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Jun 29, 2006
Real Name
Theresa, Teri, Tracy, Reecee, T, Terrence, all of the above.
About My Library
Hoboy, this will get big. I'm a life-long voracious reader, from a family of readers. I lean toward fantasy, with some science fiction thrown in (from certain authors). I want my fiction to be character-driven, which is why hard SF has never been my forte. Other genres find their way into the reading rotation: historical fiction, history, classical literature (it's that lengthy English education of mine...), an occasional mainstream story, a scattering of mystery, and so on. But a look at my library shows where my heart lies. :)
About Me
Forty-something writer, life-long student, civil slave (servant?), exiled Yankee in Oklahoma, servant to five cats. I think that says it all.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
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