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Swami Rama (1925–1966)

Author of Living with the Himalayan Masters

123 Works 1,288 Members 25 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the names: Rama, Sr. Rama, Swami Rama

Works by Swami Rama

Meditation and Its Practice (1992) 60 copies
The Art of Joyful Living (1989) 58 copies
Joints and Glands Exercises (1977) 37 copies
Royal Path: Lessons on Yoga (1979) 31 copies
Choosing A Path (2007) 27 copies
Meditation in Christianity (1983) 21 copies
Creative Use of Emotion (1976) 19 copies
Love Whispers (1986) 12 copies
Love and Family Life (2007) 10 copies
Indian Music (1989) 8 copies
Call to Humanity (1988) 7 copies
Tussen wijzen en dwazen (2000) 6 copies
Emotion to Enlightenment (1979) 4 copies
Let the bud of life bloom (2002) 4 copies
Emotion to Enlightenment (1976) 2 copies
On the Spiritual Path (2003) 1 copy
Sadhana (2003) 1 copy


Common Knowledge



I was really unfamiliar with this subject before this book.

The book and the theory seems pretty much insane.
However there are parta of this that make complete sense and are hard to disagree with. There are some other subtle aspects that come from a slight proselytising, as if meditation were something one xan be “successful” at… what does that mean? The paradox is the whole point of meditation is to cross a sort of existentialist bridge.. l?
yates9 | 1 other review | Feb 28, 2024 |
Much of the Western world was completely unaware of the profound impact of the breath on the body and mind until the 1970's. It was during this time that Swami Rama astonished physiologists by demonstrating perfect control over his heart rate and brain waves―something Western scientists didn't believe humans could possibly achieve. In this book, Swami Rama shares some of the basic breathing techniques practiced by Himalayan yogis, so that you too can experience the profound effects of pranayama and breath control.

The goal of Science of Breath is to present knowledge and practices regarding the breath in a way that can be applied to personal growth. This book is a masterful guide to systematically identifying bad breathing habits, replacing those habits with healthy breathing patterns, and developing control over pranic flow. Learn how to develop and master the link between your body and mind through the understanding of the breath. With increased awareness and control of the subtle aspects of breathing, one can effect deep physical and psychological changes and begin to master the roaming tendencies of the mind. Science of Breath opens the door to a new way of being, providing a powerful tool in the pursuit of holistic health and personal growth.
… (more)
PendleHillLibrary | 2 other reviews | Sep 17, 2022 |
I'm glad to read some background that I didn't know about Swami Rama. He was my first Guru. The day before Halloween 1972 I'd hitchhiked across Illinois to find him, based on a friend's advice. He fed me chapatis he cooked himself, took me aside to a quiet room, and gave me a mantra, initiating me into his following, then put me up for the night. Charming fellow, but as a penniless hippie living on a rural commune at the time, affording his lectures wasn't easy. I made friends, worked gratis in Shakti Bookstore in Madison, WI for a time, but ultimately moved deeper into the Tibetan Buddhist orbit.… (more)
RonSchulz | 5 other reviews | Jun 24, 2022 |
People laughed at the image of pretzel-legged yogis focusing on the tip of their noses-until swami Rama walked into a laboratory and showed scientists what a yogi with control over his respiration can actually do. Before astoisehd researchers, he demonstrated perfect control over his heart rate and brain waves-control physiologists hadn't believed humans could possibly achieve.

For thousands of years, yogic adepts, masters of inner science, have claimed that breath is the essental link between body and mind, energizing a 'subtle body' which connects the physical and mental aspects of our being. In this landmark book, Swami Rama and two noted American physicians explore India's 'Science of Breath' from both Eastern and Western perspectives, revealing how this neglected subject may be the missing key to both physical health and the exploration of higher states of consciousness. Swami Rama also shares some of the basic breathing techniqes practiced by the Himalayan yogis so that we can begin immediately working with this powerful ancient science.

Swami Rama founded the Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosphy, the Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust in India, and many centers throughout the world. A student of both Himalayan cave monasteries and European universities, he founded the Himalayan Institute to create a bridge between the ancient teachings of the East and modern scientific approaches of the west.

Rudolph Ballentine, M.D., is a respected leader in the field of alternative and complementary medicine. A physician and psychiatrist, he studied medicine in the U.S., psychology in the U.S. and France, and both Ayurveda and homeopathy in India.

Alan Hymes, M.D., is a cardiovascular and thoracic surgeon. A pioneer in the field of breath research, he has studied the interrelationship between breathing patterns and cardiovascular disease.


Foreword by Linda Johnsen
Introduction by John Clarke
Why bother with breath?-Yoga and the body of energy
Respiration and the chest-The mechanics of breathing by Alan Hymes
Following yur nose-Nasal function and energy by Rudolph Ballentine
Portal to higher awareness-The science of breath by swami Rama
Recommendations for further study (bibliography)
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AikiBib | 2 other reviews | May 31, 2022 |


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