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The Egg and I

by Betty MacDonald, Betty MacDonald (Author)

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Series: Betty Bard MacDonald autobiographical series (book 1)

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1,2664115,638 (3.84)139
When Betty MacDonald married a marine and moved to a small chicken farm on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State, she was largely unprepared for the rigors of life in the wild. With no running water, no electricity, a house in need of constant repair, and days that ran from four in the morning to nine at night, the MacDonalds had barely a moment to put their feet up and relax. And then came the children. Yet through every trial and pitfall-through chaos and catastrophe-this indomitable family somehow, mercifully, never lost its sense of humor.… (more)
  1. 00
    Hen and the Art of Chicken Maintenance: Reflections on Raising Chickens by Martin Gurdon (bertilak)
  2. 00
    The road to Andorra by Shirley Deane (cbl_tn)
  3. 00
    Diary of a Provincial Lady by E.M. Delafield (Bjace)
    Bjace: Seems odd, but both Delafield and MacDonald were city gals transplanted to country situations and their reactions and sense of humor were similar.
  4. 00
    Dear Enemy by Jean Webster (RidgewayGirl)
    RidgewayGirl: A similar humor imbues this fiction novel.
  5. 00
    Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons (RidgewayGirl)
    RidgewayGirl: City girl transplanted to the country with hilarious results.

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» See also 139 mentions

English (39)  Danish (2)  All languages (41)
Showing 1-5 of 39 (next | show all)
This has a not dated well. The first few pages had some extraordinarily racist observations about First Nations Americans. Ugh. ( )
  PrueGallagher | Mar 28, 2024 |
Hardback without dust jacket COLOR: Blue like tweed CONDITION: The book is without a dust jacket. SIZE: 5 ½ x 8 ½ (approximately) The book is about the humorous life on a wilderness chicken ranch. The book was made into a movie.The Egg and I is a humorous memoir by American author Betty MacDonald about her adventures and travels as a young wife on a chicken farm in the US state of Washington. The book is based on the author's experiences as a newlywed trying to acclimate to and operate a small chicken farm with her husband, Robert Heskett, from 1927 to 1931.
  RedeemedRareBooks | Mar 24, 2024 |
Read to see what it was like. Not exactly to my liking. Chapters did not flow. KIRKUS REVIEWThis might be a companion piece to Roughly Speaking. It has the same exuberance, tinctured with distaste rather than nest; it is also about as exhausting as entertaining. It is breezy, slangy, colloquial -- and original. It hasn't the suavity of Grandma Called It Carnal but it's as down to earth a picture of rural life as experienced on a primitive chicken ranch in the far northwest. The young wife is utterly unprepared, despite the unconventional mining town upbringing she had had, and by nature ineffectual. The husband loves it all. And the result is a panorama in black and white of the life, the neighbors, the hardships, with a saving grace of humor.Pub Date: Oct. 3rd, 1945ISBN: 0060914289Page count: 292ppPublisher: LippincottReview Posted Online: May 2nd, 2012Kirkus Reviews Issue: Oct. 1st, 1945
  bentstoker | Jan 26, 2024 |
This is another book I read years and years ago, and now cannot recall what it was like. ( )
  mykl-s | Jul 24, 2023 |
The Egg and I must have been written in the early 1940s if it was first published in 1945. So the thing to remember is that it's a window into that time period. I enjoyed reading it and spending time with Betty in the Pacific Northwest. I don't usually like sarcastic writing but she has a quirky twist to her sense of humor that I liked. For me it brought back much of the culture of growing up in the 50s so some things I found especially funny. At the time my siblings and I loved the Mrs Piggle Wiggle books. I found one when I was raising my kids in the 80s and decided not to read it with them. It's a different time. ( )
  nancenwv | Jan 21, 2023 |
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» Add other authors (8 possible)

Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Betty MacDonaldprimary authorall editionscalculated
MacDonald, BettyAuthormain authorall editionsconfirmed
Van Meeteren-Verhagen, E.H.Translatormain authorsome editionsconfirmed
Belmont, GeorgesTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Evans, Anne MacDonaldForewordsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Gröning, Karlcvrsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Havlik, LeopoldTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Hertenstein, RenateTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Hertenstein, Renatesecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Lyall, DennisFrontispiece artistsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Marxová, EvaTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Meeteren-Verhagen, E.H. vansecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Pferdmenges, Giselacvrsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Salvatore, AdaTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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Such duty as the subject owes the prince,
Even such a woman oweth to her husband.
To my sister Mary, who has always believed that I can do anything she puts her mind to.
First words
Along with teaching us that lamb must be cooked with garlic and that a lady never scratches her head or spits, my mother taught my sister and me that it is a wife's bounden duty to see that her husband is happy in his work.
Kromě toho, že se jehněčí peče na česneku a že se dáma nikdy nedrbe na hlavě a neplivá na podlahu, vštěpovala maminka mým sestrám i mně, že svatosvatou povinností ženy je dbát a pečovat, aby její manžel byl spokojený ve své práci a ve svém povolání.
Each time I looked out of a window or stepped out of doors, I was confronted by great, white, haughty peaks staring just above my head and doing their chilly best to make me realize that that was once a very grand neighbourhood and it was curdling their blood to have to accept 'trade'. We were there with our ugly little buildings and livestock, but, by God, they didn't have to associate with us or make us welcome. They, no doubt, would have given half their timer if they could have changed the locale to Switzerland and brushed us off with a nice big avalanche.
In case you are wondering why I didn't take a good book, settle down by the stove and shut-up, I would like to explain that Stove, as we called him, had none of the warm, friendly qualities ordinarily associated with the name. In the first place he was too old and, like some terrible old man, he had a big strong frame, a lusty appetite and no spirit of co-operation.
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When Betty MacDonald married a marine and moved to a small chicken farm on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State, she was largely unprepared for the rigors of life in the wild. With no running water, no electricity, a house in need of constant repair, and days that ran from four in the morning to nine at night, the MacDonalds had barely a moment to put their feet up and relax. And then came the children. Yet through every trial and pitfall-through chaos and catastrophe-this indomitable family somehow, mercifully, never lost its sense of humor.

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