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Dec 2, 2006
Real Name
Tim Mills
About My Library
Mostly heavy (conservative) theological, though there are a few volumes of fiction, mostly John Gresham and Tom Clancy, though I borrowed JK Rowling's Harry Potter books from church members. I have a couple of signed John Gresham novels, and I love his novels that do not focus on lawyers.
My son showed me LT after T'giving, and I immediately signed up and ordered the ISBN scanner. That made all the difference getting my library loaded into LT.
About Me
I retired from the USAF (SMSgt) in Jan 1997. We were 13.5 years in Misawa, JA. I was ordained in June, 1996. I pastor a small country church in rural AR, where we have been since June 1998. I am a 2000 graduate of MidAmerica Baptist Theological Seminary. Christmas is my favorite holiday, followed by Thanksgiving and Easter. I also post to the Yahoo! Q&A in the Religion and Spirituality segment, answering all the sincere questions I can, and even a few that are phishing for antagonists, or those trying for converts to JW or other cults.

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