BingoDOG reads in October

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BingoDOG reads in October

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Edited: Oct 10, 2018, 9:03 am

Didn't see a thread for October BingoDOG reads, so I figured I'd start one. What are you reading this month for the Bingo? Now that we're in the last quarter of 2018, how many squares do you have left? Which ones are proving toughest for you?

I still have five squares remaining: (1) fat book > 500 pages, (2) Pacific Ocean-related, (3) autobiography/memoir, (4) published 100+ years ago, and (5) beautiful cover. Surprisingly, the "beautiful cover" square is turning out to be the most difficult for me!

I've just started The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman for the "500+ pages" square. It's a bit of a stretch, because the novel itself is only 472 pages long. But when you add in the author's note, acknowledgments, and bonus novella -- all of which I'm planning to read -- it comes to 510 pages.

Oct 14, 2018, 3:41 pm

I was fool enough to embark on a second card and have just filled the "rank in title" square with Die Vollendung des Königs Henri IV. I really need some short and fun book now.

Oct 14, 2018, 11:11 pm

>2 MissWatson: Wow, two cards is impressive!

Oct 15, 2018, 5:24 am

>3 christina_reads: Thanks. I've managed to read so many more books than expected this year.

Oct 15, 2018, 3:00 pm

I'm currently reading Winter in June by Kathryn Miller Haines for the Pacific Ocean-related square. It's a WWII-era mystery in which the protagonist is a USO entertainer in the South Pacific.

Oct 19, 2018, 2:09 pm

I read The Clock Strikes Twelve by Patricia Wentworth for a book set during a holiday.
A good old-fashioned mystery set on New Year's Eve in a grand home with all the family present. The plot is in the style of Agatha Christie, with Miss Silver being Miss Marple's doppelgänger even to her knitting. And although I enjoyed this, in my opinion Christie did it better.

I've only two more squares to fill.

Oct 24, 2018, 8:08 pm

Filling the "number in the title" square: Angel with two faces by Nicola Upson

Upson has thrown everything but the kitchen sink into this one: secret homosexuality, abusive husbands, incest, old family secrets, nefarious dealings in the church, theatre, a psychopathic gamekeeper, and more. Too much! In many places attitudes seem to be more appropriate to modern times than to the 1930s. And somehow I can't see Josephine Tey in the role of sleuth as portrayed by Upson.

Meh, but not a dud.

Oct 28, 2018, 1:46 am

I just completed my Bingo card with The Color of Our Sky by Amita Trasi for the "bought in 2017 and still unread" square. Unfortunately I didn't care for it much and zoomed through the second half. It's almost identical to The Kiterunner and the rich kid bad/poor kid good is wearing thin.