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The Sandman: Brief Lives (1994)

by Neil Gaiman

Other authors: Dick Giordano (Inker), Todd Klein (Letterer), Vince Locke (Inker), Dave McKean (Cover artist), Peter Straub (Afterword)2 more, Jill Thompson (Illustrator), Danny Vozzo (Colorist)

Series: The Sandman (07 (Issues 41-49)), The Sandman {1989-1996} (TPB, issues 41-49)

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5,531661,920 (4.47)88
Older and more powerful than the gods themselves, the Endless are a dysfunctional family of cosmic beings that have ruled over the realms of dream, desire, despair, destiny, destruction, death and delirium since the beginning of time. But three hundred years ago, one of the mythical beings gave up his duties and left his realm, never to be seen again. BRIEF LIVES tells the tales of Delirium and older brother Dream on a mission to find their missing sibling, as they encounter immortal humans and various deities while trying to locate the prodigal Destruction. But as their adventure draws Dream into a final, tragic confrontation with his son Orpheus, the eternal being learns the true meaning of fate and consequences.… (more)

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The next chapter of Sandman. Sadly, it's a "missing person" storyline, and those usually annoy me. Dream and Delirium set out to find Destruction, who decided to leave the Endless 300 years ago. It's annoying that Delirium feels the need to ask most of her siblings for help, and most of them say no anyway, not really doing much for the story other than involving them. The theme here is change, mortality, the length of a life. There were some good nuggets here. Not my favorite Sandman but still pretty great. Mervyn Pumpkinhead though! (Only because he somewhat reminds me of my fave -- Return to Oz... but that is because I feel most of Gaiman's stuff is heavily influenced by Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland.) Can't believe I only have #8, 9 & 10 left to go! ( )
  booklove2 | Apr 13, 2024 |
This is one of my favorite volumes in the series – in it, Dream and Delirium go on a journey to find their long-lost brother... ( )
  adastra | Jan 15, 2024 |
While every bit as well written as the rest of The Sandman, Brief Lives doesn't stand on it's own quite as well. Whereas the previous books are either a collection of shorts or a complete arc, this one is a segment of a much larger storyline, and as such doesn't quite reach closure. ( )
  Zoes_Human | Oct 15, 2023 |
Neil Gaiman changes things up again, giving us one long quest in this volume. It is still made up of several intertwining stories. As usual, there are rich characters and deep thoughts about life, death, change, that sort of thing. The art ranges from sketchy to artistic and Peter Straub's afterword wraps it all in a neat bow. ( )
  zot79 | Aug 20, 2023 |
Continuing with this great series, in this issue, Dream and Delirium (my favorite endless character) go on a mission to find their brother, Destruction. Strange things happen along the way and a price is to be paid in order for them to find their brother. Wonderful sad story and the graphics were ok but the story outshines the graphics in this one. ( )
  booklover3258 | Jan 18, 2023 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Gaiman, NeilAuthorprimary authorall editionsconfirmed
Giordano, DickInkersecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Klein, ToddLetterersecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Locke, VinceInkersecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
McKean, DaveCover artistsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Straub, PeterAfterwordsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Thompson, JillIllustratorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Vozzo, DannyColoristsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
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As he laye unravelling in the agonie of death, the Standers-by could hear him say softly, I have seen the Glories of the world.
john aubrey
the minutes of lives
for Bob and Allison on the occasion of their engagement
Pete and Dana on the occasion of their wedding.
Beth and Chris, on the occasion of my dedicating a book to them.

for Basil
jill t.

to Mom and Dad for their encouragement and support
and to Khrysta for helping me through the rough times.
First words
It is, of course, a miracle.
The priests of Orpheus have had thousands of years to learn the art of misdirection.
I know how gods begin, Roger. We start as dreams. Then we walk out of dreams into the land. We are worshipped and loved, and take power to ourselves. And then one day there's no one left to worship us.
And in the end, each little god and goddess takes its last journey back into dreams...and what comes after, not even we knows.
Last words
(Click to show. Warning: May contain spoilers.)
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Older and more powerful than the gods themselves, the Endless are a dysfunctional family of cosmic beings that have ruled over the realms of dream, desire, despair, destiny, destruction, death and delirium since the beginning of time. But three hundred years ago, one of the mythical beings gave up his duties and left his realm, never to be seen again. BRIEF LIVES tells the tales of Delirium and older brother Dream on a mission to find their missing sibling, as they encounter immortal humans and various deities while trying to locate the prodigal Destruction. But as their adventure draws Dream into a final, tragic confrontation with his son Orpheus, the eternal being learns the true meaning of fate and consequences.

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Collects "Brief Lives" parts 1-9, originally published in The Sandman #41-49.
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Average: (4.47)
0.5 1
1 1
1.5 2
2 14
2.5 6
3 89
3.5 25
4 493
4.5 62
5 832

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