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Magyk (2005)

by Angie Sage

Other authors: See the other authors section.

Series: Septimus Heap (1)

MembersReviewsPopularityAverage ratingMentions
6,8281781,408 (3.84)169
After learning that she is the Princess, Jenna is whisked from her home and carried toward safety by the Extraordinary Wizard, those she always believed were her father and brother, and a young guard known only as Boy 412--pursued by agents of those who killed her mother ten years earlier.
  1. 50
    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J. K. Rowling (Bitter_Grace)
  2. 40
    Dealing with Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede (Caramellunacy)
    Caramellunacy: Both stories have a funny irreverent approach. Dealing with Dragons is a bunch of fairy tales gone tangled as Princess Cimorene refuses to do what's proper. Magyk is full of quirky characters and writing - I love the scene where the stove is frantically trying to light itself!)… (more)
  3. 20
    Queste by Angie Sage (neica)
    neica: Another book in the series
  4. 21
    The Magic Thief by Sarah Prineas (megan003, Caramellunacy)
    Caramellunacy: Both are set in a somewhat run-down and dreary fantasy world, but Boy 412 and Conn showed what I thought was a similar fun 'spark' in working their way through their lot. Both of these are charming magical adventures.
  5. 00
    The Girl, the Dragon, and the Wild Magic by Dave Luckett (infiniteletters)
  6. 00
    Tomorrow's Wizard by Patricia MacLachlan (infiniteletters)
  7. 00
    The Mystical Beast by Alison Farthing (infiniteletters)
  8. 00
    Martin the Warrior by Brian Jacques (forest-mage)
    forest-mage: the same sort of adventure is there but there isnt much fighting
  9. 00
    Jinx by Sage Blackwood (Anjali.Negi)
    Anjali.Negi: Both have a boy wizard, same medieval high fantasy..

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Magyk by Angie Sage contains some wonderfully whimsical and humorous ideas, such as the Supreme Custodian's diabolical plans seemingly only working out when formulated from within the women's restroom due to ghost restrictions. However, I wish the author leaned more into the bizarre and whimsical nature of the world she created.

This book has a tendency to underdevelop characters and details while also overexplaining things. I likely would have found the repetition and simplification as well as the use of bolding and capitalization juvenile even as a young child. The characters do not have distinct voices, and most do not have unique personalities. The dialogue is strange and the phrasing unnatural, making the first half of the book very difficult to get through (ex: "He had broken his fifth metacarpal. His little finger."). Random things are constantly added into the story, such as a magical dragon-boat, which could have worked if the bizarre and whimsical aspects of the world were consistently part of more of the story. If that were the case, this could have been a wonderful Alice-in-Wonderland-esque children's book. Instead, each addition feels like it was not thought through, with no connection to earlier in the book, as if the author just added things in as they came to mind.

I thought the plot was very predictable, but I enjoyed the tie-in of the book's cover design and Septimus' apprentice journal at the end. I found myself looking forward to the illustrations at the start of each chapter, and the seamless perspective switches between characters and even creatures were fun. ( )
  rosearia | Jul 1, 2024 |
A good first book in the Septimus Heap series. I got a little confused at times, figuring out who was who. Once I got it sorted, the story took off and we were on an adventure. Looking forward to reading the next book in the series. ( )
  Shauna_Morrison | May 31, 2024 |
It starts with a man who was heading back home to his family where his wife was having their seventh son. He found a baby girl on the walk and decided to take her in, especially when he came back to the midwife running out claiming his son was dead. So he and his wife raised the little girl for 10 years, even when his wife figured out she was the princess. Since the queen was killed and the baby was lost not long ago. After 10 years the top wizard person (extraordinary wizard) came to tell them that their neighbor was a spy and they all made a plan to hide Jenna (princess). Marcia (the wizard) took Jenna with her for a bit and they found an army boy and helped him. Later Marcia gets taken by an evil wizard and they work to help her. With the help of others and a ring that controls a flying ship. At the end of the book Marcia sees that the army boy has a gift for magic and offers him to be her apprentice. Which allows him to receive a gift or something. It is later revealed that he is the seventh son who the midwife had actually kidnapped for the dark wizard. But there was a mix up of which baby the dark wizard was supposed to take. So his name was actually Septimus Heap.
  Airyel_Flock | Apr 29, 2024 |
A good YA, standard fantasy to clear the palate and get ready for 2015. ( )
  jazzbird61 | Feb 29, 2024 |
Ei, see ei ole uus Harry Potter. Kohe kaugel sellest. Nii et need, kes vapustava Harry imepärast järglast ootavad, võivad kohe lugemise pooleli jätta. Aga need, kes otsivad originaalset maailma, kus toimetab terve hulk võlureid ja muid põnevaid tegelasi, peaksid raamatusse vaatamist kaaluma.
Angie Sage´i Septimus Heapi seitsmeraamatulise sarja esimene raamat “Wõlukunst” üllatas mind kahel põhjusel: esimeseks on suurepärased kõrvaltegelased, kelle puhul (mõistetavatel põhjustel) ei häiri, et nad nad jäävad vaid visandlikeks. Näiteks kivist lemmikloom, või rotist kuller, kelle tähtsus ja pühendumus hoidis kogu aeg muige suur, või siis vapustavalt hästi kirjeldatud muhe (aga täiesti sõge) vanamees, kes sellesama roti ära röövis. Ja loomulikult rabarulle, kellest kujunes minu jaoks selle raamatu täielik pärl. (Võib ju vaielda, kas boggarti tõlkimine rabarulleks on päris asjakohane, aga sellesse raamatusse sobib see nagu rusikas silmaauku!)
Kahjuks ei saa sama öelda raamate peategelaste kohta, kes on kohati lausa karikatuursed – mõnel puhul ilmselt küll taotluslikult, nt rääkides tähtsast Ebatavalisest võlurist Marciast või suurest kolepahast kurivõlurist DomDanielist, kuid sügavusest jääb puudu ka kandvate tegelaste kirjeldamisel, kes justkui kordamööda peategelaseks kandideerivad, ja kellele lugeja peaks justkui kaasa elama. Selline pealiskaudsus teeb lugemise raskeks, eriti raamatu esimeses neljandikus.
Teiseks üllatuseks oli lausa plahvatuslik sündmuste tulevärk. Toimub kogu aeg nii palju ja nii erinevaid asju, et mingil hetkel ei oska enam midagi oodata. Juba see, et raamat algab sarja äsjasündinud peategelase surma ja ulguva ämmaemandaga, kes lapse laibaga öhe kaob, annab kerge lõuahaagi, edasine juhtumiste virrvarr viib lõpuks lausa kerge peapöörituseni.
Raamatu plussiks on kindlasti lühikesed peatükid, mis teevad sellest suurepärase teose unejuttude lugemiseks, ja ilmekad illustratsioonid.
( )
  sashery | Jan 29, 2024 |
Showing 1-5 of 169 (next | show all)

» Add other authors (8 possible)

Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Angie Sageprimary authorall editionscalculated
Corduner, Allansecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Heesen, MarthaTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Schalekamp, JeanTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Zug, MarkIllustratorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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For Lois, with love and thanks for all your help and encouragement - this book is for you.
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Silas Heap pulled his cloak tightly around him against the snow.
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After learning that she is the Princess, Jenna is whisked from her home and carried toward safety by the Extraordinary Wizard, those she always believed were her father and brother, and a young guard known only as Boy 412--pursued by agents of those who killed her mother ten years earlier.

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