiana. Josephine, who has the power, is unable to get the book (she really does not try hard enough). Four years later they are living in Paris, Missouri and Josephine is learning to be a car hop at her father’s diner, Carl and Earl’s Diner. Josephine feels she is a failure at conjuring because all of her recipes fail. That day she is minding the grill for a couple of minutes when a monster appears in the fire. He states he is coming to get her.

Josephine has no idea why anyone would be after her. She does not think she has any powers. Then Josephine sees Shaula, the night skinned lady. She is actually an ancestor (it is her book in the swamp). Shaula states she can help Josephine defeat the Ravenous One who is after her. Turns out Josephine has too much power which is why her conjuring does not work properly (of course, she has never learned how to use her power properly either). Shaula tells Josephine that she just needs the right recipe. Josephine is going to have to learn how to use her powers quickly (and find a spell book of her own) if she wants to stay alive and defeat the Ravenous One (also known as Papa Nom who is the spirit of hunger itself). Josephine will need help from her Grandmother Lula and her mother, Clara to stay alive.

Deadly Delicious is a type of novel I probably would have read when I was eight years old (I was an advanced reader). It is cute, but not wonderful. There is a romantic element (for a twelve year old) that I did not enjoy. I felt that twelve is a little young for romance and kissing (and we do not need to give children any ideas. They get enough from television). I give Deadly Delicious 3 out of 5 stars. I like the idea for the book and the characters, but I just felt the book needed a little work. I wish the conjuring had been explained a little better (it is a little ambiguous).

I received a complimentary copy of Deadly Delicious from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. The review and opinions expressed are my own.
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Kris_Anderson | Aug 24, 2015 |


½ 3.5