Book Events for joyfullyhis4ever

Events within the books in joyfullyhis4ever's library

American Civil War

Autumn Feast

Bastille Day

Battle of Dien Bien Phu

Battle of Five Armies

Battle of the Department of Mysteries

Battle of the Hornburg


The Council of Elrond

Creation of Narnia

Death and Resurrection of Aslan

Death of the White Witch

Destruction of Earth

The Disappearance of the Dolphins


Elizabethan Era

End of the Universe

English Renaissance

Evacuation of British Children in WW2

Great Depression

The Great Fire of Ankh-Morpork

Jacobean Era

Krakatoa Eruption

May Day

Middle Ages

Quest of Erebor

The Reappearance of Earth

Return of Father Christmas

Screaming Fist

Transatlantic Cable laid

Victorian Era

Whitechapel Murders

World Trade Center attack

World War I

World War II

World War II, British Home Front


Xenocide of the Formics