Book Places for farfromkansas

Places within the books in farfromkansas's library

33 Dunstan Road

African Serengeti of Tanzania and Kenya

Appalachia, USA

The Arable Farm

The Arena

The bed

Blue Spot Liquor

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Bridgeport, Pennsylvania, USA

Brooklyn, New York, New York, USA

California, USA


Camera Obscura

Camp Green Lake, Texas, USA

Camp Half-Blood


The Capitol

Central Park Zoo

Central Park, New York, New York, USA

Charles River

The Chestnuts

Chicago, Illinois, USA

The coconut tree

Copenhagen, Denmark

The County Fairgrounds

Crestmont High School

The deep, dark woods by the Strawberry Vale


Detroit, Michigan, USA

District 12



Edge of Tartarus

Eisenhower Park

Empire State Building, New York, New York, USA

England, UK

First Beach, Washington, USA

Florida, USA

Forks, Washington, USA

Friendly Corners Trailer Park

Gateway Arch, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Georgia, USA


Gordon High School

Half-Blood Hill, Camp Half-Blood

Hermes' Cabin, Camp Half-Blood

The Hob, District 12

Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, USA

Hundred Acre Wood


Jamestown, Virginia, USA

Joe's house

Justice Building, District 12

Kingdom of Dor

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


London Zoo, London, England, UK

London, England, UK

Los Angeles, California, USA

Ludlow Street

Manhattan, New York, New York, USA

Marriott Times Square

Massachusetts, USA

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York, USA

Middle school

Monet's Cafe

Monument, Massachusetts, USA

Mount Olympus


Naomi, Florida, USA

New England, USA

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

New York, New York, USA

The Old Town

Open Arms Baptist Church of Naomi

Orion's Belt


Paris, France

Pennsylvania, USA

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Poseidon's Cabin, Camp Half-Blood

Potter's Field

Public Garden

Reardon, Washington, USA

Rosie's Diner

Rutterburg, Vermont, USA

Santa Monica, California, USA

The Seam, District 12

Seattle, Washington, USA

The Six Pine Trees

Spokane Indian Reservation, Washington, USA

St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Training Center, the Capitol


Two Mills, Pennsylvania, USA

The Underworld




Wellpinit, Washington, USA

West Virginia, USA

Yancy Academy, New York, USA

The zoo

The Zuckerman Farm

Zuckerman's Barn