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Jul 27, 2007
Real Name
Rick Owens
About My Library
Mostly mine, shared with my wife when she's interested. :)

Contents: Hmmm... "eclectic" and "sprawling", perhaps; 'tis mostly SF/F and computer books, but there are all sorts of other odd bits in there too. A good portion of it was inherited from my parents.

Organization: Most of it is in boxes at the moment, with minimal organization.

Progress: I'm still in my 1st pass of cataloging, so my primary focus is on entering the books, with a bit of clean up along the way. Once they're all entered (or I get tired of waving a cuecat at book after book) I'll start the 2nd pass, focusing on cleaning up the data.

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About Me
Computer geek, SF/F fan, married, no kids, 2 dogs, 2 cats.

Running behind as usual; hopefully I can update stuff here during the Christmas break soon (haven't been on for over a year, so no promises!).

Currently reading:

Montana, US
Favorite Authors
Douglas Adams, Roger MacBride Allen, Aaron Allston, Poul Anderson, Christopher Anvil, Isaac Asimov, Robert Asprin, Nick Bantock, Gael Baudino, Stephen Baxter, Greg Bear, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Berkeley Breathed, David Brin, Steven Brust, Lois McMaster Bujold, Emma Bull, Chris Bunch, Stephen L. Burns, Octavia E. Butler, Grant Callin, L. Sprague de Camp, Orson Scott Card, Jack L. Chalker, C. J. Cherryh, Jo Clayton, Hal Clement, Allan Cole, Rick Cook, Tom Deitz, Joseph H. Delaney, Susan Dexter, Philip K. Dick, Gordon R. Dickson, Arthur Conan Doyle, Debra Doyle, Diane Duane, Julia Ecklar, Rosemary Edghill, Suzette Haden Elgin, Philip José Farmer, Richard Feynman, Eric Flint, Alan Dean Foster, C. S. Friedman, Neil Gaiman, Randall Garrett, Mary Gentle, Ron Goulart, Ursula K. Le Guin, Joe Haldeman, Barbara Hambly, Peter F. Hamilton, Charles L. Harness, Harry Harrison, Robert A. Heinlein, Frank Herbert, Christopher Hinz, P. C. Hodgell, James P. Hogan, Tanya Huff, Illiad, Molly Ivins, Laurence M. Janifer, Robert Jordan, L. E. Modesitt, Jr., Janet Kagan, Colin Kapp, Marvin Kaye, Guy Gavriel Kay, Patricia Kennealy-Morrison, Damon Knight, Jeffery D. Kooistra, Nancy Kress, Katherine Kurtz, Mercedes Lackey, Gary Larson, Keith Laumer, Tanith Lee, Charles de Lint, Holly Lisle, R. A. MacAvoy, James D. Macdonald, F. Gwynplaine MacIntyre, George R. R. Martin, Julian May, Anne McCaffrey, Wil McCarthy, Michael McCollum, Vonda N. McIntyre, Patricia A. McKillip, R. M. Meluch, Laura J. Mixon, Elizabeth Moon, Daniel Keys Moran, Peter Morwood, Larry Niven, Lisanne Norman, Andre Norton, Jody Lynn Nye, Nick O'Donohoe, Diana L. Paxson, H. Beam Piper, Jerry Pournelle, Terry Pratchett, Philip Pullman, W. T. Quick, Mickey Zucker Reichert, Mack Reynolds, John Ringo, Spider Robinson, Michael Scott Rohan, Joel Rosenberg, J. K. Rowling, Sean Russell, Fred Saberhagen, Brandon Sanderson, Robert J. Sawyer, James H. Schmitz, Bruce Schneier, Melissa Scott, Charles Sheffield, Edward E. Smith, George O. Smith, L. Neil Smith, Sherwood Smith, Wen Spencer, Brian Stableford, Paul Stanton, Christopher Stasheff, Neal Stephenson, Bruce Sterling, Marc Stiegler, S. M. Stirling, Charles Stross, Theodore Sturgeon, S. Andrew Swann, Sheri S. Tepper, J. R. R. Tolkien, Harry Turtledove, A. E. van Vogt, Joan D. Vinge, Vernor Vinge, Lawrence Watt-Evans, David Weber, Manly Wade Wellman, Angus Wells, James White, Michael Z. Williamson, Tad Williams, F. Paul Wilson, Patricia C. Wrede, Janny Wurts, Jane Yolen, Roger Zelazny

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