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Dictionary of Classical Mythology (1964)

by John Edward Zimmerman

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6831034,527 (3.71)3
Over 2,000 entries with simple, complete explanations of classical myths, heroes, authors, works, place names and symbols. And a bibliography of recommended translations of Greek and Latin prose and poetry. "A knowledge of classical mythology is indispensable in understanding and appreciating much of the great literature, sculpture, and painting of both the ancients and the moderns. Unless we know the marvelous stories of the deities and heroes of the ancients, their great literature and art as much later work down to the present day will remain unintelligible. Through the centuries from Chaucer, Spencer, Shakespeare, and Milton on, not only the major writers but also hundreds of lesser writers have retold the old tales or used them as a point of departure for new interpretations in terms of contemporary problems and psychology."--From author's Introduction… (more)

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A good paperback reference book for Greek and Roman lore. ( )
  mykl-s | Nov 27, 2022 |
Front and back covers missing. ( )
  ME_Dictionary | Mar 19, 2020 |
Zimmerman's Dictionary of Classical Mythology exhibits grace and admirable concision, and, for so brief a book, possesses a remarkable range. An experienced teacher, Zimmerman identifies briefly but very usefully links between ancient and modern literature. A modest, but most handy volume! ( )
  jensenmk82 | Jun 3, 2014 |
It appears to be a fairly comprehensive volume. Not much of a plot, though ;) ( )
  dragonasbreath | Mar 21, 2011 |
Very, very basic. Its portability is its best feature; really, this is suited for use by a child. The serious student will find nothing between its covers that they don't already know. ( )
  siriaeve | Jul 7, 2008 |
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To my Wife
And to the Boys
Carl, Doyle, John, Richard, Tom
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We are all Athenians in a sense, for the ideas of ancient Greece have permeated our whole culture.
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Over 2,000 entries with simple, complete explanations of classical myths, heroes, authors, works, place names and symbols. And a bibliography of recommended translations of Greek and Latin prose and poetry. "A knowledge of classical mythology is indispensable in understanding and appreciating much of the great literature, sculpture, and painting of both the ancients and the moderns. Unless we know the marvelous stories of the deities and heroes of the ancients, their great literature and art as much later work down to the present day will remain unintelligible. Through the centuries from Chaucer, Spencer, Shakespeare, and Milton on, not only the major writers but also hundreds of lesser writers have retold the old tales or used them as a point of departure for new interpretations in terms of contemporary problems and psychology."--From author's Introduction

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