About Me
Okay, okay. I'm a librarian in Cincinnati. I have to accept this reality. I guess it's better than being a librarian in Toledo. Marginally. I'm in love with my soul's mate, I dye my own hair, I drink Archer Farms Spring Water (0 calories!) when I'm not drinking coffee (cream&sugar calories) Sugar Free Red Bull (15 calories) or Marietta Old Vine Red (many calories), I have an iPhone AND an iPad AND a Blackberry AND a Kindle, I read books, I watch bad TV, I am a seriously lefty liberal, I like animals much better than I like people, I am owned by my pets, I never wear shorts, I hate pickles, I dislike new-construction houses, I take baths at night and showers in the morning, and I loathe all religions. I should add, though, that I love many people who have religion and faith. I'm just not a fan of religious governance, infrastructure, influence, politics, wealth, cruelty and persecution.
Mt. Washington, KY and Cincinnati, OH
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