Fictional Auto biography style book about advertising mogul with coke habit

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Fictional Auto biography style book about advertising mogul with coke habit

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Nov 7, 2014, 8:41 am

I cannot explain how much this has been bugging me. I read this book about 8 years ago but assume its a bit older than that. I was much to young to be reading it and didn't fully grasp its awesomeness back then.

Warning Graphic keywords

The title is simply an amount of money in pounds.
Light coloured cover.
The main character is a very wealthy advertising mogul speaking in first person narrative. One of the opening scenes is him explaining his cocaine habit and that every person in the world is a prostitute, we're all selling ourselves for something saying that this is why he is so rich. Why advertising is the number one industry etc.
He mentions "Would you suck a d**** for some amount of money" raising said amount with other examples to prove his point.

The book is rampant with sex and drugs etc it depicts his downfall from the high point it starts at.

At some point he films a yogurt commercial and sleeps with the main lady in that advert.

I wish I could give you more but its all so vague!
Please if anyone knows anything let me know!

Edited: Nov 7, 2014, 8:50 am

I think this is 99 francs by Frédéric Beigbeder.

Disclaimer: I haven't read the book, but I've seen the movie based on it, and I'm pretty sure that this is what you're looking for: the movie has all the plot points you mention.

ETA: This is the movie, in case you're interested.

Nov 24, 2014, 3:40 am

You are a lifesaver!! Thank you :)