Publisher Series校園叢書

Choosing Plan A in a Plan B World: Living Out the Lordship of Christ by Jerry E. White 135 copies
A Cloud of Witnesses: Ten Great Christian Thinkers by Alister E. McGrath 106 copies, 1 review
Discovered Self: The Search for Self Acceptance by Earl D. Wilson 20 copies
Genesis: Gods Creative Call : 26 Studies in 3 Parts for Individuals or Groups (Lifeguide Bible Studies) by Charles Hummel 141 copies
His Stubborn Love by Joyce Landorf 116 copies
Marriage: God's Design for Intimacy (Lifebuilder Bible Studies) by James Reapsome 95 copies
The Sermon on the Mount (Lifeguide Bible Studies) by John Stott 429 copies, 6 reviews
With Christ in the School of Prayer by Andrew Murray 2,164 copies, 13 reviews
佈道神學 by 唐崇榮 1 copy
佳果豐盈 by Richard Alvis Webster 1 copy
信仰的落實 : 基督教宇宙論初探 by 楊牧谷 1 copy
公元2000宗教大趨勢 by 楊牧谷 2 copies
危機與轉機 : 十位神僕靈命的轉機 by 彭海瑩 2 copies
基督教神學思想簡介 by 蘇恩佩 2 copies
塞外跫音 by 楊牧谷 2 copies
多走一步 : 三十二篇激發鬥心的勵志作品 by 楊牧谷 1 copy
大學這玩意兒 by 黃秉德 1 copy
愛你的鄰舍 : 教會社區工作理論與實踐 by 盧龍光 1 copy
教會事工面面觀 by 邵慶彰 1 copy
新約倫理談叢 by 陳濟民 1 copy
爐灰中的懊悔 : 約伯記詳解 by 焦源濂 1 copy
生命是一份厚禮 by 吳鯤生 1 copy
社稷情 by 楊牧谷 1 copy
禱告操練面面觀 by 邵慶彰 1 copy
舉目看田 : 第一屆青年宣道大會講章集 by 青年宣道大會 1 copy
舊約神學談叢 by 唐佑之 1 copy
舊約神學談叢 by 唐佑之 2 copies
跟隨祂的腳蹤行 = In His steps by Charles M. Sheldon 1 copy
躍入汪洋大海中 : 聽主微聲的藝術 = Listening to God by Joyce Huggett 1 copy
長大成人 by 陳終道 1 copy
門徒的操練 : 個人小組研經材料 (附帶領手册) = Christian disciplines : living the way God wants you to live : 12 studies for individuals or groups 11 copies
靈程高處的經歷 by 滕近輝 1 copy

