About My Library
I'm a Londoner marooned in the dark wastes of east middle england, counting sheep and dodging bullets by turns! I feel a bit like a monk in the dark ages, guarding a trove of knowledge and art whilst all around sinks into barbarity and iniquity (I live in Nottingham).
I used to reorder my book collection for fun when I was eight, and had issued the neighbours with tickets by nine, so am clearly either or both of obssessive or autistic.

I'm being a bit selective with what I'm cataloguing because there are loads of things that I bought back when I thought it was important to read things that made my brain go curly (that I no longer give two hoots about, and probably never read anyway). I got the most important books on first, i.e. the childrens books - (well some of - there's a nearly complete Enid Blyton that I can't bring myself to list cause there's just too darn many) - and then my fave reads like Master and Margerita and Angela Carter ... and then I'm doing chunks of shelf at a time, but only in that autistic kind of way where you file things because they exist.. um.. I have to go now as my cat's staring at me funny..
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