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500 Years of Printing (1955)

by S. H. Steinberg

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552544,690 (3.87)4
Originally published in 1955, this text has been substantially revised and updated, taking account of the huge technological changes experienced in the printing industry since the 1970s. The coverage includes censorship, bestsellers, popular series, the history of illustration, the invention of lithography, and the connection between printing and education, language and literature. According to Beatrice Warde, the book represents the five hundred years of printing as a creator of changes in human lives.… (more)

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amazon i dice che l'ho acquistato 3 volte... io ricordo di avere solo due copie, una forse lìho regalata a giorgio bellante
  perseveranza | Feb 18, 2021 |
100 pages fell out of this book in one big clump, vanished into the papery chaos of my house, and did not resurface again. I feel ok about this. It was an educational read, but one which felt really, really educational - the book equivalent of lima beans. The most enjoyable parts came when the author let loose with some venomous comment about Soviet Russia or why we should even bother to teach the masses to read, as they'll waste their literacy on crappy books. Despite the bile, it gave a human touch to an otherwise monotonous read. ( )
  paperloverevolution | Mar 30, 2013 |
The Printing Press was the Internet of the Middle Ages.
  mdstarr | Sep 11, 2011 |
The Printing Press was the Internet of the Middle Ages.
  muir | Dec 4, 2007 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
S. H. Steinbergprimary authorall editionscalculated
Trevitt, JohnEditorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Warde, BeatriceForewordsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed

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Meinem Freunde Ahasver v. Brandt und der Erinnerung an unsern gemeinsamen Freund Ludwig Beutin (+ 15. September 1958) gewidmet
First words
Reviser's Preface

'These were the five hundred years of the Printer' -- so wrote Beatrice Warde in 1955, at the beginning of her foreword to the first Penguin edition of this book -- 'the centuries in which there was his way, but no other way, of broadcasting identical messages to a thousand or more people, a thousand or more miles apart.'
Chapter I

The first century of printing


All historical periods are makeshift expedients: people did not go to bed in the Middle Ages and wake up in modern times.
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Wikipedia in English (2)

Originally published in 1955, this text has been substantially revised and updated, taking account of the huge technological changes experienced in the printing industry since the 1970s. The coverage includes censorship, bestsellers, popular series, the history of illustration, the invention of lithography, and the connection between printing and education, language and literature. According to Beatrice Warde, the book represents the five hundred years of printing as a creator of changes in human lives.

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