old kids book, city girl on a farm

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old kids book, city girl on a farm

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Oct 16, 2012, 8:46 am

This is an old book, I listened to it on LibriVox, and is about a young girl who has to go live with relatives (?) on a country farm. It was in the children's section and is a chapter book, but not terribly long. It revolves around her having to get used to country life as well as things like doing chores and helping out on the farm. She also goes from a regular school (with children sorted by age) in the city to a one room school house and comments about how much better she likes it as she can work through things at her own pace instead of having to wait for everyone or going to fast a missing things.

Thanks for any suggestions!

Oct 16, 2012, 8:53 am

Is it an old book? It sounds a bit like Understood Betsy, but I'm guessing this is a fairly common plotline in children's books.

Oct 16, 2012, 11:19 am

It does sound a lot like Understood Betsy. The idea of the Betsy working at her own pace in school was pretty significant in the story.

Oct 17, 2012, 8:36 am

Yup, that was it, thanks!