Book Related Movies for bridget_d

  • 83 Related Movies
  • 35 Works with Related Movies

10 Things I Hate About You (1999 | IMDb)

1984 (1956 | IMDb) (Dutch, French, Norwegian)

1984 (2009 | IMDb) (French, Norwegian)

1984 (2010 | IMDb) (French, Norwegian)

1984: A Personal View of Orwell's 'Nineteen Eighty Four' (1983 | IMDb) (French, Norwegian)

AnnE (2017 | IMDb)

Anne of Green Gables (1919 | IMDb)

Anne of Green Gables (1934 | IMDb) (Norwegian)

Anne of Green Gables (1972 | IMDb)

Anne of Green Gables (1979 | IMDb)

Anne of Green Gables (1985 | IMDb) (Norwegian)

Anne of Green Gables (2016 | IMDb)

Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story (2000 | IMDb) (Norwegian)

A Beautiful Mind (2001 | IMDb)

Bitten (2014)

Bridge to Terabithia (1985 | IMDb)

Bridge to Terabithia (2007 | IMDb)

The Changes (1975 | IMDb)

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008 | IMDb) (Finnish, French)

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005 | IMDb) (Finnish, French)

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010 | IMDb) (Finnish)

Le comte de Monte Cristo (1998 | Josée Dayan | IMDb) (German)

Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009 | IMDb)

Contact (1997 | IMDb)

Il conte di Montecristo (1966 | Edmo Fenoglio | IMDb) (Italian)

Il conte di Montecristo (1998 | Josée Dayan | IMDb) (Italian)

Il conte di Montecristo (2002 | Kevin Reynolds | IMDb) (Italian)

The Count of Monte Cristo (1934 | IMDb)

The Count of Monte Cristo (1975 | David Greene | IMDb)

The Count of Monte Cristo (2002 | Kevin Reynolds | IMDb) (German)

Crepúsculo () (Spanish)

A Cry in the Wild (1990 | IMDb)

Fifty Shades of Grey (2015 | IMDb)

Gankutsuou (2004 | Mahiro Maeda | IMDb) (German, Italian)

The Giving Tree (1973 | IMDb)

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004 | IMDb) (Dutch, Swedish)

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004 | IMDb | Alfonso Cuarón)

Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban (2004 | IMDb | Alfonso Cuarón) (German)

The Host (2013 | IMDb) (Finnish)

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013)

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013 | IMDb)

Hush Hush (2018 | IMDb)

Inspector Morse: Service of All the Dead (1987 | IMDb) (Norwegian)

Kiss Me Kate (1953 | IMDb)

The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe (1979 | IMDb) (Finnish, French)

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1967 | IMDb) (Finnish, French)

The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe (1988 | IMDb) (Finnish, French)

The Lost Symbol (2012 | IMDb) (Dutch)

The Lottery (1969 | IMDb)

The Lottery (1996 | IMDb)

The Lottery (2007 | IMDb)

The Lovely Bones (2009 | IMDb) (Swedish)

The Lovely Bones (2009 | IMDb | Peter Jackson)

Matilda (1996 | IMDb) (Norwegian)

Me and the Big Guy (1999 | IMDb) (French, Norwegian)

Memoirs of a Geisha (2005 | IMDb) (Dutch)

Memorie di una Geisha (2005 | IMDb) (Italian)

Mice and Men (1916 | IMDb) (French, Norwegian)

Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984 | IMDb) (Dutch, French, German, Norwegian)

Of Mice and Men (1939 | IMDb) (French, Norwegian)

Of Mice and Men (1981 | IMDb) (French, Norwegian)

Of Mice and Men (1992 | IMDb) (French, Norwegian)

The Phantom of the Opera (1925 | IMDb)

Phantom of the Opera (1943 | IMDb) (French, German)

The Phantom of the Opera (1962 | IMDb)

The Phantom of the Opera (2004 | IMDb) (French, German)

Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader (1989 | IMDb) (Finnish, French)

The Secret Circle (2011 | IMDb)

The Silver Chair (1990 | IMDb) (Finnish, French)

The Taming of the Shrew (1967 | IMDb)

The Thief Lord (2006 | IMDb)

Tuck Everlasting (1981 | IMDb)

Tuck Everlasting (2002 | IMDb)

Twilight (2008/I | IMDb) (Finnish, French, Italian, Swedish)

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (2011 | IMDb) (Finnish)

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012 | IMDb) (Finnish)

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010 | IMDb) (Finnish, Italian)

The Vampire Diaries (2009 | IMDb) (German)

Vettä elefanteille (2011 | IMDb) (Finnish)

Water for Elephants (2011) (German)

Water for Elephants (2011 | IMDb)

The Witches (1990 | IMDb)

The Witches (2020 | IMDb)