Publisher SeriesGiant Cardinal Editions [Pocket Books]

A Stillness at Appomattox by Bruce Catton 1,877 copies, 9 reviewsGC-48
Generation of Vipers: newly annotated by the author by Philip Wylie 203 copies, 2 reviewsGC-62
Chairman of the Bored by Edward Streeter 25 copies, 1 reviewGC-152
The Dark Labyrinth by Lawrence Durrell 405 copies, 10 reviewsGC-161
Salinger: A Critical and Personal Portrait by Henry Anatole Grunwald 132 copies, 1 reviewGC-169
The Exile by Pearl S. Buck 293 copies, 5 reviewsGC-201
The Black Book by Lawrence Durrell 531 copies, 7 reviewsGC-769
We Seven by M. Scott Carpenter 431 copies, 10 reviewsGC-785

