Newbery Medal Winner (46), Newbery Medal (42), writing; novel writing (40), Classics of Children's Literature (22), Hans Christian Andersen (17), L. Frank Baum (17), the classics (14), Children's Classics (13), writing; reference (10), Charles Dickens (9), classics of personal growth (9), Newbery Medal Winning Author (8), Classics of Mystery and Suspense (7), J.K. Rowlings (6), economics; conservative values (6), Little House (5), The New Classics (5), ADD/LD (5), Narnia; C.S. Lewis (5), writing; novel writing;character development (4), Roald Dahl (4), ADD/LD/Dyslexia/Autism (4), mythology (4), Fairy Tales (3), writing; novel writing; screen writing (3), children's fiction (2), writing; novel writing; myths and legends (2), style; usage (2), writing; romance writing (2), the classics of personal growth (2), ADD/LD/Dyslexia (2), psychology; mythology (2), Children's Classics; Reference (2), Jesus; Bruce Marchiano (2), economics (2), history; reference (2), creativity (2), Children's fantasy; modern mythology (1), writing; novel writing; screen writing; academic writing (1), first rate fiction (1), economics; family; conservative values (1), classics poetry (1), short stories (1), learning disabilities (1), C.S. Lewis (1), poetry; classic (1), reference; writing (1), The Bible (1), Han Christian Andersen (1), reading (1), humor (1), Christian; Prayer; Abraham Lincoln (1), classics (1), Jesus; Christian History (1), Bruce Marchiano (1), Christianity; (1), writing; famous authors (1), editing; sytle; english language; usage (1), Children's literature; the new realism (1), style; edit; english language; usage (1), Business; Management (1), J.K. Rowling (1), classic inspiration (1), history; globalization (1), philosophy; western civilization (1), Newbery Authors (1), education; reference (1), amelia bedelia (1), reference; (1), Classic Picture Books (1), Jesus (1), Classics of Creativity (1), classic literature (1), Conservative Politics; The Law and the Courts (1), The New Classics; (1), Great Picture Books! (1), Ray Bradbury (1), history; feminism (1)
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Nov 8, 2007
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Sharon Theresa Theil
Chapel Hill North Carolina
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