Book Events for annika_olani

Events within the books in annika_olani's library

14th century

17th century


Age of the Dreamers

Autumn Feast

B'Wa Kell Rebellion

Battle at Burning plains

Battle of Five Armies

Battle of Hogwarts

Battle of the Department of Mysteries

Battle of the Hornburg


Coronation of Aragorn

The Council of Elrond

Creation of Narnia

Death and Resurrection of Aslan

Death of the White Witch

Destruction of Isengard

Destruction of the One Ring

Discovery of the Titanic

Dracula Night

Elizabethan Era

End of the Third Age

Evacuation of British Children in WW2

Gempei War

The Great Revelation

The Great Wars

Kublai Khan becomes Great Khan

Macedonian Wars

May Day

Middle Ages

Muromachi period

Nuclear winter

Quest of Erebor

Return of Father Christmas

Sengoku period

Siege of Fowl Manor

Sinking of the Empress of Ireland

Sinking of the Titanic


The Tri-Wizard Tournament

Victorian Era

War of the Races

War of the Ring

World War II

World War II, British Home Front