Picture of author.

Richard Webster (1) (1946–)

Author of Pendulum Magic For Beginners: Power to Achieve All Goals

For other authors named Richard Webster, see the disambiguation page.

103 Works 2,011 Members 19 Reviews

About the Author

Richard Webster is the bestselling author of more than one hundred books. Richard has appeared on several radio and television programs in the US and abroad. He travels regularly, lecturing and conducting workshops on a variety of metaphysical subjects. His bestselling titles include Spirit Guides show more Angel Guardians and Creative Visualization for Beginners. Visit him online at www.RichardWebster.co.nz. show less
Image credit: By Phantomwiki - Own work, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=26381044

Works by Richard Webster

Write Your Own Magic (2001) 103 copies
Encyclopedia of Angels (2009) 30 copies
Numerology Magic (1999) 21 copies
Feng Shui In The Garden (1999) 20 copies
Feng Shui for the Workplace (1998) 15 copies
Your Psychic Pet (2002) 14 copies
You Can Read Palms (2010) 7 copies
Praying with Angels (2007) 6 copies
Feng shui (1998) 5 copies
Palmistry for Beginners (2004) 5 copies
Oracle of the Angels (2014) 4 copies
Face Reading Quick & Easy (2012) 4 copies
Palmistry Made Easy (2001) 3 copies
Scryer's Elite 3 copies
Tarot for Everyone Kit (2015) 3 copies
Psychometry from A to Z (1987) 2 copies
Scryer's Vault 2 copies
Feng shui korteris (2000) 2 copies
Scryer Speaks 2 copies
Feng Shui Made Easy (1999) 1 copy
Feng shui aias (2000) 1 copy
Good Luck From Beijing (1990) 1 copy
Scryer's 13 1 copy


Angelology (8) angels (32) animals (7) archangels (9) astral travel (7) aura (6) auras (8) Celtic (6) color (7) decorating (7) design (6) divination (60) dowsing (17) esoteric (9) feng shui (65) guardian angels (7) home (10) interior design (7) magic (36) magick (21) metaphysics (9) New Age (40) non-fiction (62) numerology (13) occult (26) Ogham (6) pagan (6) paganism (9) palmistry (16) pendulum (13) reference (18) religion (10) self-help (14) spirit guides (15) spirituality (32) to-read (28) unread (6) wicca (13) witchcraft (8) writing (12)

Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Webster, Richard
New Zealand
Places of residence
New Zealand
Short biography
Richard Webster was born and raised in New Zealand. He has been interested in the psychic world since he was nine years old. As a teenager, he became involved in hypnotism and later became a professional stage hypnotist. After school, he worked in the publishing business and purchased a bookstore. The concept of reincarnation played a significant role in his decision to become a past-life specialist. Richard has also taught psychic development classes, which are based on many of his books.

Richard's first book was published in 1972, fulfilling a childhood dream of becoming an author. Richard is now the author of over a hundred books, and is still writing today. His best-selling books include Spirit Guides & Angel Guardians and Creative Visualization for Beginners.

Richard has appeared on several radio and TV programs in the United States and abroad including guest spots on Hard Copy, WMAQ-TV (Chicago), KTLA-TV (Los Angeles), KSTW-TV (Seattle) and the Mike and Matty Show (ABC). He currently resides in New Zealand with his wife and three children. He regularly travels the world to give lectures, workshops and to continue his research.



'You will find that your intuitive abilities will blossom once you start using your pendulum on a regular basis. There is no doubt in my mind that the pendulum effectively links our conscious and subconscious minds, allowing intuition to occur.'-Richard Webster

Create pendulum magic and miracles.

It's hard to believe something as simple as a weight on a string can work magic. A pendulum is an effective tool, yet small enough to carry around and use anytime to plumb the depths of your subconscious-and beyond.

In Pendulum Magic for Beginners, Richard Webster shows you how to use a pendulum for magic, self-improvement, and psychic development. You'll also learn about Huna, the little-kown methods practiced by the Hawaiian Kahunas to create magic and miracles.

This book teaches you how to:

Commnicate with your subconscius mind

Find lost objects

Select a potential mate

Help resolve health issues

Communciate with spirits

Explore past lives

Use Huna rituals to achieve goals

Richard Webster (New Zealand) is a hypnotherapist and taechr who travels around the world lecturing and conducting workshops on psychic subjects.


One Basic stuff
Two Honing your skills
Three The pendulum in everyday life
Four How to find lost objects
Five the pendulum and your health
Six Into the psychic
Seven Color and the pendulum
Eight Pendulum magic divination ritual
Nine Self-improvement with the pendulum
Ten The pendulum in home & garden
Eleven Real magic with the pendulum
Twelve Advanced pendulum magic
Thirteen Conclusion
Suggested reading (bibliography)
… (more)
AikiBib | 1 other review | May 29, 2022 |
Attract happiness, prosperity, and health to your life when you apply feng shui principles to your environment. Whether you own an estate with formal gardens or live in a studio apartment with flower pots on the window sill, you can use plants to create more ch?i (positive energy) in your life. Feng Shui in the Garden shows beginning and expert gardeners alike how to arrange their gardens to attract the greatest amount of this beneficial energy.

Use proven feng shui principles to determine which areas of your garden correspond to love and marriage, family, wealth, and career. Learn how to select the most advantageous location for your garden, as well as the best use of colors, fragrances, herbs, and flowers to create good fortune and abundance in any of these areas.… (more)
PSZC | Apr 24, 2020 |
I thought this book would focus on ritual generally, maybe with some emphasis on Pagan and Wiccan ritual. It does start there, but from chapter 5 on, it's a beginning book on magic. Not that the book description tells you this: the closest it comes is "...includes techniques for gaining new-found prosperity and attracting the life you want as you perform ceremonies infused with spiritual meaning." It's not a bad Magic 101 book: it explains things clearly, with basic lists of correspondences and suggested books for further reading. But I was disappointed that it wasn't the book I was expecting from the description, and even as a primer on magic, I'd want more.… (more)
Silvernfire | Jun 21, 2019 |
Source: Netgalley in exchange for a honest review

A really fascinating and instructive book. I improved my knowledge of already know divination methods and learned of new ones. Also got some new idea about tarot reading and other divination methods I already knew.
A good and learned guide to the divination world.
annarellix | Jan 31, 2018 |



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