Novel about a melancholic couple

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Novel about a melancholic couple

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May 21, 2012, 4:20 pm

I think I read this one about 8 years ago. I was a teenager back then, but it's not a book aimed specifically at teenagers.

I think the plot was set in nintieth or earlier twentieth century Europe, possibly around Italy and Sicily. It might have been set around the time of the unification of Italy, since I remember something about a warship in Sicily.

All I really remember is the overall thick, slightly sad atmosphere, and a few pieces of the story.

The main guy was at some point angry at the woman he was with because of her illness (I can't remember what the illness was though) and also at someone (possibly also her), who supposedly wasn't melancholic enough. I remember these bits, because I was surprised how one can admit to hating someone for something their not at all in control of.

Also, in the end of the book, I think, the guy climbed up the Vesuvius to see an eruption.

That's all I can remember, but I really liked the book and would love to read it again now that I'm older. Please help me find out the name of it.

Jun 7, 2012, 8:00 am

It's not The Volcano Lover by Susan Sontag is it?

Jun 7, 2012, 8:53 am

I suppose it could also be The leopard, which opens at the time of Garibaldi's invasion and runs on to about fifty years later. Certainly has melancholy and Sicily, not sure about volcanoes any more. If it is, then you might also remember the Visconti film.

Jun 10, 2012, 2:40 pm

Looks like it's The Volcano Lover, yes. Thanks a lot, both of you!

Jun 10, 2012, 6:46 pm

Yay! Glad to help. :)