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May 17, 2006
Real Name
Dave Noonan
About My Library

Review Disclaimer

My reviews, aren't really reviews, they're commentary. I can't tell you about literary quality or whether it was objectively "good", and I don't believe anyone else can either. What I can tell you is what I think of a book or what it makes me think of.

My Library

My library contains books I own, books I've read and books I want to read. I have entirely too many books and have not read nearly enough of them.

About Me
I couldn't figure out how to find other BGGers on LT so I used Google.
Cumming, GA
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Bookstores: Humpus Bumpus Books, Read It Again Books

Libraries: Forsyth County Public Library - Cumming-Headquarters Library, Forsyth County Public Library - Sharon Forks Library

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