Book Events for preetalina

Events within the books in preetalina's library

15th century

1893 Chicago World's Fair

2008 Presidential Campaign

74th Annual Hunger Games

75th Annual Hunger Games

African-American Civil Rights Movement

Anatomy Act

Battle of the Bulge

Beat Generation

Bombing of Dresden

Chicago World's Fair

Columbine School Shootings

Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction

December 26, 2004 Tsunami

Ebola Reston discovery

Election of Barack Obama to U.S. Presidency

Elizabethan Era

Expedition 34

Expedition 35

Extinction of Homo sapiens

Fall of the Berlin Wall 1989 [1989]

the Fenice fire

French Revolution

Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

Funeral Rule

Gemini 9

Georgian Era

The Great Fire of Ankh-Morpork


Halley's Comet


Hurricane Katrina

Industrial Revolution

Iraq War

Italian Renaissance

the killing of Danny Hansford

Late Devonian extinction

Lewis and Clark Expedition

March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

Marichjhapi Massacre 1978-1979

Middle Ages

Nat Turner Slave Insurrection

New Year

Olympic Games

Ordovician–Silurian extinction event

Permian Mass Extinction

Project Gemini

Quarter Quell

Regency Era

Reintroduction of Wolves into Yellowstone National Park


The Rising

Second American Civil War

Seldon Crisis

September 11 Attacks

Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster

Spanish-American War



Triassic–Jurassic extinction event


Tudor Era

US Civil War

Victorian Era

War on Terror

Women's Suffrage

World War I

World War II

World War III

World War Terminus

World's Columbian Exposition

Xenocide of the Formics

Zombie Apocalypse