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About My Library
I grew up surrounded by books. My whole family reads pretty much all the time, so most of the books I read belong to members of my family (I love the fact that there's usually tons of book lying around that I can take my pick of! Unless of course we need to do a book run because we've all read every book in the house!)
About Me
My name is Kelly. I love reading. My favorite authors are Jane Austen and Cornelia Funke. I love all sorts of genres, but I'm just starting to get into fantasy stuff. I read a lot of French novels and French translations of English novels because I study French literature and language. I also love to knit and sew. My favorite singer is Alex Band (of The Calling). I review books on my blog (which is listed below). I'll review every book I receive through this website, though it may take some time if school is in session.
Western New York
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