Queensland Literary Award 2016

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Queensland Literary Award 2016

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Sep 23, 2016, 7:58 pm

From http://www.qldliteraryawards.org.au/

The Queensland Literary Awards (QLA) was established in 2012 by a not-for-profit association of passionate Queensland volunteers and advocates for literature. The Awards recognise and reward outstanding Australian writers. The 2012 and 2013 Awards were made possible by the generosity and commitment of many partners, donors and volunteers.

The 2012 and 2013 Awards were overseen by a Committee consisting of; Dr Stuart Glover (Chair), Brian Tucker (Treasurer), Megan Reeder Hope (Secretary), Alex Adsett, Greg Bain, Matthew Condon, Susan Johnson, Jason McKenzie, Krissy Kneen, Elizabeth Reynolds, and Claire Booth (Manager).

The QLA was created through positive community action and developed a highly visible national profile, receiving extensive media coverage and positive community acceptance in Queensland and throughout Australia. In both 2012 and 2013 the program was run by a volunteer workforce, and this grassroots approach resulted in significant engagement with the community and the industry.

Following consultation with the QLA Governing Committee in 2014 the management of the QLA transitioned to the State Library of Queensland (SLQ).

In 2015 Premier and Arts Minister Annastacia Palaszczuk announced the Queensland Government would once again provide ongoing support for the Awards.

SLQ continues to proudly manage the Queensland Literary Awards in collaboration with sponsors, industry partners and the writing community.

Queensland Premier's Award for a work of State Significance

Nadia Buick
& Madeleine King
Remotely Fashionable: A Story of Subtropical Style (The Fashion Archives)

Matthew Condon All Fall Down (UQP)

Elspeth Muir Wasted (Text Publishing)

P. J. Parker The Long Goodbye (Hardie Grant Books)

Lesley and Tammy Williams Not Just Black and White (UQP)

The University of Queensland Fiction Book Award

Tony Birch Ghost River (UQP)

Georgia Blain Between a Wolf and a Dog (Scribe Publications)

David Dyer The Midnight Watch (Penguin Random House)

Patrick Holland One (Transit Lounge Publishing)

Charlotte Wood The Natural Way of Things (Allen & Unwin)

The University of Queensland Non-fiction Book Award

Madeline Gleeson Offshore: Behind the Wire on Manus and Naur (NewSouth Publishing)

Stan Grant Talking to My Country (HarperCollins Australia)

Drusilla Modjeska Second Half First (Penguin Random House Australia)

Tim Winton Island Home (Penguin Random House)

Fiona Wright Small Acts of Disappearance: Essays on Hunger (Giramondo Publishing)

Griffith University Young Adult Book Award

Will Kostakis The Sidekicks (Penguin Random House)

David Metzenthen Dreaming the Enemy (Allen & Unwin)

Glenda Millard The Stars at Oktober Bend (Allen & Unwin)

James Roy and Noël Zihabamwe One Thousand Hills (Scholastic Australia)

Claire Zorn One Would Think the Deep (UQP)

Griffith University Children's Book Award

Lucy Estela, illustrator: Matt Ottley Suri's Wall (Penguin/Viking)

Bob Graham How the Sun Got to Coco's House (Walker Books)

Libby Hathorn; illustrator: Gaye Chapman Incredibilia (Little Hare)

Julie Hunt; illustrator:Dale Newman KidGlovz (Allen & Unwin)

Chris McKimmie Me, Teddy (Allen & Unwin)

University of Southern Queensland History Book Award

Vicken Babkenian and Peter Stanley Armenia, Australia and the Great War (NewSouth Publishing)

Stuart Macintyre Australia's Boldest Experiment: War and reconstruction in the 1940s (NewSouth Publishing)

Julia Martinez and Adrian Vickers The Pearl Frontier: Indonesian Labor and Indigenous Encounters in Australia's Northern Trading Network (University of Hawaii Press)

Jeff Maynard The Unseen Anzac (Scribe Publications)

John Newton The Oldest Foods on Earth: A history of Australian native foods with recipes (NewSouth Publishing)

Garry Wotherspoon Gay Sydney: A History (NewSouth Publishing)

University of Southern Queensland Australian Short Story Collection - Steele Rudd Award

Tegan Bennett Daylight Six Bedrooms (Penguin Random House)

Sonja Dechian An Astronaut's Life (Text Publishing)

Elizabeth Harrower A Few Days in the Country and Other Stories (Text Publishing)

Julie Koh Portable Curiosities (UQP)

Fiona McFarlane The High Places (Penguin Random House)

State Library of Queensland Poetry Collection – Judith Wright Calanthe Award

Joel Deane Year of the Wasp (Hunter Publishers)

Liam Ferney Content (Hunter Publishers)

Sarah Holland-Batt The Hazards (UQP)

David Musgrave Anatomy of Voice (GloriaSMH Press)

Chloe Wilson Not Fox Nor Axe (Hunter Publishers)

Queensland Premier's Young Publishers and Writers Awards

Emily Craven

Sam George-Allen

Anna Jacobson

Michelle Law

Andrew McMillen

Unpublished Indigenous Writer - David Unaipon Award

Paul Collis Dancing Home

B.A. Quakawoot The Song of Jessica Perkins

Yvonne Weldon 67 Days

Emerging Queensland Writer – Manuscript Award

H.E. Crampton for The Boatman

Laura Elvery for The Elements

The Courier-Mail 2016 People's Choice Queensland Book of the Year

Vote now - voting closes 5pm Friday 26 September 2016.

Nadia Buick
& Madeleine King
Remotely Fashionable: A Story of Subtropical Style (The Fashion Archives)
Matthew Condon All Fall Down (UQP)
Trent Jamieson - Day Boy
Susan Johnson - The Landing
Mary-Rose MacColl -Swimming Home
Cass Moriarty - The Promise Seed
Elspeth Muir Wasted (Text Publishing)
Cory Taylor - Dying: A Memoir