Real Name
Robin Kohli
About My Library
"There is one thing on which we are agreed: there are too many books in the world to read in a single lifetime; you have to draw the line somewhere." The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield

Since I'm somewhat obsessed with reading, I have a lot of books on my shelf, as well as many I've leant to others or donated to charity. I'm usually reading several at the same time, one of each genre. However, I'm particularly in love with Chick Lit because it is like visiting with your friends.

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About Me
I'm married and a working mom with two school-aged kids who keep me very busy! I enjoy well-written books about hope, romance, and supportive girlfriends as well as thrillers, crime series and best sellers. My rules of thumb are the book has to have good character development and can't be too depressing!!!!!
Fishers, Indiana
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