Book Events for Hoth76

Events within the books in Hoth76's library

18th century



Age of Sail

American Civil War

Attack on Pearl Harbor

Battle of Chancellorsville

Battle of Chosin Reservoir

Battle of Fredericksburg

Battle of Midway

Battle of Omdurman

Battle of Yavin

Black Death

Cold War [in Star Wars]

Cuban Revolution

Disaster: Shipwreck

Dust Bowl Era

Execution of Che Guevara

Fall of Harvest

Great Depression

The Great Wars

Guadalcanal Campaign

Hindenburg disaster

Hundred Years' War

Korean War

Nuclear winter

Return of The Trickster

Siege of Khartoum

Tokyo Fire Raids

War of the Five Kings

War of the Races

World War II

World War II, Pacific Theater

World War III