Elgatoazabache's 2017 TBR Challenge

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Elgatoazabache's 2017 TBR Challenge

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Edited: Jan 8, 2017, 5:17 pm

Hello everyone :) I tried to do this challenge once before, in 2014?, and I failed miserably. Fiction reading is for me mainly about escaping (from things I have to read) so making myself read certain books doesn't seem to work. On the other hand, I have several non-fiction works that I should have read for my PhD by now but still haven't. So maybe some public accountability can make me get to them (when my supervisor obviously can't :p).

I'm totally disregarding the rules for this group (sorry!) and listing 6 books instead of 12 + 12. I don't think I will realistically get through 12 whole non-fiction books that I know I have to read...

Main list:

1. The Ethics of Dissident Desire in Southern African Writing - Dobrota Pucherová

2. Apartheid and Beyond: South African Writers and the Politics of Place - Rita Barnard

3. South Africa and the Dream of Love to Come: Queer Sexuality and the Struggle for Freedom - Brenna Munro

4. Somewhere in the Double Rainbow: Representations of Bisexuality in Post-Apartheid Novels - Cheryl Stobie

5. State of Peril: Race and Rape in South African Literature - Lucy Graham

6. Imperial Leather: Race, Gender and Sexuality in the Colonial Contest - Anne McClintock

Alternate list:

1. Rewriting Modernity: Studies in Black South African Literary History - David Attwell

2. The Souls of Black Folk - W.E.B. Du Bois

3. Regarding Muslims: from Slavery to Post-apartheid - Gabeba Baderoon

4. Orientalism - Edward Said

5. Literature, Geography and the Postmodern Poetics of Place - Eric Prieto

6. Native Life in South Africa - Sol Plaatje

Jan 9, 2017, 7:33 am

Wow, that is some intense PhD you're after, to judge from your list!

Jan 9, 2017, 10:54 am

What is your PhD in? I think doing 6 + 6 still carries the heart of the challenge if not the exact letter. If you cross of the whole list you still get to the goal of 12 :)

Jan 9, 2017, 2:52 pm

Best of luck with your challenge and your PhD.

Jan 10, 2017, 11:33 am

Welcome back! Looks like you have some truly challenging titles there. I am particularly interested in hearing your thoughts on the W. E. B. Du Bois and Edward Said books.

Good luck and happy reading! :D

Jan 10, 2017, 3:52 pm

Good luck with that rather intimidating list!

Jan 10, 2017, 8:52 pm

>2 Cecrow: I try :p

>3 Narilka: Desire, race and place in South African literature - as can probably be seen from my book list :p

>4 billiejean: Thanks! I feel I need some good luck with both of those :p

>5 artturnerjr: Thanks! Hopefully I will do better this time around :p Not sure whether I will get to Du Bois and Said or not. The first six are the main priority, but then if I know myself it might be that I end up reading Du Bois and Said instead precisely because they are not the ones I should be reading... :)

>6 LittleTaiko: Thank you, I do think it is a bit intimidating!

Jan 11, 2017, 9:48 am

What a very interesting reading list! I've only read one of these, in grad school, Orientalism, but I've been wanting to read The Souls of Black Folk. How many years are you in to your PhD?

May 10, 2017, 8:23 am

This is a really interesting list, I hope you are reading some and come back and tell us about them, I would love to hear your thoughts!! I've read the Du Bois (in Three Negro Classics - with Up from Slavery and Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man), it's good stuff. Not quite as quick a read as the other two, being less a "story" and more factual, but it does still have personal elements and is a very worthwhile read.