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The Elements of Style

by William Strunk, Jr., E. B. White

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20,163193226 (4.15)151
The Elements of Style has long been a valued and beloved resource for all writers. Hailed for its directness and clever insight, this unorthodox textbook was born from a professor's love for the written word and perfected years later by one of his students-famed author E.B. White. Ever since its first publication in 1959, writers have turned to this book for its wise and accessible advice.… (more)
  1. 40
    On Writing Well by William Zinsser (chwiggy)
  2. 32
    The Reader Over Your Shoulder: A Handbook for Writers of English Prose by Robert Graves (aulsmith)
    aulsmith: Reader Over Your Shoulder has the same sort of advice as Elements of Style, but with many interesting examples of prose written in violation of the principle they are advocating.
  3. 01
    Deutsch fürs Leben: Was die Schule zu lehren vergaß by Wolf Schneider (JuliaMaria)

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Orientado a la escritura en Inglés. Aconseja comenzando por la puntuación y después sobre expresiones y errores comunes a evitar, siempre sobre la redacción en Inglés.

Algunas elecciones son subjetivas y sin explicación. En puridad no es un libro de "estilo", más bien un mínimo opúsculo de puntuación y escritura. ( )
  pbenavent | Jun 1, 2024 |
A must-read book for those who aspire to be a writer. ( )
  Rasaily | Apr 17, 2024 |

You can’t go wrong with this advice. Short, sweet, and to the point. Absolutely timeless. Writers and editors alike can learn from this. ( )
  amagsmith | Oct 25, 2023 |
Definitely a textbook. Really the only parts of interest in this book that I found were chapters 2: Elementary Principles of Composition and 5: An Approach to Style. Chapter 2 was the more interesting and informative of the two. The rest is okay for a mechanical refresher on English sentences though a few might be a little outdated in this edition. Overall, I would recommend this if you're interested in a few pointers to sharpen your writing. ( )
  Ranjr | Jul 13, 2023 |
I owned two or three editions of this guide, which helped me learn to write more clearly. ( )
  mykl-s | Jun 17, 2023 |
Showing 1-5 of 190 (next | show all)
I believe the success of Elements to be one of the worst things to have happened to English language education in America in the past century. The book’s style advice, largely vapid and obvious (“Do not overwrite”; “Be clear”), may do little damage; but the numerous statements about grammatical correctness are actually harmful. They are riddled with inaccuracies, uninformed by evidence, and marred by bungled analysis. Elements is a dogmatic bookful of bad usage advice, and the people who rely on it have no idea how badly off-beam its grammatical claims are.
Buy it, study it, enjoy it. It's as timeless as a book can be in our age of volubility. (previous edition)
added by ArrowStead | editThe New York Times
...still a little book, small enough and important enough to carry in your pocket, as I carry mine.
added by ArrowStead | editFront cover, Charles Osgood
The Elements of Style does not deserve the enormous esteem in which it is held by American college graduates. Its advice ranges from limp platitudes to inconsistent nonsense. Its enormous influence has not improved American students' grasp of English grammar; it has significantly degraded it.

» Add other authors (3 possible)

Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Strunk, William, Jr.primary authorall editionsconfirmed
White, E. B.main authorall editionsconfirmed
Angell, RogerForewordsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Kalman, MairaIllustratorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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The first writer I watched at work was my stepfather, E.B. White.
First words
1. Form the possessive singular of nouns by adding 's.
Introduction: At the close of the first World War, when I was a student at Cornell, I took a course called English 8.
[50th anniversary and 1979 editions.]
Introduction: A small book arrived in my mail not long ago, a gift from a friend in Ithica.
[1959 edition]
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(Click to show. Warning: May contain spoilers.)
Disambiguation notice
"The Elements of Forbidden" about 5 copies of which are buried in this work, are due to a since-corrected LibraryThing error, and are really also 'Style' works
This is the edition of The Elements of Style that was written by William Strunk and later expanded upon by E.B. White.  Please do not combine with the original, unexpanded version by Strunk alone, nor with the illustrated edition.
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The Elements of Style has long been a valued and beloved resource for all writers. Hailed for its directness and clever insight, this unorthodox textbook was born from a professor's love for the written word and perfected years later by one of his students-famed author E.B. White. Ever since its first publication in 1959, writers have turned to this book for its wise and accessible advice.

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According to the St. Louis Dispatch, this "excellent book, which should go off to college with every freshman, is recognized as the best book of its kind we have." It should be the ". . . daily companion of anyone who writes for a living and, for that matter, anyone who writes at all" (Greensboro Daily New). "No book in shorter space, with fewer words, will help any writer more than this persistent little volume"
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Grammatical correctness:

Here's how to do it. (lturpin42)

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