Book Related Movies for rebatrosity

  • 91 Related Movies
  • 24 Works with Related Movies

'night, Mother (1986 | IMDb)

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968 | IMDb) (French, Italian)

2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984 | IMDb) (Italian)

300 (2006 | IMDb)

ABA Journal 25 Greatest Law Novels Ever (5)

Au théâtre ce soir:Lysistrata (1973 | IMDb)

August (1996 | IMDb)

L'avaro (1990 | IMDb)

The Beggar's Opera (1953 | IMDb)

Breakfast on Pluto (2005 | IMDb) (French)

O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000 | IMDb) (French)

Camelot (1967 | IMDb)

Chi-Raq (2015 | IMDb)

Country Life (1994 | IMDb)

Destinées (1954 | IMDb)

Dirk Gently (2010 | IMDb)

Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (2016 | IMDb)

Escuela de seductoras (1962 | IMDb)

Festival:Lysistrata (1964 | s1e13 | IMDb)

Flickorna (1968 | IMDb)

The Forgotten Pistolero (1969)

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) (Dutch)

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002 | IMDb) (Swedish)

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002 | IMDb | Chris Columbus) (Norwegian)

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005 | IMDb) (Dutch, Swedish)

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005 | IMDb | Mike Newell) (Norwegian)

Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (2001 | IMDb) (Swedish)

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001 | IMDb | Chris Columbus)

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) (Dutch)

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001 | IMDb)

Harry Potter e la pietra filosofale (2001 | IMDb | Chris Columbus) (Italian)

Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch (2005 | IMDb | Mike Newell) (German)

Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen (2001 | IMDb | Chris Columbus) (German)

Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens (2002 | IMDb | Chris Columbus) (German)

La historia interminable (1984 | 1990 | 1994) (Spanish)

The Importance of Being Earnest (1952 | IMDb)

The Importance of Being Earnest (1992 | IMDb)

The Importance of Being Earnest (2002 | IMDb)

Just One of the Guys (1985 | IMDb)

Komediya o Lisistrate (1989 | IMDb)

Lolita (1962 | IMDb)

Lolita (1997 | IMDb)

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003 | IMDb) (Portuguese (Brazil))

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003 | IMDb | Peter Jackson)

Lysistrata ou La grève des baisers (1910 | IMDb)

Lysistrate (1963 | IMDb)

Lysistrate (1982 | IMDb)

Lysistrati (1972 | IMDb)

M. Butterfly (1993 | IMDb)

A Man for all Seasons (1957 | IMDb) (Dutch)

A Man for All Seasons (1966 | IMDb) (Dutch)

A Man for All Seasons (1988 | IMDb) (Dutch)

La mandragola (1965 | IMDb)

The Mandrake Root (2008 | IMDb)

The Miser (1980 | IMDb)

Les miserables (1952 | IMDb) (German)

Les miserables (1978 | IMDb) (German)

Les misérables (1934 | IMDb) (German)

Les misérables (1935 | IMDb) (German)

Les misérables (1958 | IMDb) (German)

Les misérables (1982 | IMDb) (German)

Les misérables (1995 | IMDb) (German)

Les misérables (1998 | IMDb) (German)

Les misérables (2000 | IMDb) (German)

Les misérables (2012 | IMDb) (German)

Napoleon Dynamite (2004)

The Neverending Story (1984 | IMDb) (French)

The NeverEnding Story (2012 | IMDb) (French)

The Neverending Story II: The Next Chapter (1990 | IMDb) (French)

The Odyssey (1997 | IMDb) (French)

The Return of the King (1980 | IMDb)

Rome (2005 | IMDb)

The Second Greatest Sex (1955 | IMDb)

Die Sendung der Lysistrata (1961 | IMDb)

She's the Man (2006 | IMDb)

Six Characters in Search of an Author (1976 | IMDb)

Six Characters in Search of an Author (1992 | IMDb)

The Sword in the Stone (1963 | IMDb)

Taxi Driver (1976 | IMDb)

Triumph der Liebe (1947 | IMDb)

Troy (2004 | IMDb)

Troy (2004 | Wolfgang Petersen | IMDb) (French, Italian)

Twelfth Night (1910 | IMDb)

Twelfth Night (1986 | IMDb)

Twelfth Night (1996 | IMDb)

Ulisse (1954 | IMDb) (French)

Uncle Vanya (1970 | IMDb)

Die unendliche Geschichte (1984 | IMDb) (German)

Vanya on 42nd Street (1994 | IMDb)

Wishbone: Homer Sweet Homer (1995 | s1e5 | IMDb) (French)

The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit (1998 | IMDb)