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Chrysanthemum (1991)

by Kevin Henkes

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Series: Henkes' Mouse Books (5)

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9,025371931 (4.37)19
Chrysanthemum loves her name, until she starts going to school and the other children make fun of it.

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This book is a charming picture book that follows the story of a young mouse named Chrysanthemum as she navigates the challenges of her first day of school. Chrysanthemum faces teasing from her peers because of her unusual name, but she learns to embrace her uniqueness with the support of her parents and an encouraging teacher. This book is a great resource for discussing themes such as self-acceptance, kindness, and the power of supportive adults in a child's life. In the classroom, teachers can use "Chrysanthemum" to facilitate conversations about respect, empathy, and celebrating differences. It can also be a starting point for activities such as name-related art projects or writing exercises that help students appreciate their own names and identities. ( )
  leeyaath | May 1, 2024 |
This little mouse was so happy about herself and had encouraging parents. She was happy until she went to school and found that others thought her name was weird and not unique as her parents had told her. It was interesting seeing her go through the phases of trying to fit in with her new classmates.
  usagibunny1 | Apr 29, 2024 |
Chrysanthemum is a picture book about a little girl mouse with the name, Chrysanthemum. Her parents loved this name so much and believed it fit her perfectly. She took this to heart, and she wore her name with pride! But, at her first day at school, her classmates bully her about her name. This teasing almost got to her, but through her kind and encouraging teacher, she learned to love her name again.

This is such a nostalgic childhood book to me! My mom is a first grade teacher and I just remember reading this in her room when I was younger. I think this book shares a really good message of name acceptance and just being true to yourself. It's super cute and well done, even for an older book. I would have this book in my classroom, and I would give it to first graders.
  sagan21 | Apr 27, 2024 |
  filbo_2024 | Apr 25, 2024 |
Chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum!

I have a new appreciation for this book as a parent - I feel the same way about my sweet Phoebe as Chrysanthemum's parents do. She is absolutely perfect.

And so is this book.

I've also come to realize that my sweet, absolutely perfect daughter is obsessed with villains, and she told me she needed to look at the page of nightmare Victoria picking Chrysanthemum's petals for ten minutes.

I have a feeling we will be reading this again for bedtime very soon... ( )
  mrsandersonreads23 | Apr 14, 2024 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Kevin Henkesprimary authorall editionscalculated
Streep, MerylNarratorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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The day she was born was the happiest day in her parents' lives.
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(Click to show. Warning: May contain spoilers.)
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Chrysanthemum loves her name, until she starts going to school and the other children make fun of it.

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My favorite of all the MANY Kevin Henkes books I've read recently, Chrysanthemum is the story of a little girl mouse who believes that her name is perfect... until some nasty girls at school tell her differently. Henkes resolves the story beautifully -- with a teacher who also has a long flower name -- and is sensitive throughout to the hurt that Chrysanthemum feels. Henkes' child protagonists are always supported and always found to be in the right, and the resolution always comes in a way that isn't mean-spirited.

A wonderful, comforting book for young children, with enough clever asides in the illustrations to keep parents engaged as well.
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