Book Related Movies for cjyurkanin

  • 1,182 Related Movies
  • 279 Works with Related Movies

"Wishbone" Muttketeer! (1995 | IMDb) (Swedish)

"Wishbone" Salty Dog (1995 | TV | IMDb) (French, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish)

1984 (1956 | IMDb) (Dutch, French, Norwegian)

1984 (2009 | IMDb) (French, Norwegian)

1984 (2010 | IMDb) (French, Norwegian)

1984: A Personal View of Orwell's 'Nineteen Eighty Four' (1983 | IMDb) (French, Norwegian)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1905 | IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1907 | IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1916 | IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954 | IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1973 | IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1985 | IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1997/I | IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (2008 | IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (2016 | IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (IMDb) (German)

20.000 Leagues Under the Sea (2004 | IMDb) (German)

20.000 Leagues Under the Sea (2012 | IMDb) (German)

20000 Leagues Under the Sea (1976 | IMDb) (German)

2012 (2009/II | IMDb | Related Indirectly)

3 musketiers - De musical (2003 | IMDb) (Polish)

30,000 Leagues Under the Sea (2007 | IMDb) (German)

300 (2006 | IMDb) (German)

The 300 Spartans (1962 | IMDb) (German)

Addio Kira! (1942 | IMDb)

Adeus às Armas (1961 | IMDb) (German, Norwegian)

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1943)

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1943 | IMDb) (Dutch)

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988 | IMDb) (Dutch)

The Adventures of Huck Finn (1993 | IMDb)

The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949 | IMDb)

The Adventures of Marco Polo (1938 | IMDb) (German)

The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (1922 | IMDb) (Polish)

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1938 | IMDb) (German, Portuguese (Brazil))

Agatha Christie: Evil Under the Sun (2007 | IMDb) (German, Norwegian)

Aikalainen (1984 | IMDb) (Italian, Portuguese (Brazil))

Alice (1946 | IMDb)

Alice in Wonderland (1903 | Cecil M. Hepworth | IMDb) (French)

Alice in Wonderland (1933 | IMDb)

Alice in Wonderland (1951 | animated film | IMDb) (Norwegian)

Alice in Wonderland (1951 | Disney | IMDb) (French)

Alice in Wonderland (1951 | IMDb)

Alice in Wonderland (1985 | Harry Harris | IMDb) (French, Norwegian)

Alice in Wonderland (1999 | TV | IMDb) (French, Norwegian)

Alice in Wonderland (2010)

Alice in Wonderland (2010 | Tim Burton | IMDb) (French, Norwegian)

Alice in Wonderland (2010 | IMDb) (Swedish)

Alice Through a Looking Glass (1928 | IMDb)

Alice Through the Looking Glass (1966 | IMDb)

Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016)

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1972 | William Sterling | IMDb) (French, Norwegian)

Alkitrang dugo (1976 | IMDb) (Portuguese (Brazil))

All Quiet on the Western Front (1930 | IMDb) (German)

All Quiet on the Western Front (1930 | IMDb | Lewis Milestone) (Italian, Norwegian)

All Quiet on the Western Front (1979 | IMDb | Delbert Mann) (Italian)

All Quiet on the Western Front (2014 | IMDb) (Italian)

All the President's Men (1976 | IMDb) (Dutch)

I Am the Cheese (1983 | IMDb)

Les amants de Vérone (1949 | IMDb)

An American Christmas Carol (1979 | IMDb) (German)

American Gods (2017 | IMDb)

American Playhouse: Displaced Person (1985 | IMDb)

American Playhouse: The Grapes of Wrath (1991 | IMDb) (Finnish, French)

American Playhouse: The Skin of Our Teeth (1983 | IMDb)

American Playhouse: Who Am I This Time? (1981 | IMDb)

Amleto (1910 | IMDb)

Amleto (1914 | IMDb)

Amleto (1917 | IMDb)

Un Amleto di meno (1973 | IMDb)

L'amour braque (1985 | IMDb) (German)

Anansi Boys (post-production | IMDb)

The Angelic Conversation (1985 | IMDb)

Animal Farm (1954 | IMDb) (French)

Animal Farm (1999 | IMDb) (French)

Anime san jushi (1987 | IMDb) (Polish)

Anna Karenina (1935 | Clarence Brown | IMDb) (German)

Anna Karenina (1935 | IMDb) (Portuguese (Brazil))

Anna Karenina (1948 | IMDb) (German, Portuguese (Brazil))

Anna Karenina (1961 | IMDb) (Portuguese (Brazil))

Anna Karenina (1967 | Aleksandr Zarkhi | IMDb) (German)

Anna Karenina (1967 | IMDb) (German, Portuguese (Brazil))

Anna Karenina (1977 | IMDb) (German)

Anna Karenina (1977 | TV mini-series | IMDb) (German)

Anna Karenina (1985 | IMDb) (Portuguese (Brazil))

Anna Karenina (1997 | Bernard Rose | IMDb) (German)

Anna Karenina (1997 | IMDb) (German, Portuguese (Brazil))

Anna Karenina (2000 | IMDb) (German)

Anna Karenina (2000 | TV mini-series | David Blair | IMDb) (German)

Anna Karenina (2009 | IMDb) (Portuguese (Brazil))

Anna Karenina (2012 | IMDb) (German)

Anna Karenina (2013 | TV mini-series | IMDb) (German)

Anna Karenina (2017 | IMDb) (German)

Anna Karenina (IMDb) (German)

Anne Frank Remembered (1995 | IMDb) (Italian, Portuguese (Brazil))

Anne Frank: The Whole Story (2001 | IMDb) (Italian, Portuguese (Brazil))

Anne no nikki (1995 | IMDb) (Portuguese (Brazil))

L'année dernière à Marienbad (1961 | IMDb | Alain Resnais)

Aparichito (1969 | IMDb) (German)

Apocalypse Now (1979) (Spanish)

Apocalypse Now (1979 | IMDb) (German, Swedish)

Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret (2023 | )

Der arme Müllerbursch und das Kätzchen (1971 | IMDb) (German)

Around the World in 80 Days (1988 | IMDb) (Polish)

Around the World in 80 Days (1989 | IMDb)

Around the World in 80 Days (1989/I | IMDb) (Polish)

Around the World in 80 Days (1989/II | IMDb)

Around the World in 80 Days (1999 | IMDb) (Polish)

Around the World in 80 Days (2004 | IMDb) (French, Italian, Polish)

Around the World in 80 Days (2021 | IMDb)

Around the World in Eighty Days (1956 | IMDb) (French, Italian, Polish)

D'Artanyan i tri mushketyora (1978 | IMDb) (Polish)

At Sword's Point (1952 | IMDb) (Polish)

Atlas Shrugged: Part I (2011 | IMDb)

Atlas Shrugged: Part II (2012 | IMDb)

Atlas Shrugged: Who Is John Galt? (2014 | IMDb)

The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank (1988 | IMDb) (Italian, Portuguese (Brazil))

Augustine: The Decline of the Roman Empire (2010)

Les aventures de Robinson Crusoé (1902 | IMDb) (French, German, Italian)

Les aventures de Robinson Crusoé (1903 | IMDb) (Polish)

Les aventures de Robinson Crusoë (1964 | IMDb) (French, German, Italian, Polish)

Avignon 2008 - Hamlet (2008 | IMDb)

Le avventure di Tom Sawyer (1938 | IMDb) (Italian)

Le avventure di Tom Sawyer (1995 | IMDb) (Italian)

The Barchester Chronicles (1982 | IMDb) (German)

Baron Munchhausen (1940 | IMDb) (Dutch)

Baron Münchhausen (2012 | IMDb) (Dutch)

De baron von Münchhausen (1970 | IMDb) (Dutch)

Barricade (1950 | IMDb)

Bartleby (2001 | IMDb)

BBC Play of the Month (1965 | IMDb) (Polish)

BBC Play of the Month: Macbeth (1970 | IMDb) (Polish)

BBC Sunday-Night Theatre:Romeo and Juliet (1955 | s6e21 | IMDb)

The Beautiful and Damned (1922 | IMDb)

The Beautiful and Damned (2008 | IMDb)

Bel Canto (2018 | IMDb)

The Bell Jar (1979 | IMDb)

The Bell Jar (IMDb)

Beloved (1998 | IMDb)

Belyy klyk (1946 | IMDb) (French)

Beowulf (1999 | IMDb)

Beowulf (2007 | IMDb)

The Bermuda Triangle (1978 | IMDb)

Besy (1992 | IMDb) (Dutch)

Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray (1917 | IMDb) (French, Norwegian)

Blacula (1972 | William Crain | IMDb) (Catalan, French, Swedish)

Blade Runner (1982) (Spanish)

Blade Runner (1982 | IMDb) (Italian)

Blindness (2008 | IMDb) (Dutch, German)

Blindness - Cecità (2008 | IMDb) (Italian)

Blood Meridian (2011 | IMDb) (French, Italian)

Bloom (2003/I | IMDb) (Dutch)

Bloom (2003 | IMDb)

Bluebeard (pre-production | IMDb)

Il boia di Lilla (1952 | IMDb) (Polish)

Bollywood Queen (2002 | IMDb)

The Bolshoi Ballet: Romeo and Juliet (1976 | IMDb)

Bound for Glory (1976 | IMDb)

Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992 | Francis Ford Coppola | IMDb) (Catalan, French, Swedish)

Bratya Karamazovy (1969 | IMDb)

Brave New World (1980 | IMDb) (French)

Brave New World (1998 | IMDb) (French)

Brave New World (2020 | IMDb)

Breakfast of Champions (1999 | IMDb)

Breaking the Da Vinci Code (2005 | IMDb) (Dutch)

Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten (1979 | IMDb) (German)

The Bridge of San Luis Rey (1929 | IMDb)

The Bridge of San Luis Rey (1944 | IMDb)

The Bridge of San Luis Rey (2004 | IMDb)

A Bright Shining Lie (1998 | IMDb)

O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000 | IMDb) (French)

The Brothers Karamazov (1958 | IMDb)

Brott och straff (1945 | IMDb) (Polish)

Die Brüder Karamasoff (1921 | IMDb)

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (2007 | IMDb) (French, German)

Der Bärenhäuter (1986 | IMDb) (German)

Cakes and Ale (1974 | IMDb)

The Call of the Wild (1908 | IMDb) (French)

The Call of the Wild (1972 | IMDb) (French)

The Call of the Wild (1976 | IMDb) (French)

Call of the Wild (1993 | IMDb) (French)

Call of the Wild (2000 | IMDb)

Call of the Wild (2009 | IMDb) (French)

The Call of the Wild: Dog of the Yukon (1997 | IMDb) (French)

Cannery Row (1982 | IMDb)

Canterbury Tales (2003 | IMDb) (German)

Capote (2005 | IMDb) (French, Norwegian)

Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001 | IMDb)

Captains Courageous (1937 | IMDb)

Carrie (1976 | IMDb) (French, Italian, Norwegian)

Carrie (2002 | IMDb) (French, Italian, Norwegian)

Carrie (2013 | IMDb) (French, Italian)

O Casamento de Romeu e Julieta (2005 | IMDb)

Cat's Cradle (pre-production | IMDb)

Catch-22 (1970 | IMDb) (Dutch)

Catch-22 (1973 | IMDb)

Catch-22 (2019 | IMDb)

CBS Library: Animal Talk (1980 | IMDb) (French)

The Celestine Prophecy (2006 | IMDb)

Chapter 27 (2007 | IMDb)

Charly (1968 | IMDb) (French)

The Chosen (1981 | IMDb | Jeremy Kagan)

A Christmas Carol (1951 | IMDb)

A Christmas Carol (1971 | TV | IMDb) (German)

A Christmas Carol (1984 | Clive Donner | IMDb) (German)

A Christmas Carol (1999 | TV | IMDb) (German)

A Christmas Carol (2009 | Robert Zemeckis | IMDb) (German)

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005 | IMDb) (German, Norwegian, Swedish)

The Claim (2000 | IMDb)

Cloud Atlas (2012 | IMDb)

Cloudstreet (2011 | IMDb)

The Clown of God (1982 | IMDb)

Communion (1989 | IMDb)

Le comte de Monte Cristo (1998 | Josée Dayan | IMDb) (German)

Il conte di Montecristo (1966 | Edmo Fenoglio | IMDb) (Italian)

Il conte di Montecristo (1998 | Josée Dayan | IMDb) (Italian)

Il conte di Montecristo (2002 | Kevin Reynolds | IMDb) (Italian)

Corduroy (1984 | IMDb)

The Count of Monte Cristo (1934 | IMDb)

The Count of Monte Cristo (1975 | David Greene | IMDb)

The Count of Monte Cristo (2002 | Kevin Reynolds | IMDb) (German)

Cracking the Da Vinci Code (2004 | IMDb) (Dutch)

Crime & Punishment (1959 | IMDb) (Polish)

Crime & Punishment (1993 | IMDb) (Polish)

Crime and Punishment (1935 | IMDb) (French, German)

Crime and Punishment (1935, EUA, con Peter Lorre, Edward Arnold y Marian Marsh) (Spanish)

Crime and Punishment (1935/I | IMDb) (Dutch, Norwegian, Polish)

Crime and Punishment (1979 | BBC TV mini-series | IMDb) (Dutch, French, German, Norwegian)

Crime and Punishment (1979 | IMDb) (Polish)

Crime and Punishment (1979, cortometraje con Timothy West, Vanessa Redgrave y John Hurt) (Spanish)

Crime and Punishment (1998 | IMDb) (Polish, Portuguese (Brazil))

Crime and Punishment (2002 | IMDb) (Polish)

Crime and Punishment (2002 | IMDb) (Dutch, Norwegian, Polish)

Crime and Punishment in Suburbia (2000 | IMDb) (Dutch, French, German, Norwegian)

Crime et châtiment (1935/I | IMDb) (Polish)

Crime et châtiment (1955 | IMDb) (Polish)

Crime et châtiment (1956 | IMDb) (Polish)

Crime et Châtiment (1956, Francia, de Georges Lampin, con Jean Gabin, Marina Vlady, Ulla Jakobson, Bernard Blier y Robert Hossein) (Spanish)

Crimen y castigo (1951, México, con Roberto Cañedo y Lilia Prado) (Spanish)

Crimen y castigo (1998) con Ben Kingsley y Patrick Dempsey (1998) (Spanish)

La cripta e l'incubo (1964 | IMDb)

The Crusades (2012 | IMDb)

Crusoe (1988 | IMDb)

Crusoe (1989) (Italian)

Cuore di cane (1976 | IMDb) (Italian)

Cuore di cane (1988 | IMDb) (Italian)

Da Vinci Code ()

The Da Vinci Code (2006) (Polish, Portuguese (Portugal))

The Da Vinci Code (2006 | IMDb) (Dutch, French, Portuguese (Brazil))