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The Expositor's Bible Commentary [Complete]

by Frank E. Gaebelein, J. D. Douglas, Dick Polcyn

Series: The Expositor's Bible Commentary (Complete Set)

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World-class, in-depth commentary on the entire Bible, verse by verse A triumph in evangelical scholarship, the Expositor's Bible Commentary is the product of seventy-eight of the world's finest biblical scholars and eighteen years of meticulous effort. This Gold Medallion Award-winning study tool comes to you on CD-ROM in the Pradis platform. Available at instant command are all the verse-by-verse insights, all the in-depth notes-including footnotes containing the Greek and Hebrew-and all the outstanding features of the celebrated twelve-volume print edition.… (more)

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The award-winning Expositor's Bible Commentary, now available in this handy softcover edition, has established itself as one of the leading and most practical evangelical commentaries. Written for pastors and Bible students, it is scholarly and comprehensive without being overly academic. The seventy-eight contributors of The Expositor's Bible Commentary are committed to the complete trustworthiness and full authority of the Bible. They come from the United States, Canada, England, Scotland, Australia, and New Zealand, and represent many denominations, including Anglican, Baptist, Brethren, Methodist, Nazarene, Presbyterian, and Reformed. In matters where marked differences of opinion exist, the contributors state their own convictions and deal fairly and without animosity with opposing views. The Expositor's Bible Commentary is based on the New International Version of the Bible, but may be used with any translation. Greek and Hebrew words have been transliterated to make the material accessible to readers unfamiliar with the biblical languages. Technical questions and textual issues are briefly dealt with in notes at the end of each section.
  Paul_Brunning | Apr 26, 2016 |
Good scholarship, hard to build a message on. Takes time to learn how to use properly. ( )
  smithcolint | Aug 14, 2009 |
The first commentary set in which a preacher should invest, the Expositor's Bible Commentary offers a good starting place for work on a passage. Also an excellent resource for lay leadership and those leading bible studies and small groups, passages are dealt with succinctly and with little overdeveloped comment. The trade off is that while major issues are noted and receive comment, the real depth of textual questions is often left somewhat unexplored. Occasionally the commentary can leave one wondering why more can't be said about a passage, but of course the limit of 12 volumes means that only introductory matters can be discussed. ( )
  PastorBob | Nov 21, 2008 |
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel
  RevDrEdMac | Dec 22, 2020 |
Bible, N.T. Commentary
  CPI | Jun 30, 2016 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Frank E. Gaebeleinprimary authorall editionscalculated
Douglas, J. D.main authorall editionsconfirmed
Polcyn, Dickmain authorall editionsconfirmed

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World-class, in-depth commentary on the entire Bible, verse by verse A triumph in evangelical scholarship, the Expositor's Bible Commentary is the product of seventy-eight of the world's finest biblical scholars and eighteen years of meticulous effort. This Gold Medallion Award-winning study tool comes to you on CD-ROM in the Pradis platform. Available at instant command are all the verse-by-verse insights, all the in-depth notes-including footnotes containing the Greek and Hebrew-and all the outstanding features of the celebrated twelve-volume print edition.

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