Book Events for mitznc

Events within the books in mitznc's library


1953 Ionian Earthquake

33rd Acqui Infantry Division Massacre

Affair of the Poisons

American Civil War

Anglo Saxon period

Apartheid legislation

Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Battle of Culloden

Battle of Hogwarts

Battle of the Department of Mysteries

Chilean Coup

Cultural Revolution

Discovery of the source of the Nile River

Execution of Marquise of Brinvilliers

Fall of Leningrad

First Chimurenga

German occupation of Italy

Great Depression

Greek Civil War

Immorality Act

Iranian Revolution

Jacobite Rebellion

Jacobite Rising of 1745

Japanese-American Internment

Mahdist War

Mexican Revolution

Middle Ages

Pinochet regime

Reign of Terror

Rhodesian Bush War

Second Chimurenga

Seven Years' War

Siege of Leningrad

Spanish-American War

The Tri-Wizard Tournament

Valdivia earthquake

Victorian Era

World Trade Center attack

World War II

World War II, Pacific Theater