Book Events for IsiBooksAdore

Events within the books in IsiBooksAdore's library

18th century



19th century

Afghan Civil War

Age of Sail

American Civil War

Battle of the Blackwater

Beat Generation

The Blitz

Chess tournament at court of Suleiman the Magnificent


COVID-19 pandemic

Georgian Era

Gilded Age

Grace Marks Murder Trial


Iraq War

Jack the Ripper Murders

The King's Champion Contest

March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

The Matching Banquet

The Mortal War

New Year

Olympic Games, 2012

Olympische spelen Londen, 2012

Queen Elena's Quest

The Red Wedding

Regency Era


Royal marriage of Prince William to Kate Middleton

Russian Revolution

Soviet-Afghan War

Tartarus Rotation

Victorian Era

the Voodoo Wars

War of the Five Kings

War of the Usurper

World War II

World War III

Xenocide of the Formics