
1,604 Books 17 Recommendations
May 12, 2007
Private Catalog
About My Library
I only list books that I own in my library but have recently had a book cull and have tagged the books that have gone as no longer owned.

My ratings can be a bit up and down, with 1/2 or single stars going to books I did not like. A fondness for a book or author can push the rating up higher than it sometimes perhaps deserves. I am trying to review everything that I read.

I love to find a great book by an author I've previously undiscovered and have it really strike a chord with me. I especially like to find a foreign author who can give me an insight into their country and culture with a simple story told with real feeling.
About Me
I found Library Thing through the Joe Hill Website.

I have this map to show me where in the world the people are who stop by to visit my library. I love having visitors from all around the world and am always pleased if they leave a message to say hello.

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