Bay Area meet up(s) Nov 4-11?

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Bay Area meet up(s) Nov 4-11?

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Nov 1, 2012, 2:24 am

I'll be in San Francisco for most of next week (Sunday Nov 4 to Saturday Nov 10). Fliss (flissp) will be there that week (Nov 5-11), and Zoë (_Zoe_), jjmcgaffey and staffordcastle are living there and have expressed an interest in meet ups in the Bay Area. We're in the process of planning one or more meet ups that week. It's still early, but Zoë, Fliss & I will probably get together on Tuesday Nov 6 (Election Day) for breakfast and possibly a trip to City Lights Bookstore in North Beach. We're also thinking of getting together on Friday afternoon and/or evening (Nov 9).

Nov 1, 2012, 10:29 am

Rats. I don't get there until the 14th.

Nov 1, 2012, 1:19 pm

As I said in comments - Can't make it Tuesday (I'm running a polling station), but I'd be interested in Friday.

Edited: Nov 1, 2012, 5:07 pm

Fliss, Zoë and I are in contact mainly via Facebook about our plans, so I'll post updates here to keep everyone who can possibly meet up to date.

The three of us will likely meet on Tuesday for breakfast at Caffè Greco in North Beach, which is on Columbus Avenue between Vallejo & Stockton Streets. From there we'll go to City Lights Bookstore, a couple of blocks south on Columbus, which opens at 10 am. Zoë has to return to Berkeley after 11 am, but Fliss's conference doesn't start until 4 pm at the Moscone Center in SoMa. I'll be free during the day, though.

We'll also probably get together on Friday, possibly for lunch and perhaps that evening as well. We are thinking of going to see An Iliad at Berkeley Repertory Theatre (Berkeley Rep), located on Shattuck Street, which is very close to the Downtown Berkeley BART station.

Nothing is definite at this point, as Fliss won't know her exact schedule until Monday or possibly later.

Nov 1, 2012, 6:58 pm

Well, if you come over to Berkeley or elsewhere in the East Bay that will be much easier for me than crossing to the city. I'd probably join you for lunch rather than going to the play (I don't see many plays, they mostly don't interest me). There's also quite a few good bookstores not too far from there - Moe's Books, Half Price Books, Black Oak Books, probably others.

Nov 1, 2012, 7:48 pm

I'm free in the evenings, but booked up during the day both weekdays and the weekends. I am also in the East Bay (I work in Berkeley.)

Nov 1, 2012, 7:49 pm

Zoe will be in walking distance of Half-Price Books on Shattuck and Moe's on Telegraph!

Nov 3, 2012, 3:17 pm

Okay, so how's this for a Friday plan that could accommodate everyone for at least part of the time:

Lunch in SF with Fliss, if possible
Afternoon book-shopping in Berkeley
6:00 Dinner in Berkeley
8:00 An Iliad at Berkeley Rep

Then people could pick and choose the parts that fit their schedules and preferences.

I'd love to go to Black Oak Books; it's one that I pass on the bus all the time, but haven't yet managed to visit because it's inconveniently far to walk but too close for me to justify taking the bus. Unless one of you is coming by car, though, it might be more realistic to stick to the area around Telegraph and Shattuck. I'd probably suggest starting at Telegraph and Dwight, and working our way up Telegraph, then over Bancroft, and finally up Shattuck so that we end up back at the BART station/theatre with our purchases and don't have to carry them around more than necessary.

Nov 3, 2012, 3:33 pm

That sounds like a great plan, Zoë! I'm eager to try a good restaurant in Berkeley.

I used to go to Black Oak Books frequently when it was in its previous location on Shattuck Avenue, so I'd be very interested in going there on Friday.

Nov 3, 2012, 3:48 pm

Oh, good, then let's try to fit in a trip to Black Oak Books after all. It looks like the 49 bus can take us approximately there and back, but it only runs every half hour, so we'll just have to be careful with the timing.

Does anyone have ideas for good restaurants in Berkeley?

Nov 4, 2012, 1:14 am

I'm probably going to drive - BART is a bit inconvenient for me, and it looks like the rates at the parking garage near the Downtown Berkeley BART are pretty good. So if there aren't too many of us, I could drive to Black Oak Books - which makes things simpler. My car can take 5 (maybe more with some squeezing...).

If we do it that way, and if everyone else is coming from SF (except staffordcastle, who isn't joining us that early, right?), we could meet at Ashby BART (where the parking/stopping is much easier), drive to Black Oak, drive up to Berkeley and abandon the car in the Center St garage, then do the rest of the sweep as Zoe suggested in 8, then dinner, then theater for those going to that.

People could even leave their packages in the car, though they'd have to be retrieved before the play since I'm not staying.

No idea of restaurants. Well, the reviews on Au Coquelet look good...but I don't think I've ever eaten in Berkeley. No real opinions.

Nov 4, 2012, 1:19 am

Do people like Thai food, or Chinese? I know some good Thai & Chinese places.

Nov 4, 2012, 1:20 am

BTW, Black Oak is totally worth a visit!

Nov 8, 2012, 12:47 pm

Hi, folks, do we have a final plan? Where shall I meet you tomorrow?

Nov 8, 2012, 1:31 pm

Yes, when and where?

And did Tuesday happen and was it fun? Reports!

Nov 8, 2012, 1:47 pm

>14 staffordcastle:, 15 Here's an amendment of the message I sent a little while ago to staffordcastle:

Zoë & I were talking about this last night when we were in Berkeley. We were thinking of initially meeting at Yank Sing on Stevenson St in SF at 1:30 pm for dim sum, as Fliss's conference is at the nearby Moscone Center. Right now we aren't completely sure if Fliss will be able to join us for lunch, and it seems fairly unlikely that she'll be able to go to Berkeley. From there we were going to take BART to the Ashby station, and meet up with you two there at roughly 3:30 pm. We thought about book shopping at nearby Black Oak Books, University Press Books on Bancroft Way, and one or more bookstores on Telegraph Avenue. Zoë thought it would be a good idea to grab dinner at roughly 6 pm, as she, I and anyone else that was interested are planning to see An Iliad at Berkeley Rep at 8 pm.

How does that sound to you two?

Fliss, Zoë and I did meet up on Tuesday as planned, first at Caffè Greco for breakfast, followed by a trip to City Lights Bookstore. Here are the photos that we took; Fliss is on the left and Zoë is on the right in the first photo, and I'm in the last three photos:

On Wednesday Zoë and I met in Berkeley and saw the Chucho Valdés Quintet perform at the University of California's Zellerbach Hall. The 70 year old Valdés has won five Grammy Awards, along with three Latin Grammys, yet he continues to perform and record regularly. Tonight's performance was outstanding, with a mixture of the Afro-Cuban jazz he is best known for, along with several jazz standards, including a breakneck version of "How High the Moon" and a superb rendition of Miles Davis's "All Blues", along with a smattering of seemingly original post-bop tunes. He was in fine form, as was his very talented rhythm section, whose solo efforts nearly matched its leader's performance.

Nov 8, 2012, 1:52 pm

BTW, have either of you been to Angeline's Louisiana Kitchen on Shattuck Street? Zoë and I passed by there last night on our way back from Zellerbach Hall. I was in New Orleans for a conference, and the menu there looked good. On the other hand, she & I are both game for any restaurants you would recommend; I love both Chinese and Thai food.

Nov 8, 2012, 2:05 pm

Sorry, I've been neglecting this planning! I think we have at least the rough outlines of a plan in place, though.

Would 3:15 at the Ashby BART station be okay? Darryl and I are still hoping to meet up with Fliss for lunch in SF, at 1:30 ( Since it's dim sum, there shouldn't be a lot of waiting time, and I figure we can be done in an hour. And it's close to a BART station. (Jennifer, if you did decide that you wanted to join us for lunch as well, it would probably be easy to park at the Ashby BART station and take the train in from there--just saying!)

From there, we'll head to Black Oak Books. Fliss will still be at her conference, so there will probably only be three of us at that point (assuming 3:15 isn't quite "evening" yet). I'd imagine that this is a bookstore where we'll want to spend a lot of time, so I'd estimate that we'll be there until 4:15. Then we'll drive back and park in the Center Street garage... and this is the part where the plan falls apart a bit, because we suddenly have way too many bookstores left to visit and not enough time.

Do you have preferences for bookstores that you definitely want to hit? Moe's on Telegraph and Half Price Books were mentioned. I believe Darryl wants to visit University Press Books as well. Half Price Books at least is open late and is right near the garage, so we can save that one for after dinner if necessary (and then those of us going to the play will either rush through, or just have to skip it entirely). It's more than a mile walk from the downtown BART to Moe's, so it will take at least 20 minutes, and probably more like half an hour. So we could say maybe 4:50 at Moe's, or more realistically 5:00. Then we can walk from there north on Telegraph, stopping at any other bookstores people are interested in, and then west on Bancroft, stopping at University Press Books, and end up back in the downtown area for dinner around 6:15 or possibly 6:30.

staffordcastle, depending on when you're free, I think it might be easiest to meet at Moe's around 5? But we should exchange contact information just in case.

And now I've just seen a FB message from Darryl saying that he posted here as well, so we'll see how much this is just duplication....

Nov 8, 2012, 4:16 pm

University Press Books is also very worth a visit.

Edited: Nov 8, 2012, 5:30 pm

UPB closes at 8pm (2430 Bancroft Way)
Shakespeare & Co closes at 9pm (2499 Telegraph Avenue)
Moe's closes at 10pm (2476 Telegraph Ave)
Pegasus Books closes at 10:45 (2349 Shattuck Avenue)
Half Price Books closes at 11pm (2036 Shattuck Ave)

Nov 8, 2012, 5:30 pm

And the play is only 1h40. So we could, in theory, visit HPB and Pegasus after the show, depending on our energy levels (and whether we're capable of carrying any more purchases).

Nov 8, 2012, 5:30 pm


Nov 8, 2012, 11:00 pm

3:15 or 3:30 at Ashby would work fine. I might possibly be able to come in for lunch - I have an appointment with a client at noon, which might be over in half an hour or might last two hours (depends what all she wants to work on). If it's a quick one, I may come in.

I don't _need_ to visit any bookstores - so any we get to will be fun. I went to Moe's just a couple weeks ago (I had a Groupon for there) - but I only looked at the SF, didn't get upstairs at all. Whatever, it will be fun.

Thai is good, Louisiana might be good (I don't have any particular image for either of those foods, though I know I've eaten good stuff at restaurants that feature both (separate restaurants! That would be a weird one...)). I would like something hottish, as I'm incubating a cold. I usually go to Indian for that, but both Thai and Louisiana (Louisianan?) are famously pretty hot.

Nov 8, 2012, 11:51 pm

Fliss will probably join us for dim sum at Yank Sing at 1:30 pm (the Stevenson Street location, not the one in Rincon Center). She won't be able to make it to the play, and I doubt that she'll come with us to Berkeley.

I'm most interested in going to Black Oak Books and University Press Books, but the other bookshops are appealing as well.

I suspect we should arrive at Angeline's at 6:00-6:15, so that we have time to eat before we head to Berkeley Rep, in case it's busy in the restaurant.

I'd describe Louisiana food as medium on the hotness scale, but you can definitely crank up the heat with Tabasco sauce or jalapeño peppers in vinegar, both of which are normally available in Creole/Cajun restaurants.

Nov 10, 2012, 1:34 am

Angeline's was delicious. I ended up (finally) buying three books at Half Price Books - SF paperbacks, two I'd been looking for and one I never heard of but it sounds interesting. It was great fun meeting and talking to you - hope we can do it again sometime!

Nov 10, 2012, 9:23 pm

Yes, thanks for organizing this!

And thanks to Zoë for putting up the pictures!

Nov 10, 2012, 9:28 pm

Oh, I meant to post them here as well! Sorry for the poor quality of many; the lighting was often problematic, especially at Angeline's.

And thank you all for a great day!

At Moe's: Darryl (kidzdoc), Shelley (staffordcastle), and Jennifer (jjmcgaffey)

At University Press Books

Nov 10, 2012, 10:05 pm

Next time, Green Apple Books!

Edited: Nov 12, 2012, 9:04 am

>28 staffordcastle: I agree; Green Apple Books is probably my second favorite SF bookstore.

Here's my account of Friday's meet up, with photos by Zoë:

Fliss, Zoë and I met for dim sum at Yank Sing, one of the top dim sum restaurants in the Bay Area. We went to the Stevenson Street location in downtown San Francisco, just south of Market Street between 1st and 2nd Streets, and attempted valiantly to keep up with the endless parade of enticing dishes that were brought to our table every 2-3 minutes. The biggest hit was the honey walnut shrimp (which are in the lower left corner of the first photo, close to Zoë and far far away from both myself and Fliss), although everything was delightful.

After we staggered out of Yank Sing our first bookstore visit was to Alexander Book Company, a nearby general bookstore located on 2nd Street between Market and Mission Streets. I'm surprised that Zoë found this bookshop, as I had never seen it on my numerous previous trips to San Francisco. I left with one book, A Hologram for the King by Dave Eggers, which is a finalist for this year's National Book Award for Fiction.

Zoë and I said goodbye to Fliss, and we took BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) from downtown SF to the Ashby station in Berkeley, where jjmcgaffey (Jennifer) picked us up in her SUV. We then traveled to Black Oak Books, a fabulous store that sells new and second hand books at discounted prices. It was one of my favorite Bay Area bookstores until it moved from its previous location on Shattuck Street, where it had been for over 30 years, to a completely out of the way spot on San Pablo Avenue two years ago. I bought three books there: Nine Lives: Mystery, Magic, Death, and Life in New Orleans by Dan Baum (recommended by janepriceestrada and Whisper1); The Killer of Little Shepherds: A True Crime Story and the Birth of Forensic Science by Douglas Starr (recommended by lyzard); and An Anatomy of Addiction: Sigmund Freud, William Halsted, and the Miracle Drug Cocaine by Howard Markel (this was the only book of the seven I purchased yesterday that wasn't on my wish list).

Next, Jennifer drove to the Center Street garage in downtown Berkeley, and from there we quickly meandered to two more Berkeley bookstores. First, the famed Moe's Books on Telegraph Avenue, where we met up with Shelley (staffordcastle). I found two more books from my wish list: The Investigation by Philippe Claudel (recommended by labfs39 and steven03tx from Club Read), and In the House of the Interpreter: A Memoir by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, a sequel to his previous memoir Dreams in a Time of War. Ngũgĩ will be speaking at City Lights Bookstore this coming Tuesday, so I'm very disappointed that I won't be there to see him in person.

Shelley is on my immediate left in this photo, and Jennifer is to her left.

From there we walked to Bancroft Way, on the edge of Cal's campus (the University of California at Berkeley), and visited University Press Books, which specializes in books from various university presses, including the University of California Press. I picked up one more book from my wish list, Power, Politics, and Universal Health Care by Stuart Altman and David Shactman.

That was the last bookstore that the group visited, as it was nearly time for dinner. We went to Angeline's Louisiana Kitchen on Shattuck Street, directly across the street from the Central branch of the Berkeley Public Library, which served authentic Creole and Cajun food. I had crawfish étouffée, Zoë had jambalaya with hush puppies, Shelley ate the buttermilk fried chicken, and Jennifer had the fried catfish. I was pleased to see that Angeline's had Abita beer from south Louisiana (you'll remember the Turbodog dark lager that I had two or three times when I was in New Orleans last month). This time I tried Abita Purple Haze, a lighter brew made with raspberries, which was very good and a nice accompaniment to my étouffée. As we were about to leave to go to Berkeley Repertory Theatre, our waitress informed us that theatre goers were entitled to free beignets; we each had one, and I thought they were the best ones I've had at any place other than Café du Monde in the French Quarter.

We said goodbye to Jennifer, and Shelley, Zoë and I went to Berkeley Rep to see the evening performance of An Iliad, an interesting adaptation of Homer's saga as told by a grizzly and bearded older man, who was alone except for a young bassist posted high above the stage. It was unique, well done and interesting, but the three of us would have preferred a play with more visual effects and characters.

I was exhausted at the play's end, as was Zoë, so we each said goodbye to Shelley, and to each other.

It was quite a day, one I'll never forget! Thanks to everyone who participated, and especially to Zoë for organizing the day and taking photos at our various stops.

Nov 12, 2012, 8:52 am

If things go well, I'll have an evening free with some of my coworkers Wednesday evening in Berkeley. I'm going to see if they want to hit Angeline's. Plus, at least one would go to Moe's with me. Thanks for the scouting report! :)

Unfortunately, odds are that the meeting will go long... :(

Edited: Nov 13, 2012, 3:50 pm

Zoe and Jennifer: Did I mention that there's a really nice bookshop inside Dickens Fair? :-D

Nov 14, 2012, 12:26 am

Oh, yeah! I meant to contact you (both of you). Would the Friday after Thanksgiving (opening day, yes?) work? Or the Saturday? I and my parents would like to go then.

Better take it to comments, or to email.

Nov 14, 2012, 12:32 am

Ooh, in case I hadn't already been absolutely determined to go!

I've already sold the idea to my friend who will be in town just after Thanksgiving, and another common friend who lives in the area. We were thinking of going the first Saturday, early in the day (well, I suggested early because I suspect we may not want to leave...). Would that work for you?

(Since three-way comments are a bit difficult, I'm just continuing this here for now. Maybe we'll attract some other takers as well?)

Nov 14, 2012, 1:04 am

I am going to be at the Dickens fair with my mom (april_in_ca) on November 24.

Nov 14, 2012, 1:08 am

Yay! So we'll get to have our meetup after all.

Nov 14, 2012, 1:18 am

Excellent! Much of the day I am to be found in the Adventurers Club, especially between ten and twelve;ask for Miss Edwards. After five, ask for Mrs. Shepherd. From about two to four, I'm a moving target, in a leisurely parade.

Nov 14, 2012, 4:00 am

OK, sounds good! We can coordinate more specifically closer to the time.

Nov 23, 2012, 11:06 am

So, plans. I'm planning to get to the fair as early as possible, which should be around 10:30. I'm bringing two friends. I have no idea what will happen at the fair, in terms of scheduling and meetup locations and whatnot. Any thoughts?

Later in the day we're planning to go on a food/mural-viewing/bookstore walk in the Mission; would anyone else be interested in that? I'm not sure quite what the balance will be between eating and bookstores; one of my friends is a big foodie and not such a big book-shopper, while the other is a fellow book-lover.

Nov 23, 2012, 1:13 pm

We're also planning to be there as early as possible - but I've no idea when that will be, possibly as late as 11 or 11:30. That's me and my parents, who are also LT members. I figure we can echolocate at the fair - um, I didn't give you my number, only Darryl - I'll tell you in a comment.

The only thing we have planned within the Fair is that we got a reservation for a High Tea at 4 pm. Don't know if you want to join us.

Not sure about the walk etc later - it partly depends on how much later. My parents are going to a play in the city which starts at 8 pm; I was planning to BART home. I could go just as well after the walk. We can discuss it at the Fair.

Edited: Nov 23, 2012, 3:11 pm

Zoe, Stafford, and JJ, I'm not sure what my schedule for tomorrow is yet. If you'd like we can swap phone number, preferably by email. Mine is lilbrattyteen@ :) My mom going to the fair has an (inactive) LT as well: april_in_ca.

Nov 25, 2012, 5:25 am

And it was a success. Intelligent conversation and camaraderie abounded at the meetup of many minds. Zoe, my mom especially enjoyed listening to your friend Vladimir talk about sciencey stuff. Jennifer, your dad was a very witty and funny man. Am hoping to see pictures soon.

Nov 25, 2012, 11:32 am

I took a few, but none of them have people in them - I realized after I got home. I'll put them up anyway, later. Yes, lots of fun. And I think I've hooked April into going to Baycon next year - bet she'll enjoy that.

Nov 25, 2012, 11:49 am

Yes, it was a great meetup. I just wish I'd been able to stay longer. I knew my friend was underestimating the time that we'd need there, but I figured she'd change her mind once we arrived.... except that she ended up not coming at all, so we had to leave at the scheduled time to meet her for the next activity. Sigh. Jennifer, it seemed like I hardly got to talk to you at all because of where we were sitting at the table, and Jonathan, I would certainly have liked to talk to you more since it was our first time meeting. Here's hoping for future meetups!

I don't think I have any pictures with people either, except one of Mr. Dickens reading from his work A Christmas Carol. Whose camera did we use for the group shot?

And on a similar note, are any of you interested in seeing a performance of A Christmas Carol next month?

Dec 3, 2012, 12:38 am

I know someone took pictures....

Dec 3, 2012, 7:03 pm

Re performance of A Christmas Carol - I probably don't have time, and besides, I am more-or-less living inside a performance of that work on the weekends these days! :-)

On the other hand, I highly recommend the Christmas Revels performance, which opens on Dec. 7 at the Scottish Rite Temple in Oakland, on Lake Merritt.

Edited: Dec 3, 2012, 7:16 pm

We're going to the Revels - our...5th year? Something like that. It's always great.

I think the group picture is on Mom's (Elizabeth's) camera. I'll try to remember to retrieve it and post it here.

Dec 3, 2012, 7:32 pm


When are you going? My sister and I are going on the 7th.

Dec 3, 2012, 8:49 pm

Um. I don't remember right now - we had to change the date several times. Oh, right, it's on the 9th - the day after our caroling party.

Oh! Hey, anyone likely to be in the vicinity of Alameda on Saturday the 7th? We're having a caroling party - indoors, we get together and eat and sing and have a lot of fun. It starts at 7 pm and we have to be out (and cleaned up) by 11. If you're interested, PM me and I'll give you the directions - or PM me with an email address and I'll get you the evite. And if you can (and are willing to) play an instrument, we'd be delighted! We can do it a capella, often there's someone who can play a piano, whatever comes up.

Dec 3, 2012, 8:59 pm

Yeah, I wish I'd had more time at the Dickens Fair, or could go back again! But I feel like I have to sample as many different activities as possible in my limited time here. I'll definitely look into the revels. A caroling party also sounds fantastic; I'll send you a PM.

Dec 4, 2012, 4:37 pm

Sorry I won't make the caroling; I usually don't get out of the Cow Palace until about nine, and by then I'm exhausted. Have fun!

Dec 4, 2012, 8:54 pm

Awww. We'll have to try another get-together _after_ the holidays.

Dec 5, 2012, 2:50 am

Hi folks,

I'm Branimir, Zoë's mathematician friend whom some of you met at the Dickens Fair. I just wanted to let you know that it was a pleasure to meet you all, and that I hope not to be a stranger!


Dec 5, 2012, 1:36 pm

Hi Branimir! You're on LT!

Dec 5, 2012, 4:46 pm

A pleasure to meet you too, sir!

Dec 5, 2012, 6:55 pm

Hi, Branimir - good to meet you again!

Dec 6, 2012, 2:25 pm

I'm glad you found your way to this thread!

We'll definitely have to organize another big meetup after the holidays. I should have so much free time then :D

Dec 7, 2012, 2:25 am

Zoe, how long are you a visiting grad student here? Fall semester or the whole year?

Dec 7, 2012, 12:55 pm

I'm here just for the semester, plus January. The NYU semester doesn't start until January 28, so I figure I might as well spend a few more weeks in California after the holidays.

Dec 7, 2012, 4:09 pm

Nice! You should come to SCU. We have a beautiful campus.... :)

Dec 8, 2012, 7:51 pm

That sounds like a good idea to me! I should have a lot of flexibility when I first get back.

Dec 10, 2012, 5:55 pm

Our plans changed - we are now going to the Revels on the 14th. Anyone else going to be there?

Dec 11, 2012, 3:55 am

We made it on the 9th - it was great, as usual. Have fun!

Edited: Dec 21, 2012, 6:19 pm

I ended up being too frantically busy in my last week there, but maybe I'll be back in a future December.

Meanwhile, is anyone else interested in a January trip to Santa Clara? Jonathan, can you come up with a plan?

I also need to visit Green Apple Books in SF at some point. So much to do and so little time.

Dec 22, 2012, 1:31 am

I'm not familiar with the bookshops in Santa Clara, so it would be fun to explore some of them!

Dec 22, 2012, 9:16 pm

Hi Zoe! I'm sorry I was away for so long. My computer broke. I don't know of any bookstores in Santa Clara, but very close to Santa Clara on The Alameda is Recycle Bookstore, a delightful bookstore. They even have cats. Not too far, in Mountain View, is Book Buyers, another gem of a place. I would love to have some visitors.

Dec 23, 2012, 9:16 am

>65 JDHomrighausen: I'm glad you're okay! I was wondering where you had gotten to.

Does anyone have a preference for a day? Sometime toward the beginning of January would probably be better for me, before classes begin again on January 21, but I'll be away from the 13-16 visiting Branimir in Pasadena and I have another commitment from the 18-20. I also haven't yet booked my ticket back to California, but it should be on the 7th or 8th. So I guess somewhere from the 9-12 would be ideal for me. Can anyone else do weekdays? Otherwise there is one Saturday in there. And I can do sometime during the semester if necessary, it's just easier to fit things in beforehand.

Dec 23, 2012, 11:00 pm

I start school January 7, so a weekend would be best for me. So far every weekend in January looks open except the evening of the 27th.

Dec 23, 2012, 11:04 pm

So, how's Saturday the 12th?

Dec 23, 2012, 11:34 pm

Perfect. Caltrain comes a block from my campus. However, I drive a small car and couldn't shuttle people around very well if you came by train.

Dec 23, 2012, 11:34 pm

Zoe, were you thinking evening or afternoon?

Dec 23, 2012, 11:40 pm

Afternoon, probably, since I have to catch a bus to LA from Oakland at midnight. Possibly morning too, depending on how much we want to do :D

Dec 24, 2012, 1:01 am

How about 1 pm?

Dec 24, 2012, 9:41 am

Sounds good to me!

Dec 24, 2012, 10:31 am

Let's wait and see if anyone else is interested. But if it's only you and me, that is fine too!

Dec 24, 2012, 12:47 pm

Yeah, I don't think I'm making it - so far every weekend (and large chunks of the week) in January is booked solid. Have fun!

Dec 27, 2012, 1:33 pm

My schedule is fairly open in January, except for the 5th and the 19th.

Dec 31, 2012, 11:42 am

So Stafford - are you saying you'd like to come on the 12th?

Dec 31, 2012, 11:54 am

>75 jjmcgaffey: Too bad; I hope I'll get to see you again before I leave. Or if you're ever looking to travel, there's going to be an enormous meetup in Philadelphia in the spring....

>76 staffordcastle: Excellent!

Dec 31, 2012, 8:28 pm

>77 JDHomrighausen: Yes, I would like to come!
Keep me posted as to plans!

Jan 10, 2013, 5:40 pm

So, the plan for Saturday is to meet at 1:00 at Recycle Books. I don't really know what else is happening (Jonathan had mentioned a possible campus visit?), but there will be food at some point.

Jan 10, 2013, 6:45 pm

Cool! Here's a link to a Google map to that location (this is the place you mean, right?). This Saturday, January 12th, day after tomorrow?

1:00 is a little early for me, but if you plan to stick around for a while, I can get there.

Do you know if there's anyplace to sit down and visit? I'm not able to remain on my feet for long periods of time. However, this location is very close to a Peet's Coffee, Alameda just about at Julian.

Jan 10, 2013, 6:49 pm

Yup, that's the place and the day. Maybe we could choose a restaurant for around 2:00, so that you could come later and then we could all sit?

Jan 10, 2013, 8:36 pm

How will we know one another? A rose between the teeth? a baguette under the arm? a LT logo on a pole?

Jan 10, 2013, 8:38 pm

There are some pictures of me and staffordcastle upthread (messages 16 and 27). Roses between the teeth are also fun, though :D

Jan 11, 2013, 1:24 am

Jonathan had an LT bag with him, which was very helpful identifying the group in the Dickens Fair... nice bright yellow with the LT logo.

Jan 11, 2013, 1:55 pm

Does anyone have any travel trips? I was using the trip planner, and I don't understand why it's supposed to take 2h15 to get there but only 1h26 to get back.

Jan 11, 2013, 3:18 pm

Where are you coming from?

Jan 12, 2013, 6:42 pm

I'm sorry we missed each other. Were you gone before 1:15?

Mar 3, 2013, 1:25 pm

Copying from my 75 Book Challenge thread (which now also has photos of the San Jose/Santa Clara meetup, such as it was):

I'm going to be back in Berkeley for the first half of spring break (March 15-20). I already have an overfull schedule as I try to fit in all the things that I failed to do last time (dinner at Chez Panisse café, visiting Muir Woods, running across the Golden Gate Bridge, visiting Alcatraz), but I should still have some free time during the day on weekdays (Friday, Monday, Tuesday), if anyone wants to do something in Berkeley/SF. I still haven't visited Green Apple Books....

Edited: Mar 3, 2013, 2:44 pm

Sounds like fun - let me check my schedule!

(Neither have I (visited Green Apple Books)).

Mar 4, 2013, 7:57 am

Yay, I hope we can work something out!

I'm going to say that the Monday afternoon would be best for me, since I already have to be in SF for lunch and in the evening, but the other days are still possible too.

Mar 17, 2013, 8:57 pm

Okay, Jennifer and I are planning to go to Green Apple Books tomorrow afternoon, if anyone wants to join us!

Mar 17, 2013, 9:30 pm

I'm headed into finals week, so no can do, but I hope you guys have fun!

Mar 18, 2013, 11:27 am

Good luck on your exams!

Mar 19, 2013, 2:07 am

It was great to meet up with you two today!

I hope the tour was fun, Zoë!

Mar 19, 2013, 3:44 am

Yes, great day. I got a load of books, too! Boudin was great. Tell us about Alcatraz, Zoë!