"Just the facts, ma'am" - Good News/Bad News 14

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"Just the facts, ma'am" - Good News/Bad News 14

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Jul 10, 2009, 6:52 am

Post your news here!

Jul 10, 2009, 8:34 am

GN: I'll be seeing my sisters soon for our second sister weekend!
GN: My nephew will be there too, and I like him a lot. :)
GN: His other grandma will be available to babysit, so he won't be there the whole time and we'll still get "just sisters" time.
GN: Tomorrow night we're having Cheese and Chocolate at the Melting Pot.

Jul 10, 2009, 10:01 am

GN: Sister weekend has come again!
GN: I get to see my nephew! It's been 9 weeks since the last time I saw the kid.
GreatN: Cheese and Chocolate at the Melthing Pot!!! I havn't been there in like 9 years.

Jul 10, 2009, 1:59 pm

Bad News: A funeral. Again.

Annoying News, could be ranting but I'm too tired to really rant: The funeral was in Bayside, Queens and the burial was in the Bronx, relatively close to each other via the Throgs Neck Bridge.

Guess which bridge ended up closed in both directions this morning?

I'm tired from too much contact with NY drivers.

Jul 10, 2009, 2:12 pm

You have my sympathy, JP, both for the loss that occasioned the funeral, and for the NYC driving.

I'm headed for a funeral this weekend, too, but don't expect too much traffic; it's in Connecticut.

GN: My sister is coming to get me and I'll spend a couple of days at her house and one night at my cousin's.
GN: I like all these people. Even though there's a funeral, I don't expect it to be a very sad or emotional time. More of a celebration of life, really.

Jul 10, 2009, 2:30 pm

Oh, jp, you have my condolences on both counts.

GN: Spa night rocked!!!
GN: I'm all relaxed for the wedding tomorrow.
GN: All my friends at HogX are going to be sending me good vibes and luck tomorrow morning at about 11:30 am PDT when I sing for Skye's wedding. (I assume...;-)
GN: Lincecum almost had a no hitter last night! I love him.

Jul 10, 2009, 3:17 pm

Bad News: Yesterday I got pulled over for speeding (I was going 62 mph in a 55.)
Good News: I only got a warning =D

Jul 10, 2009, 3:28 pm

Thanks ejj and LG.
And you will be great LG. I am certain of it. ;o)

Jul 10, 2009, 4:02 pm

Thanks, jp.

Jul 10, 2009, 5:07 pm

GN: My shirts shipped yesterday so they'll be here for HBP!!!
BN: Still don't know which one to wear.

Jul 10, 2009, 5:18 pm

10: LG, When did you order your shirts? I just ordered mine yesterday, and I am a little worried it might not arrive on time. To add to the worry, I made my own quote. I don't know if that will take even longer.

Edited: Jul 10, 2009, 5:51 pm

#11 Not sure, gotta check the other thread....

eta: looks like it was July 6.

Jul 10, 2009, 5:52 pm

compski, what shirt did you make? Inquiring minds....

Edited: Jul 10, 2009, 6:15 pm

GN/BN: I found what I believe to be a baby hawk in the backyard of my daycare center.
Funny News: I put on gloves so I could moved him away from the kids, so he didn't get stepped on and he jumped right up on my hand and made himself at home. He didn't want to get back off.
We build a nest for him and sat him under the tree hopefully he will find his way home this weekend. I made a nice puddle of water for him to drink and dug up worms to keep him fed.

ETA: Cool News: An author just e-mailed me asking to review an arc of their book! It sounds really good and I accepted!

Jul 10, 2009, 6:34 pm

Wow, MsB! I didn't even know hawks used daycare! :o)

Jul 10, 2009, 6:36 pm

awwww how cute! You should keep it and train it to do your will

Jul 10, 2009, 6:37 pm

lol... my boss said i worked better with the bird than i did with the children... i am still not sure if that was a compliment or not.

Jul 10, 2009, 6:38 pm

Polly, I wish I could have kept it but I would have felt bad if I didn't give it a chance to get back home, and keeping a wild animals in doors, especially an apartment.

Jul 10, 2009, 6:50 pm

If the baby is still there, you might consider calling a wildlife rehabilitator. We have a friend who specializes in birds of prey in our area. You don't want to try to raise a hawk without proper training.

Jul 10, 2009, 8:14 pm

GN: Got to CA fine, and had lunch at our favorite Sacramento restaurant with old neighborhood friends.

Edited: Jul 10, 2009, 8:25 pm

GN: I just got an email that my shirt shipped!

13 LG: I put my favorite Dumbledore quote on the back in green:
It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.

and then I put "-APWBD" below it in purple. I couldn't think of anything for the front for a long time, so I put the date of the meet-ups!

ETA: News: My brother and I take each other to a movie when our birthdays come around. He wants to go to HBP. This is good news, because it is a good movie. The bad news is I have to break the "no opening weekend" pact, and I won't be seeing it for the first time with my HE friends. I am just happy he is a fan, because for a long time he looked down on the books because of their popularity. When he finally read them he couldn't put them down!

Edited: Jul 10, 2009, 8:30 pm

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Edited: Jul 10, 2009, 9:12 pm

BN: The HE seems to have become some sort of SPAM magnet.
GN: That's what the flag button is for!
BN: Mandy is stuck in traffic. It took her an hour to go 3 miles!
GN: Last time I talked to her, traffic was finally moving, so she should be here in the next half hour or so.
GN: So should Holly.

ETA: GN: Mandy's here.

Jul 11, 2009, 1:20 am

#2 bib & 3 mandy:
Melting pots sound so cool. I hope you guys have a great sisters weekend!

#4 jp & 5 ejj:
I'm very sorry for your losses. *hugs*

#6 LG:
I will think of you at 11:30am. Have a great time at the wedding!

#10 LG:
:P Mine's already here. ;) I've gone over expenses and think I'm sticking with the Muggle t-shirt.

#14 Bella:
That is so cool!! I'm so happy for you! I read your previous good news on the other thread. This sounds so awesome. Congrats. :)
As for the hawk, oh, you are brave. Birds scare me. (They've attacked me twice.)

#20 Kasongo:
I hope you continue to have a good time on your trip!

#21 compski:
Your shirt sounds fantastic. I haven't seen it yet and love it already.

B but mostly G news: I've had much trouble sleeping thinking about work and decided to talk to management. In summary, I need to be worried, just not as extensively as I had been.

Maybe good news: I'm supposed to get to see a past temporary boss tomorrow at her baby shower.

Perhaps bad news: I think the person I was supposed to go with isn't going anymore and they were supposed to be my way to and from there as well. I was really looking forward to spending time with people outside of work and home.

Jul 11, 2009, 1:29 am

Thanks for your support, K.

GN: Jonathan Sanchez (of all people!) pitched a no-hitter for the Giants against the Padres!!! Congrats, Jonathan!
BN: I was at the wedding rehearsal and missed it.

Jul 11, 2009, 10:38 am

#4: Sorry about the funeral and the traffic, JP

#6: A little bit late but, break a leg, LG!

#21: Great quote, compski!

GN: A very good friend of mine is auditioning today for Latin American Idol.
BN: I still don't know how she did.
GN: She is number 0001 in line so we should know pretty soon.
I need you guys to send good vibes her way so she gets in, pleaseee..
GN: MEM is having her baby!!

Jul 11, 2009, 1:11 pm

#26 I don't think you're late. 11:30am, right? It's only 10:10 here.

I hope your friend got in.

Good luck, LG! You'll sing great! :)

Good News: Tomorrow I get to go to a pool party for my friends' grandmother's 75th birthday! Lol
Bad news: My room isn't clean yet... *sigh*

Jul 11, 2009, 2:59 pm

GN: We went strawberry picking and came home with strawberries and raspberries
GN: We also came home with a guinea-pig called ralph!

BN: A guinea-pig isn't what we went out for!

Jul 11, 2009, 3:42 pm

That's ok luna! What's one pet more?...Well, as long as the cats don't eat it! :P

GN: Grandma's arriving on Monday!!!!!
BN: So much work to do to get the house ready....
GN: Band camp starts next week!

Jul 11, 2009, 3:52 pm


Indeed! he's bigger than the kittens and Luna wouldn't be brave enough, its only Bobble (the adult boy) that would be a threat. We adopted him cos he was being bullied and can't live with another guinea-pig so he's come here where he can be on his own.

Jul 11, 2009, 9:08 pm

GN: The song we sang in the ceremony was beautiful and I managed not to cry until after we finished singing.
GN: My friend looked amazing and she's marrying a great guy.
GN: We met some very cool Bulgarian musicians.
Funny News: On the song we sang at the reception, Annie started her solo about a third too high, which made for some crazy hijinx after we modulated up even further. I didn't know I could still hit those notes!
GN: I get to just stay home and watch the Giants game tonight, nothing more required of me!

Jul 12, 2009, 4:46 pm

Good News: At church today, I had to play piano since my brother, Mike, is in Russia. After the sermon and everything, someone came up and said, "I didn't even realize Mike was gone until the 4th song." Which is a compliment because Mike is a really good pianist.

Bad News: Work. Lame.

Good News: Yesterday I got to just sit and read for awhile. Usually I have stuff to do or people to see.

Jul 12, 2009, 6:32 pm

Cool, Mindy! :)

GN: We had a church picnic this afternoon at a park. We took Miles so he could be around a crowd and kids. He behaved beautifully and didn't jump up on any kids. In fact, for most everyone who approached him, he sat and let them come up to him (which we've been working on a lot at home). Quite a few people commented on how well behaved he was. :D Training is working! (sometimes it's hard to see the small payoffs since they happen in small increments)

Jul 12, 2009, 11:51 pm

BN: Never got to my aunt's memorial service because we stopped to check on my brother-in-law's mother, who wasn't answering her phone.

BN: She had fallen, possibly two or three days ago, and wasn't able to get up.

Not the worst news: She's in the hospital, which is basically where we spent today. And she may, possibly, almost be ready to consider an assisted living facility, which she has rejected up until now.

It was an exhausting, draining day.

Jul 13, 2009, 12:10 am

GN: I am now caught up on HE, until I can get on again.
BN: I haven't been able to get on very much.

GN: My trip is a week away! Anyone have any tips for me? I've only flown once, and that was when I was 12. A looooong time ago.

BN: I haven't been getting much sleep lately. I'm not sure if it's just because I keep waking up, or if it's because Finnegan randomly barks in the middle of the night. I think he's hearing deer outside our window.
GN: Speaking of deer (which we see tons of), we have a doe who has twin fawns. We got to see them playing in our front yard this morning.

GN: Getting ready to buy my first new car.
BN: Our "lady" that we're trying to deal with has been hard to get a hold of. I'm thinking of finding someone else.

Jul 13, 2009, 12:22 am

Flying is somewhat uncomfortable, particularly if the flight is full. Wear comfortable clothes and I'd suggest shoes you can slip on and off easily (especially as you might have to take them off when going through security).

After you go through security, get a bottle of water to take on the plane with you and drink plenty of water. Maybe take a very small (no more than 3 oz. is allowed) container of moisturizer because the air will be dry.

Take a book to read!

I saw two fawns playing yesterday, also. Very sweet.

Jul 13, 2009, 12:23 am

#31: I am glad you sang well at the wedding, lg!

#32: I didn't know you played the piano mindy. And it's great you got a compliment on it!

#33: Great dog trainer, lefty! ;)

#34: I am so sorry to hear about your brother-in-law's mother and you missing your aunt's memorial, ejj. But let's hope she accepts the assisted living facility arrangements. Hope you can rest and relax a bit now.

BN: My friend didn't get in Latin American Idol.
JN: It's outrageous that they are only taking 10 persons from my country, and it's because the program is having money issues.
GN: I went to a friend's daughter ballet recital (my first ballet recital) and it was awesome!! I think watching So You think you can dance has made me appreciate dancing more :P
GN: Last week of college!!!

Jul 13, 2009, 12:36 am

#36 ejj: Thanks!

BN (I forgot): As some of you know, mom's job is going out of the country. It's been rough for us (dad and me) for the last few weeks. Her last day is this Thursday, so I'm expecting Thursday and Friday to be awful here.
GN: The GN is that she is going to a meeting Tuesday to talk about schooling. She doesn't want to go to school, but right now there are no other jobs around. The plant closing is taking 800 jobs out of our city. I've been trying to encourage her and tell her we'll help her when we can. I'm going to try and go to the meeting with her if they'll let me, so I can listen in and take notes for her. Our trip will help with her being depressed over the job situation.

Jul 13, 2009, 8:57 am

BN: Walked out of my apt. this morning to find out my car has a flat tire.
GN: I work within walking distance from my apartment, so not a huge deal.
BN: My car will be "illegally parked" until I change it as there's only two hour parking during the week.
GN: This will give me a chance to learn how to change a tire.
BN: I'm not entirely sure that I'll have everything I need and all the people I might normally ask to help are out of town right now.

Jul 13, 2009, 9:52 am

I'm assuming you don't have your own tools, Bib? A car comes with everything you need to change a flat, though they are usually "Mickey Mouse" versions of the tools rather than being real tools. They're functional enough, just less easy to use. Let me know if you have any questions, though I'm considerably less helpful being several states away. :/

Jul 13, 2009, 10:01 am

BN: I got a speeding ticket...stupid rentals and red cars
GN: I had a great sister weekend

Jul 13, 2009, 10:24 am

Thanks Lefty. Mostly I'm concerned because I got my car used and I never really checked to make sure I had a jack or a tire iron. I probably do, I'm just not 100% positive. I've googled how to change a tire, just to make sure I know the sequence of bolt loosening to jack pumping and all and I think I'll be able to do it. I'm going to try when I get home tonight and we'll see how it goes. :)

Jul 13, 2009, 10:35 am

Buy a can of fix-a-flat and bat your eyes at the nearest man. Thats what I do. Yeah I know, thats so sexist lol

Jul 13, 2009, 10:45 am

I just belong to AAA. Or I call my hubby, but I can get along without him!

Jul 13, 2009, 11:01 am

Yeah, I let my AAA lapse when I moved back here. When you move as much as I have the last 3 years, it became a bit obnoxious. I'll have to start back up with the Mid-Atlantic one soon I guess.

Jul 13, 2009, 1:25 pm

#33 That's so exciting Missy! I'm glad he's learning!

#34 I'm sorry about your brother-in-law's mother, ejj. I hope she is doing ok.

Good News: I got a 1670 on the SAT (and I didn't study at all)

Jul 13, 2009, 3:18 pm

Thanks; Mindy, she seems to be doing okay but we don't know if she'll agree to go to an assisted-living facility, even though she really shouldn't be alone. I should perhaps mention that even though I'm sorry anyone has to go through this, she's not a particularly pleasant person and even her only child, her son, doesn't want her to live with him and my sister.

Congrats on the SAT scores! Are you planning to take them again? Do you have any idea of where you want to go to college?

Edited: Jul 13, 2009, 4:39 pm

BN: Turns out I'm too weak to loosen the lug nuts.
GN: I should be able to get someone to help tomorrow.
BN: Ran into a guy that said I wasn't the only one it happened to.

Edited for Homonyms

Jul 13, 2009, 4:45 pm

thats like me, bib, I KNOW how to change a tire, being able to DO it is another thing entirely

Jul 13, 2009, 5:11 pm

#48: Was someone letting air out of tires as a prank?

Jul 13, 2009, 5:24 pm

GN I saw foggi! We had Indian food and wandered Chicago!
GN I am going to Montana tomorrow to see family
GN I will get to go to the midwest movie meetup.

I am sorry for all the bad news. I hope you all have more good news to balance the bad.

Jul 13, 2009, 5:51 pm

>48 biblioholic29:, 49

That just about sums up my entire experience with physical activity, as in gym class at school: I could intellectually follow the explanation for how to do something like climb a rope or do a back flip, but that doesn't mean I could make my body do those things.

Jul 13, 2009, 6:06 pm


Okay GN> Beautiful baby grandson, Tix for HBP bought and ready

BN> None at the moment,

Jul 13, 2009, 6:32 pm

49/52: Glad to know I'm not the only one! A friend suggested standing on the tire iron, but knowing myself, I'm thinking that would be putting my ankles and knees in grave danger.

50: Yeah, pretty much the entire block. The downside to living near a bunch of bars.

Jul 13, 2009, 7:28 pm

>54 biblioholic29: The additional frustration always comes when someone (e.g., gym teachers, good dancers, boyfriends trying to teach me to drive manual shift cars . . . ) explains physical stuff to me as though I were a complete idiot. Nope, not complete.

Jul 13, 2009, 9:45 pm

GN: My shirts arrived today!!
BN: I still don't know which one to wear.

Jul 13, 2009, 9:49 pm

I saw some today at Hot Topic but They weren't really all that much, nothing cool like what you guys found

Jul 14, 2009, 12:14 pm

#47 Thanks ejj =) I'm thinking about going to Ball State for math education.

Good News: I got my ER book Aracoeli =)

Bad News: Work in a couple hours. I want to sleep.

Jul 14, 2009, 2:01 pm

#48 & 50 What's funny (or not so funny) is that on Sunday we discovered that my mom's car had a flat tire. But my dad took it in yesterday to fix it.

Good News: I went out to lunch to a bakery with my aunt and cousin yesterday. It was good.
Good News: We went to the movies and I saw UP for the second time!
Bad News: I still haven't started reading The Good Earth.
Good News: My family is going to the San Diego Zoo on Friday!

Jul 14, 2009, 3:21 pm

SuperExciting News: My Mad Men season 2 dvds arrived today!
GN: Might take my mind off having to wait 10 WHOLE DAYS to see HBP.
BN: Perhaps not.

Jul 14, 2009, 5:31 pm

GN: The spare is on and the car has been moved.

Jul 14, 2009, 6:01 pm

GN: I don't have work tomorrow
GN: A temp agency has a temp-perm position and they sent in my resume for it.
BN: I won't know if I got it until next week

Jul 14, 2009, 6:27 pm

BN: Vacation Bible School is next week, and I have LOST my teacher book!!! I am the Storyteller, and I never even opened the dadblamed thing when it was given to me 3 weeks ago, so I have NO IDEA what I am supposed to be doing. I have cleaned (!) my house thinking it would surely turn up. GN: clean house BN: still no teacher book! ack! GN: husband's colleague is sending me a copy, as their church did VBS last week. Hopefully it will come in tomorrow's mail. And I have no one to blame but myself...

Jul 14, 2009, 7:10 pm

I understand your pain, VBS can rarely be winged

Jul 14, 2009, 10:15 pm

Good News: My brother's friend, Ridge, needed a haircut (my mom usually does it). Since she wasn't home, I suggested that he let me try it. Well, he agreed and it turned out quite well. I didn't do anything fancy. Just one length.

Bad News: I didn't make much money tonight at work. The fair opened tonight.

Jul 14, 2009, 11:25 pm

VBN: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! A terrible thing has happened. My mom told me we can't go see HBP tomorrow night cuz we have to pick up the dog! And we might not be able to see it on Thursday because we might have some visits coming over. *breaks out in tears* :(

GN: Grandma made it safely to Toronto and we went to pick her up there. :)

Jul 15, 2009, 12:16 am

But, Pico--dog!!

Jul 15, 2009, 12:32 am

GN: Worked in my classroom for about 1 1/2 hours. I'm hoping to get a lot of it done before our trip on Monday. I'll only have 4 days when we get back before I have to be in meetings.

GN: I never thought I would take decorating advice from a Wal-Mart add, but I've "made" a new set of bookshelves for me:

GN: I now have this pretty little thing sitting in my driveway:

My first new car!

Jul 15, 2009, 12:33 am

Love the color, Kirby! It's very cute.

Jul 15, 2009, 11:06 am

Love it Kirby, Congrats!

Jul 15, 2009, 11:28 am

The car is very nice Kirby Congrats!

Jul 15, 2009, 12:27 pm

GN> Jim has a job interview on Friday with Target! Please send prayers, wishes and vibes his way!

Jul 15, 2009, 1:07 pm

I love the car Kirby!

#72 When you say vibes... do you mean like a new Pontiac Vibe? (I think my thoughts are just in new cars because of Kirbys...)

Jul 15, 2009, 1:19 pm

BN: I have a really bad cold (might be swine flu, who knows!)
BN: My grandma is in hospital again
BN: I can't go and visit her as I'm ill
BN: I can't afford to be ill!

GN...............I have chocolate?

Jul 15, 2009, 2:14 pm

BN: I can't remeber the last time I was this tired...
GN: Night in on the sofa. Batteries re-charging.

Jul 15, 2009, 2:29 pm

Good News: I just finished my re-read of The Book Thief. I love that book so much.

Jul 15, 2009, 5:21 pm

#68 Nice car!

Bad News: My great aunt died this morning. :(
Good News...I guess: She was in the hospital and we knew she was dying and at least my grandparents were with her and now they don't have to make a hard decision.
Bad News: We have to go through a bunch of stuff in her house and two storage units.

Jul 15, 2009, 5:56 pm

>77 ChelseaB-ley: I'm sorry, Chelsea.

I don't know what we would have done when it came time to clean out my parents' apartment, but my older brother organized us and we got it done. Three piles for everything: throw out, donate, or keep.

Jul 15, 2009, 7:36 pm

GN: I am home from Chicago, where I had a wonderful time (details coming in bits and pieces on that thread).
BN: I took my car in to get it looked at today, and the repairs it needed were pricey.
GN: It's fixed now, so I shouldn't have to worry about, for example, the alternator going out halfway to the Midwest Movie Meet-Up.

Jul 15, 2009, 7:51 pm

GN: foggi's car didn't blow up on the way to Chicago.
GN: We took our car in today, too.
GN: They tried to sell us a new battery for way too much money, but hubby priced it way lower. Who can't put in a battery themselves?

Jul 15, 2009, 8:55 pm

#80 -- Actually, I flew to Chicago, or I would have had it looked at beforehand. What with gas prices and the cost of parking in downtown Chicago, flying was cheaper.

Jul 15, 2009, 10:05 pm

Nice car, kirby!

74- Well that's good, luna. If you eat plenty of chocolate, then you are guaranteed to get better. After all, chocolate fixes everything, doesn't it? ;)

Jul 15, 2009, 10:55 pm

GN: I don't have to take out all of my bushes! After the failed attempt at removing a tree stump, I had a guy come do an estimate and he said he'd take out all five stumps and six bushes for $250! $250! I am so excited! :D
BN: This means the previous two days of back-breaking labor were all for naught. Though it was an outstanding full-body workout. (When I came in last night I couldn't even type. My arms and fingers couldn't handle the strain.)
GN/BN: Opening day came and went and I did not go see HBP which means it will now be easier not to see it until the meet up. Good because I'll see it for the first time with LTers! Bad because I have not seen it!

Jul 15, 2009, 11:53 pm

Back breaking labor is never for naught. Once you stop feeling sore, you will be so much stronger!

Good News: We also resisted Harry today. We were at the aquarium and there was a movie theatre nearby where it was playing. *pats self on back for being strong...and poor.* :o)

Jul 15, 2009, 11:58 pm

Good News: I'm going to get Chloie tomorrow (she lives about an hour away so I don't get to see her very often). She will be staying until Saturday =D
Good News: On Sunday I'm going to Chicago. My boyfriend and his family are going to a White Sox game and they asked me to join them. (The game is actually on Monday, but they wanted to do some sightseeing).

Jul 16, 2009, 10:18 am

Sorry CB. It's hard losing someone, and then having to go through all their things to take care of it. When my grandma passed away, we took a week after the funeral to do her house. It was sad, but we didn't wait around because we thought it would be even worse for us if we waited.

foggi-Glad you had a safe and fun trip!

lefty- That's a great price. I would make sure he has insurance. Just in case. That's what we've done for any of our tree/stump removals. That way in case something does happen, then you're covered. Usually the ones with insurance are really good anyway, and nothing bad does happen.

GN: Have resisted HBP so far. My invisible support group is working.

BN: Mom's last day at work was yesterday. She was all puffy eyed when I got home. For those of you that don't remember, her job was sent to Mexico.
BN: Last night when she was playing with Kirby and Finnegan she got hurt. She was playing tug with them, and Kirby jumped right when she turned her face. His top knot hit her cheek. She now has a bruise that's about 3x1 inches.

GN: Dad made it home from his mini trip fine.

GN: Mom's up at school with me working. She's entering in new books in LT for me. Next she's going to sort my boxes and boxes of books.

Jul 16, 2009, 11:32 am

GN: Last night Rachel Maddow had a guy from a group of shark attack victims who spoke in front of Congress urging protection for sharks. How cool is that? It made me think of sugey-pants.
BN: I have a slight toothache.

Jul 16, 2009, 11:35 am

awww thank you, LG! That story warms my heart. I'll have to try and catch a replay.

Jul 16, 2009, 1:11 pm

GN: Read the LT blog! I haven't read P&P&Z yet (I have it, I'm thinking it'll be a beach read in Sept.) but I'm even more excited about the upcoming titles!
BN: People at work are annoying.
GN: At least I don't live with them. :)

Jul 16, 2009, 4:15 pm

well its like he said, we invade their territory, they don't come up on land looking for us The sharks I mean

Jul 16, 2009, 4:30 pm

GN: I'm eating watermelon.
GN/BN: My old music teacher from Pinawa and her daughter (my friend) may or may not be coming to visit us today. I'm happee cuz I get to see my friend, but how strange will it be to have my ex-music teacher in my house?
GN: I think I'm gonna see HBP tomorrow!!!!!!!
GN: Dad's coming back from his conference on Saturday and he said he's gonna bring me one of those "I love San Francisco" shirts. You know, the ones with the heart and the white background. :P

Jul 16, 2009, 6:06 pm

Great N: I have 2 job interviews tomorrow!!!!!!
Other N: I am not sure how easy it wil be to go from a classroom full of children to a typing job. But I will enjoy the peace and quiet!
BN: I still have to work a half day tomorrow

Jul 16, 2009, 6:12 pm

GN: I have the day off tomorrow to drive down to Ventura to see my mom.
GN: Hubby & I are catching a 9 am screening of HBP before we leave.
Unknown status News: Kerian & laia will have to settle for me seeing it for the second time. Let's hope they don't get mad at me. ;-)
GN: Hubby won't resent me for seeing it without him. (He never did see OotP in the theatre and hasn't forgiven me for seeing it twice.)
GN: HBP tomorrow!!!!! Woot!!!!

Jul 16, 2009, 6:55 pm

Good Luck with the interviews Bella!!!

Jul 16, 2009, 7:21 pm

Thanks Pico!

Edited: Jul 16, 2009, 8:16 pm

Ejj and kirby: Thank you.

Good News: I just saw HBP and thought it was awesome! I would have waited with you guys (maybe) but I'm not going with any of you.
Bad News: My cousin got to go to the midnight release. (and not me) ;)
Great News: Our band takes a trip every two years and this year we're going to Chicago!!! That's better than the last one to San Fransisco.
Good News: We're performing at the Chicago Heritage Festival and Navy Pier. And we're going to the Sears Tower (even if they try renaming it), the Field Museum of Natural History, a Chicago Cubs game, and taking a bus tour!
Bad News: This means it's crucial for everyone to pay their shared costs!

Jul 16, 2009, 10:01 pm

#68, #93: Nice car, kirby! Have a great time watching HBP!

#72: I hope Jim gets the job, polly! Sending good vibes his way.

#77: Sorry about your aunt, Chelsea.

#92: Good luck in your interviews, bella!

GN: I got to see HBP and I thought it was awesome!
BN: I normally teach English classes on my own, well, many of my students cancelled their classes because it's vacation time and they are travelling.
GN: More than enough free time.
BN: No working, no money :(.
GN: I think this will last only for 2 weeks, so it isn't that bad.
GN: Tomorrow is my last test from college for this semester and then I'm done!

Jul 17, 2009, 3:08 pm

BN: I just found out my grandmother is in declining health, is in hospital and it doesn't look like she'll be coming out. I can't go and see her until sunday because of being sick myself.

GN: (if you can call it that) because I will (unless things happen much much faster than expected) get the chance to see her, be with her and tell her that I love her. Also that she will get to be with my grandad again, they were married for nearly 60 years before he died.

Jul 17, 2009, 6:03 pm

#97 Enjoy all
your free time! 8)

#98 I'm so sorry. We had similar feelings when my grandmother died. 8(

GN- Kids are great if maybe a bit whiny. 8)
BN- Since Theo came early Rob only had one day off and then he had to go back to work since his boss is on vacation in Europe.
BN- He isn't off again until Thursday and then no other day off until the 26th.
BBN- He's had to work several shifts longer than his usual 12 hours and yesterday he worked 16 hours due to people being lame.
GN- When he does get his two weeks of vacation after the 26th I'll be able to move! Which will mean we can enjoy going to the Zoo and State Fair. We wouldn't have if he was home now. 8)
GGN- *knock on wood* No postpartum depression!!! A freakin' miracle! 8)

Jul 19, 2009, 12:17 am

BN: Despite paying an insane sum for car repairs, my car is still making the same weird noise it was making before the repairs.
BN: I am working all week, so I don't know when I'll be able to take the car in to be fixed.
GN: Come what may, I'll be seeing HBP with the rest of the Midwest Meet-Up crew in a week!

Jul 20, 2009, 5:07 pm

#98 luna: I'm so sorry to hear that!!! But at least she'll be with your grandad again right?

BN: I couldn't sleep yesterday until 2am which means I only slept 5 1/2 hours and I'm insanely tired.
BN: I can't take a nap cuz I won't be able to sleep tonight again.
GN: I'm flying to Saskatoon on Friday.
GN: Even with the whole new regulations on Mexicans needing visas to enter Canada, my cousin, grandma, and niece were able to get some and so they'll be arriving in Saskatoon the day after I do!!!!!!

Jul 21, 2009, 8:19 am

BN: Toothache
BN:People at work are jerks
GN: I have tomorrow off
Great News: I have another interview tomorrow

Jul 21, 2009, 1:46 pm

GN: I went to Chicago on Sunday night =)
GN: White Sox won. I'm a Yankees fan myself, but b/f and his family were happy.
GN/BN: I'm home. Good because I missed my bed. Bad because I love Chicago.

Jul 21, 2009, 1:54 pm

Good luck, Bella, I wish we lived in a world in which no-one had to have a job they didn't love.

Foggi, good luck with the car. I know that horrid feeling of having paid a lot of money for something that obviously wasn't fixed.

Jul 21, 2009, 3:32 pm

#104 -- Well, the things they fixed did need to be fixed (I knew that the alternator was going for a while now) . . . it's just that they thought they had found everything, so they stopped looking.

BN: I am feeling worn out and run down.
GN: Summer Reading is almost over! (And it's been a good summer . . . just exhausting.)

Jul 21, 2009, 5:20 pm

GN: Got email from Kerian yesterday.
BN: Her computer problems continue.
BN: She says she misses us.
BN: We miss her too, so much.
GN: I get to see HBP with her & laia this Saturday. Yay!!!

Jul 22, 2009, 10:15 am

GN: I won a pair of tickets to Antiques Roadshow in Phoenix next week
BN: It is about115 degrees in Phoenix It has been averaging around 100 here; we decided we didn't want to go on vacation in another hot place
GN: we decided to not go to AR, and looked for someplace cool...we decided on Mackinac Island in Michigan (it was 71 degrees there) It looks like a beautiful place to go...no vehicles are allowed on the island. And we found a really good package deal at a hotel there. Also, this is the first vacation in 4 years (since hubby finished grad school)and the first since our 10th anniversary that we have taken alone....no kids!

It would have been really cool to go to Antiques Roadshow, but I really didn't have anything to take.

Jul 22, 2009, 10:33 am

BN: Today is turning out to be a miserable day. If I go in to everything that's gone wrong so far, this will turn into a rant, so I'll just say that today is not good.
GN: At least I have chatting with the Midwest Meet-Up group this evening to look forward to!

Jul 22, 2009, 12:49 pm

BN: School starts soonish...
Just News: I was watching "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" and the question was something along the lines of "In England, what is 'snogging'?" The person needed a lifeline. I thought it was somewhat humorous.

Jul 22, 2009, 12:53 pm

I watched that...I told my husband that the contestant obviously hadn't read Harry Potter...the word/activity was used quite a lot in HBP...(he didn't know it either!)

Jul 22, 2009, 1:16 pm

Hehehe, thats got me wondering what you guys call it??

Jul 22, 2009, 1:19 pm

GN: We arrived in Portland/Washington safely.
BN: The first flight was not good, the second was a little better.
GN/BN: I just now figured out how to get on the internet. We got here Monday night.

I will post pictures later. So far most of them are of these 2 little adorable babies. *sigh*

Jul 22, 2009, 1:21 pm

Oh, reading the paper this morning:
"Writer's vamp it up with Jane Austen"
Two new titles, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters and Mr. Darcy, Vampyre are coming out. I haven't had a chance to read P&P&Z yet.

Jul 22, 2009, 1:43 pm

#111: Kissing, Making Out, for a while it was called Macking...

#113: Tim did a blog post on those last week.

Jul 22, 2009, 3:33 pm

#114 re #111: Do they still use necking, or am I aging myself? And if I'm aging myself anyway, I think I'll use that clever term from "On Golden Pond"-suck face. :o)

Bad News: My yoga instructor was suspended from my gym. She wouldn't certify in their Club Yoga style (she has her own style) and she is having health issues which she needs to take care of.

Good News: This means I can cancel the gym membership that I only used to see her and save some money. Maybe I can go back to Bikram yoga. Decisions, decisions...

Jul 22, 2009, 3:37 pm

GN: Yesterday was my one year anniversary at my job.
BN: This means it's time to fill out the dreaded "self-evaluation".
GN: Raise?

Jul 22, 2009, 5:41 pm

#98: So sorry about your grandma's health, luna.

#99: Thanks! I will enjoy my free time, MEM

#107: Have fun on the trip, exiledlibrarian!

#108: Sorry about your day, foggi....{{hugs}}

#115: Yayy for saving money!

#116: Congrats??

GN: I have lots of free time.
BN: Not a lot of work, meaning not a lot of money.
GN: I haven't had any expenses these last days.
GN: It's my brother's birthday, so that means cake!
GN: I can catch up with my reading, series and movies that I hadn't had time to read and watch before.

Jul 22, 2009, 9:43 pm

BN: I got my eyes diilated this afternoon, and I still can't see out of my left eye...I really can't even see what I'm typing right now...lol. We had Bible school tonigh and I am the puppeteer...I could barely read my script. :0 I really can't use the cmputer or read or sew, and husband is watching something I don't like on the tv. So I think I'll go to the bedroom and see if I can watch tv. Hopefullly I'll be able to see tomorrow.

Jul 23, 2009, 7:39 am

good evening, where can i read in the internet access the book of THE GOOD EARTH by Pearl Buck...

Jul 23, 2009, 11:31 am

>119 meltherese:

I've looked around and I don't think you can; the book must still be under copyright. Books available for free online are those that are not under copyright any longer.

It's a good book, though; I read it a few months ago.

Edited: Jul 23, 2009, 2:18 pm

#119 I have to read it too. Not on the internet, but there were a lot at Borders.

Bad News: I have to read the stupid book and it doesn't look good. I also have to do a dialectical journal. :( (I hate summer assignments)
Good News: I made my own ice cream on Saturday for National Ice Cream Day!
Bad News: I went to my great aunt's funeral on Monday.
Good News: I got to spend time with family and we went out to Olive Garden after. Then I went with my aunt and cousin to the mall.
Bad News: I had to work on Tuesday at the Rose Bowl with other band members at a snack bar. We were wearing black pants and it was very hot. But it's supposed to go towards our shared costs...
Good News: Chelsea won! :)
Good News: I might be going to California Adventure tomorrow with my cousin!

Jul 23, 2009, 2:58 pm

Great News!: I got a new job!
Better News!: I have put in my notice for the one I am at... My laast day is tuesday! I start the new job thursday!
GN: The Hours are 830-5 and the pay is reasonable and gets better after 30 days!

Jul 23, 2009, 3:23 pm

Congratulations Bella, that's excellent news!

Jul 23, 2009, 3:29 pm

Congratulations, Bella!

BN: Long day at work. I can hardly wait for this month to end.
BN: I have a headache lurking in the back of my head. I can beat it back with Advil, but it never quite goes away.
GN: Meet-up this weekend! I'm so excited!

Jul 23, 2009, 4:13 pm

Congrats Bella!

GN: Tonight is the last night of Coyote Kids.
GN: My friend changed my oil for me.

Jul 23, 2009, 8:08 pm

foggi, I'm sorry about your headache, but your description made me think of so many horror flicks. *imagines foggi wandering around the house during a raging storm, floorboards creaking under her step, as the headache lurks in the shadows, knife in hand, waiting for its moment...*

Jul 23, 2009, 8:29 pm

#122: Congratulations, Bella! Those are excellent news!!

Jul 23, 2009, 10:14 pm

Congrats Bella!!!!! Yay!!!

BN: My left shoulder is hurting horribly from having to play the flute for two weeks in a row. :(
GN: I'm leaving for Saskatoon tomorrow!!!
BN: I'm kinda nervous.
GN: Music camp presentation tomorrow!!
GN: With a little luck I'll be able to see some old friends at the airport before I leave.

Jul 24, 2009, 12:35 am

GN: My kitchen is clean . . . ish. All the dishes are done, the stove is cleaned, the floor is mopped. I feel a bit Petunia Dursley-ish, since I stayed up late to do this, but I really didn't want to leave for the weekend with the kitchen a mess.
BN: I am exhausted, and still have stuff I need to do.
GN: I should have some time tomorrow to do those last few things.

Jul 24, 2009, 8:45 am

#129: I understand entirely foggi! I cleaned my kitchen Wed. and then got take out yesterday so I wouldn't have to use any dishes. :)

Edited: Jul 24, 2009, 11:01 am

hmmm I hope bib and suge aren't expecting a clean house from me...I've been far too lazy lately...

(Edited because my sister couldn't figure out that I had just missed an o and left me a long message that only an older sister could leave about an o forgotten by her baby sister)

Jul 24, 2009, 11:29 am

GN: Midwest meetup tomorrow =D

Jul 24, 2009, 12:57 pm

I feel for you, Mandy, you have an aunt like that, English major to boot!!

Jul 24, 2009, 1:03 pm

Hey, at least I avoided the temptation to post it here!

Jul 24, 2009, 6:52 pm

Note to self: Ask bib about the long message to Mandy.

Jul 25, 2009, 12:09 am

132: Mindy, Does this mean you are coming? I hope so!

Jul 25, 2009, 12:27 am

BN:the a/c has gone kaput in our house...it is currently 90 degrees inside...fans going, windows open. Someone came, said they had it fixed, it stopped about 15 minutes after they left...(a church member in the business.) Who leaves tomorrow a.m. to spend the weekend at his lakehouse. So we'll probably be w/o a/c all weekend, and triple digits are expected in the forecast. This is a parsonage, so it'll probably have to go thru the trustees committee to get it "really" fixed or probably replaced. and who knows how long that will take. Texas in the summer w/o a/c is really really not a good thing.

GN: we just finished Vacation Bible School tonight and had over 50 people (children, parents, church members) attend end-of-the week picnic in the park. Had an average of 20 kids every night and raised over $130 for our mission project...not bad for a super teeny church w/an average age of 75! And one that up till last year, hadn't done VBS in about 3 years...

Jul 25, 2009, 9:34 am

Thanks everyone!
GN: Going with a friend to get her a tattoo...
BN: I can't get one as I can't afford it :(
GN: Only two more days at the daycare!

Jul 25, 2009, 11:36 am

Congrats on the job, Bella!

GN: Went shopping yesterday after way too long and bought everything in the grocery store.
BN: Spent way too much money, naturally.
GN: I know how to make more and will be able to work without leaving the house for days if necessary, given that I have all these provisions!

BN: I'm not at the meetup to watch the HP movie. This makes me very sad.
GN: But I'm even more determined to make the meetup in Florida at the end of next year.

Jul 25, 2009, 11:41 am

Thanks ejj
BN; I am not at the meetup either :( With everything going on with my brother's wedding I knew I wasn't going to be able to make it....
BN: I am not sure when I will see HP....
GN: Going to get a tattoo drawn up tonight! I will try to post the drawing so I can get you guys input!

Jul 25, 2009, 12:14 pm

SN: One more night here in Washington. Tomorrow we'll drive to Portland and stay there for the night since we have an early flight Monday morning.
GN: But that also means that we'll be home in our own beds and see our family Monday night.

BN: Yesterday we brought the boys over (one's 3, the other's 10) to swim. After 15 minutes of swimming, the three year old got out to get our beach ball, turned and fell. He split his chin open. Lots of blood. They were at the hospital for 3 hours.
GN: He's fine now. It was a deep clean cut, but they didn't put stitches in. They glued it together. He's ever the happy go lucky kid again.

I'm not sure what we're doing today, but it should be interesting.

Edited: Jul 25, 2009, 3:42 pm

Oh dear kirby! I'm glad he's alright!

BN: See rants 5.
GN: My grandma and cousin and niece are arriving from Mexico tonight!
BN: My arms kinda ache because I just cleaned all the downstairs windows and my uncle's house is huuugge so you can imagine...

Jul 25, 2009, 6:15 pm

BN: I'm hardly around here at the moment.
GN: I'm nearly all saved up to pay the reamining bulk sum for my trip.
GN: Ten weeks and I'll be in Kuala Lumpur!!!
GN: Finally saw HBP tonight :-)
GN: I've been really good recently about getting back to the gym. This week, to add variety to my usual work out, I took two classes - aqua aerobics on Tuesday, and yesterday Legs Bums and Tums.
BN: The class yesterday has left me in PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN today. Argh!!
GN: At least I know I worked hard.
GN: I have signed up for both classes again next week.
GN: My friend Craig is coming over tomorrow (day off!!!), and we are going to make cheese and bread.
GN: It looks like he is also going to join me for the Cambodia part of my trip. We make good holiday buddies - we ewent to Spain together a couple of years back, so we know it works.

I think I've run out of news... which is probably GN for you guys....

Jul 25, 2009, 6:17 pm

I envy all the travel you do ladyN! Be sure to post lots of pictures!

Jul 25, 2009, 6:19 pm

Oh I will! I'll be gone for about 7.5 weeks, so there will be PLENTY!! You'll all be bored of it by the time I'm done!

Jul 25, 2009, 9:35 pm

Lady N Congrats on all of your good news! I hope you enjoy your trip! and we miss you around here!

GN: I got a new tattoo... I am going to try and get a picture up but it goes around my wrist so I can't get a full pic. It says In Omnia Paratus... Which mean Ready for anything!

Jul 26, 2009, 12:09 am

#34 ejj:
I'm sorry about your brother's mother-in-law!

#38 & 86 kirby:
Jobs aren't looking good right now. :( Best of luck to your mom, and I hope she heals quickly from the bruise Kirby gave her.

#46 mindy:
Wow! That's impressive. Great job, mindy! :)

#51 mar & 79 foggi:
I just the HE flickr account. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun! :)

#68 kirby:
Major congrats on your first new car! It looks great.

#74 & 98 luna:
I am very sorry about your grandmother and hope you're feeling better soon yourself.

#93 LG:
I'm horribly, horribly mad. ;)

#96 Chelsea:
Wow! That sounds cool.

#108 foggi:
I'm sorry about your really bad day. *hugs* Enjoy your LT meet weekend!

#113 kirby:
Ohhh! Those sound so cool! P&P&Z was good. I liked it.

#115 jp:
Sorry about your yoga instructor. I hope she's okay.

#122 bella:
Congratualtions! :)

#124 foggi:
I've been having one as well. Have you had enough water? That's almost always the reason behind my headaches. Hope it's feeling better!

#143 LadyN:
I'm so glad yolur trip is almost here! You're going to have such a good time. :)

Good news:
My computer is being friendly right now, which means...two threads open today! Yey! :)
Bad news:
I definitely can't make it to the chat tomorrow night even if the computer would let me. :( I've been put on floorset at work. Only management was supposed to be on it this time so it's come as a real surprise to me.
Bad/Good news:
Laia couldn't make it to see HBP, though I did get to meet with LG and a RL-friend of hers on LT.
Good news:
The situation at work looks better. At this point I feel safe and am just trying my hardest.

Jul 26, 2009, 8:57 am

GN: I am going on the boat for the first time ever... today.
BN: Tom and I have to spend the whole day with his mother...on said boat. Could be dangerous huh?

Jul 26, 2009, 3:36 pm

GN: (re: no a/c in the parsonage) a church member is loaning us a couple of window units until we get the central air fixed. We leave for vacation Wednesday, so maybe it will get fixed while we are gone.

More GN: at church this morning, the children did their VBS program (very cute!), we announced our total raised for our mission project, and challenged the congregation to match it...they more than did, with the result we raised $360! It is going to Nothing But Nets, which sends insecticide-treated mosquito nets to Africa to combat malaria. That's 36 nets. I'm so pleased...this is a congregation that a year ago was doing absolutely NO missions. Of course, it probably helped that the kids were so cute, and they passed the baskets!

Jul 26, 2009, 3:59 pm

GN: I was able to go to the meetup =)
BN: I had to leave around 1 which meant I didn't go see the movie with everyone. But I had seen it a couple days before.
GN: I worked at 3 on Saturday and I left Missy's (lefty) house around 1:45 and got to work on time. I got ready in about 2 minutes. It was intense.
GN: I made my best for one night in tips on Saturday (without any special events/holidays).

Jul 26, 2009, 5:28 pm

GN: I've had a really nice day.

Craig came over and we made cheese! Well, I say we made cheese. What I mean to say is that we successfully separated curd from whey, and the curd is currently setting in my fridge having been seasoned. We also made bread - I made some granary rolls (which look like they could do some serious damage if aimed at the head from a distnace of 20 yrds), and Craig made a wholemeal loaf, which looks perfect.

Whether or not any of it tastes good doesn't really matter, cos the fun was all in the attempt :-)

Jul 26, 2009, 6:09 pm

GN: Espy and I had a great time at the midwest meet-up, and are safely home.
BN: It's always a bit of a letdown to come home from a fun trip and have to face everything that needs to be done at work the next day. Bleh.
GN: July is almost over! August is going to be a low-stress sort of month.

Jul 27, 2009, 9:13 pm

GN: The Midwest Meetup was great!

GN: Husband and I have purchased a dining room table and chairs. We finally got on it because we were having people over for the meetup.

BN: We got the chairs today and the table will be here in about two weeks which means we didn't have them for the meetup.

Here's a picture of one of the chairs. I love the tile in the back. :D

Jul 27, 2009, 10:42 pm

Good News: 18th wedding anniversary
Good News: I can still lift my husband on my feet.
Good News: Ice cream cake with "As You Wish" written on top.

We're just having a nice day and I hope some of our good spills over into our friends' lives!

Jul 27, 2009, 10:46 pm

lefty, cool chairs!

GN: I got to see a dear friend today that has moved away, and her lovely children. Her baby boy is adorable and her little girl (4) is so sweet and friendly.
GN: I moved the tv into the bedroom so I can watch the Giants game while hubby has his gaming night.
GN: Giants: so far, so good.

Jul 27, 2009, 10:52 pm

Like that chair, Lefty!

Jul 28, 2009, 12:31 am

GN: Tim Lincecum is a god. Oh, I love him.

Jul 28, 2009, 7:31 am

JP Congrats on 18 years!
Lefty Wow that is a cute chair.. you will have to show us a picture of the whole set when the table comes :)
LG Yay for old friends

GN:Today is my last day at the daycare!
BN: I am sure I am going to get yelled at at least once today.

Jul 28, 2009, 6:46 pm

Congrats JP!
Cool chairs lefty!

BN: My back's hurting.
GN: Drama camp started yesterday and it's lots of fun!!!

Jul 28, 2009, 8:51 pm

GN: I was wrong... I wasn't yelled at but my kids did make me feel incredibly guilty.
GN: I am done and have been since 530.
GN: I have tomorrow to relax and I start my new job on Thursday!

Jul 28, 2009, 9:14 pm

Like the chairs, different, and cool.

Jul 29, 2009, 11:06 am

GN> Jim goes to Orientation for his new job today!

BN> we just can't shake the fear that they will reject him because of his record:(

Jul 29, 2009, 2:59 pm

GN: I have my college stuff all squared away. Can't wait for fall semester to start. I am taking Intro to Biology and Accounting 1 (unfourtunately.)
GN: I changed my major (hopefully for the last time) To Business Administration.
GN: I start my new job tomorrow.

Jul 29, 2009, 3:00 pm

I love the chairs Missy!

Jul 29, 2009, 4:43 pm

GN: We got back safely Monday night.
BN: It's Wednesday and I'm still exhausted.

GN: I walked in my classroom to day and notcied a little padded table foot on one of my student chairs. I thought "How odd. I don't remember putting that there." Two hours later I notice that stacks of my chairs are in different places than where I had put them. I then noticed that every single one of my student chairs had little padded feet on them! This (I'm sure) will be very good for the room below me, but I'm super excited because it means less noise in my room (as well as no black marks on the floor).

GN/BN: I'm getting lots done in my room, but it doesn't look like it.

Jul 30, 2009, 8:00 am

GN: Today is my first day at my new job... I am nervous!

Jul 30, 2009, 10:00 am

Good luck Ms_B! You'll be just fine.

GN: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!! The day is FINALLY here!! Tonight I'm going to the theatre to watch Waiting for Godot, starring Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen. I have been waiting many many monhts for this, looking at the tickets on my side table. In fact, I'd got so used to them living there, that I nearly forgot to pick them up this morning! HURRAH!!

Jul 30, 2009, 10:03 am

sounds like a good time LadyN!

Jul 30, 2009, 10:06 am

Oh I'm so excited. As you can imagine with such an amazing cast, the tickets have sold like hot cakes. I couldn't believe it when we managed to actually get tickets, despite it being so long ago that we booked. And we have great seats too in the orchestra stalls. I just have to keep my fingers crossed that none of the cast is off sick! (a la Hamlet when David Tennant had to be off for weeks having back surgery - only to be back two days after I'd been!, or Macbeth when Patrick Stewart was off the night I went!)

Jul 30, 2009, 10:08 am

yes, its dissapointing when a big star is off......good luck

Jul 30, 2009, 10:43 am

#167/169: SQUEEEEE! I'll keep my fingers crossed that they're both their and that they both remember what play they're in and it doesn't turn into X-Men 4!

Jul 30, 2009, 10:56 am

hehehe. LadyN has been waiting for Waiting for Godot. :o)

Jul 30, 2009, 11:06 am

170/171 - Thanks!!

172 - Tee hee!! She certainly has!

Jul 30, 2009, 2:05 pm

GN: I had a delicious lunch with a coworker at nearby Malaysian restaurant.
GN: When I got back, I was assigned to do online window shopping at IKEA for our lounge!
GN: Then I had a meeting with someone who wants to do the office volunteer job, bringing me one step closer to getting started on my new duties!

Now I'm off to IKEA!!!!!!!!

Jul 30, 2009, 2:09 pm

LadyN, I am envious!

GN: I went to a really fun Tarot class last night taught by a dear friend. I got up this morning and was writing more stuff about the cards before I went to work.
GN: My Knitting Minions come over tonight.
GN: Tigercrane is now posting in HogX instead of just lurking.
GN: Giants got a second baseman! And a good one!

Jul 30, 2009, 2:10 pm

Have a great time, LadyN; I could just listen to those two men talk and not care what they were saying.

Jul 30, 2009, 5:40 pm

GN: I had a wonderful time today. The work is interesting and the people are very nice.

Jul 30, 2009, 6:27 pm

GN: I might be going to see HBP for a second time with my cousin.
GN: My parents are coming to my uncle's on Saturday, so I'll finally be able to have my suitcase back!

Jul 30, 2009, 6:30 pm

Glad you had a good day Ms_Bella! sounds promising :-)

GN: Godot was WONDERFUL!!!!!! Such a fulfilling evening out. Ian McKellen was out of this world superb, and the on stage relationship he has with Patrick Stewart is lovely. It's clear that they have been working together for so many years, and they were a joy to watch together. simon Callow and Ronald Pickup as Pozzo and Lucky were the cherry on the cake. I feel like I've just had a really good meal :-)

Jul 30, 2009, 6:31 pm

I'm glad you had such a good time LadyN!

Jul 30, 2009, 6:36 pm

I am glad you had a great time LadyN!!!!

Jul 30, 2009, 8:47 pm

#179: Simon Callow was in it as well?! Man I need to move to England...

Jul 31, 2009, 12:40 am

GN: I finally got to see HBP!!!!

BN: I brought home some stuff last night to sort and work on. I carried too much at once and hurt my shoulder again.
I also have only one more day to work in my classroom before we begin our meetings! Ahhhhhhhhhh!
GN: Shopping in Tulsa for classroom supplies on Saturday. That will be fun.

Jul 31, 2009, 12:53 am

BN: I am up way too late. I was trying to finish an audiobook that I'm supposed to review -- deadline tomorrow -- and still have two disks left.
GN: I did get a good bit done today, both at work and at home. And I think I can ask for an extension of the review deadline, considering that I've never done so before.

Edited: Jul 31, 2009, 3:46 am

BN: Someone tried to break into my house about three hours ago. Someone had their hand on the front door, turned the handle, and tried to throw the door open.
GN: It was deadbolted. Everyone and everything is fine.

I think I scared them. I thought it was family coming home and went in the kitchen, found Tip on the counter, and dropped my dinner dishes to get her off it. By then if someone was getting out a key the door should have been unlocked so I looked out the window (right beside the porch) and no cars or people were in sight. Tipi saves the day. I'm sooo happy my kid sister wasn't here by herself tonight! I'm also wondering how I'm supposed to sleep. Thankfully my family's all come home or I probably wouldn't. Actually....spare key. Oh, how I hate it now. To open the door to check that it's still there, or to stay away from front door and not open it.

Jul 31, 2009, 7:46 am

K that is horrible. I am glad everyone is alright. Yay for Tipi! I am very happy your sister wasn't home alone! I would check for the spare key in the morning. Glad you are well!

GN: Off to work. I am hoping tofay is as good as yesterday was

Jul 31, 2009, 9:53 am

Awesome, LadyN!

Foggi, it's probably kind of hard to skim an audiobook like you could a normal book when you're in a hurry. ;) I hope you got some sleep and perhaps an extension too!

GN: Husband and I got to take advantage of the Cash for Clunkers program and traded in our '86 Ranger for an '09 Caliber. We've never had a new car before and probably never will again but this was just such an amazing deal! An even better one because Chevy/Dodge more than doubled the government's rebate. :D

Jul 31, 2009, 11:20 am

K call the cops when that happens! Even if the perp leaves your house he may still be in the area! Glad that you are Okay!

Jul 31, 2009, 1:36 pm

GN went to a meeting last night, and a friend who found out she would be laid off on July 31 (she found this out while on vacation!!) was there with good news, she starts her new job Monday. Same company different area, same pay and benefits, better job. She has a 13 year old and was crying she was so relieved. First thing she said to me was "have you been praying for me all this time, which I had.

GN: Another friend had a scare from her mammogram, but had an ultra sound and all is fine.

Jul 31, 2009, 2:02 pm

Yay, that's awesome, mom!

Jul 31, 2009, 2:04 pm

ah such good news! Glad for your friends Kasongo

Edited: Jul 31, 2009, 2:08 pm

GN: One week from today I'll be on my way to SCOTLAND!!!

BN: Tomorrow I'm going to my parents house to drop off my Pepperkins and will have to go a full 3 weeks without her :(

GN: She'll be with Kasongo and Mutombu getting spoiled and living large, so I won't have to worry.

Jul 31, 2009, 2:11 pm

wow mandy! Stop in and say hi to Jo from all of us! :)

Jul 31, 2009, 2:44 pm

#177: I'm glad you like your job so far, Bella!!

#179: Yayy! It's so great you enjoyed the play and none of the cast was sick or off that day, ladyN :P

#185: Scary, K. Thank god nothing happenned.

#189: That's great, Kasongo. I'm happy for both your friends!

#192: Yayyy! Have fun on the trip, mandy!! And if you do see Jo tell her to hurry up with that encyclopedia :P

GN: I am going over some friends and play guitar hero!!
GN: This week I had more classes, still not a lot of money but more than last week.

Jul 31, 2009, 9:04 pm


BN: I am absolutely worn out. I'm not even sure if I have enough energy to catch up on threads tonight.

GN: I think everyone had a good time at the final celebration. Nobody went home in tears, no angry parents screamed or cursed . . . I think it was a success.

Now I really want food, a shower, and bed . . . as soon as I find enough energy to get out of this chair. . . .

Aug 1, 2009, 6:06 am

BN: It is six o'clock in the morning on a saturday and i am awake. booo....
GN: Today is my brothers wedding.
Great News: After today I don't have o worry about dresses and shirts and if they are going to fit right or if they are the same color...

Aug 1, 2009, 9:10 am

BN: I coworker really ticked me off at the end of the day, I won't go into it here, it'll get ranty.
GN: I called my parents and asked them to dinner, which helped.
GN: We stopped at Borders on the way home and I got some new books, which helped even more.

Aug 1, 2009, 5:03 pm

GN: My mom and grandma are flying over from Ontario to my uncle's today! (I'm currently at my uncle's)
BN: Which means it's the end of letting me do what I want.
GN: My little niece (who's 5) has been annoying me all week wanting to play 24/7, but she's been wanting to see her aunty (my mom) for a while which means I get a rest! :P

Aug 1, 2009, 11:25 pm

Good News: My 1 year anniversary for my car accident was on July 30th. I actually drove on the road of my accident going to Missy's house on the 30th and I got there safely =)
Good News: I had a lovely time hanging out with Missy and playing with Miles.
Bad News: I left Rant and my phone charger at her house.
Good News: Other people in my family have the same charger so I will survive.

Aug 1, 2009, 11:28 pm

For a second there, I thought you and lefty had a fight because you left a rant at her house!

Aug 1, 2009, 11:30 pm

*angry voice* Yes, and I will be returning that Rant ASAP! >:(

Not really my kind of book, you see. ;)

Aug 2, 2009, 9:46 am

GN: My brother's wedding was beautiful... I danced with both him and the bride.
GN: It is over! yay! lol
bn: I have to sleep at my aunt's house the next couple of nights because she is going out of town and I don't wanna.

Aug 2, 2009, 3:10 pm

BN: I just dropped my phone in my dog's water dish.
GN: I got it out of the water and took the battery out in time and dried it all out before it could do any harm. It works. Thank goodness.
(I have a slight addiction if you couldn't tell.)

Aug 2, 2009, 3:18 pm

Mindy, I dropped one of my TV/cable remotes into a cup of tea about a week ago! It was wonky for a few days but seems to be okay now. Scary, though!

Aug 2, 2009, 6:36 pm

gn: I got some cute new clothes for work! I am very happy with them. I love my aunt!

Aug 2, 2009, 6:38 pm

ahh new clothes! I am sooooo jealous!

Aug 2, 2009, 6:40 pm

lol polly when I finally have enough money for vacation I will stop by and we can go on a shopping trip for new clothes!

I am going to post a pic of the new bag I got for some reason I have a feeling that there are other HEers that will like it!

Aug 2, 2009, 6:42 pm

OK Bella! its a date!

hmmmm...a new bag.......?

Edited: Aug 2, 2009, 6:53 pm

ok, here the bag/purse. But I am not sure if you can see the design clearly as it is a cell phone pic.

Aug 2, 2009, 7:10 pm

Its striped? Very nice, can you make it bigger?

Aug 2, 2009, 7:12 pm

I can try!

Edited: Aug 2, 2009, 7:21 pm

here is a closer up picture

Aug 2, 2009, 7:45 pm

oh okay, very nice!

Aug 2, 2009, 9:02 pm

Cool bag, Bella!

GN: Miles is becoming a lovely running buddy. :D

GN: I am officially not going back to school this year. I will be doing alterations still, but not teaching and I am very excited to be staying home. :D

Aug 2, 2009, 9:17 pm

Yay Lefty! I am happy for you on both counts!

Aug 2, 2009, 11:54 pm

#214: Yay! I hope that leaves you time for lots of fun projects, and more long runs with Miles!

GN: I finished one of the two reviews that I needed to get done!
BN: The other is still hanging over my head.
GN: Time for bed!

Aug 3, 2009, 12:05 am

So does lefty run for Miles?

Aug 3, 2009, 12:22 am

#202: Glad you had a good time at your brother's wedding and everything was fine. And cool bag, bella!

#203: Yayy for getting the cellphone out before any harm was done, mindy.

#216: Sleep tight, foggi!

GN: I bought a new cellphone!! And it's great because it has many many more functions than my old one!!
BN: I had to copy manually all my contacts because I didn't have a Sim card on my old cellphone.
GN: I am finally done!!
GN: My trip will be exactly in one month from now!!

Aug 3, 2009, 9:02 am

GN: I got a new tire on Saturday.
BN: All sorts of lights lit up the dashboard on Sunday.
BN: I got in this morning to an email from the new volunteer saying something had "come up" and she wouldn't be able to volunteer after all.

Aug 3, 2009, 9:50 am

well......at least she told you!

Aug 3, 2009, 11:59 am

I'm sorry to hear that, bib. I'm sure they'll find someone else that will be able to handle it.

BN: The entire way home last night the hubby and I kept having moments where we felt an urgency to get home to Pepper, only to remember that she wasn't at home, but that we had just left her at Kasongo and Mutombu's house (we should really give them nicknames)

BN: You never really understand the extent to which a pet is a part of your life until they're not there. Every time I got up and went to the kitchen I'd look down expecting a dog and there was nothing. When I turned off the TV and it went click there was no scuffling of puppy nails on the floor scrambling to get up, when I stood up from the couch there was no scrambling puppy popping out from under it. It's these little things that after just a few short hours without her, are making me miss her. The worst was waking up this morning to my husband tugging on the sheets in an effort to wake me up, but in my half awake state I thought it was Pepper climbing in next to me.

GN: We have no dog in our home, nothing to rush home to, nothing keeping us in at night after leaving her alone all day. No morning walks, no night time walks, no having to make sure all the doors are closed to the bedrooms and bathrooms. It's not much but it's something...

GreatN: I'm leaving for Scotland on Friday!!

Aug 3, 2009, 12:16 pm

I think we should call them bibmom and mandad...

Aug 3, 2009, 12:19 pm

hahahahaha, i like it.

Aug 3, 2009, 1:29 pm

#221 -- I know what you mean! When we went to the Midwest Meetup and put Sophie in the kennel, we got home on Sunday but couldn't pick her up until Monday morning. That was the longest evening. I kept thinking "Oh, time to take Sophie out," and then remembering that she wasn't there.

Aug 3, 2009, 6:09 pm

BN: Bib thought up nicknames that make me most seriously displeased.

BN: Our phone isn't working. GN: They said they would come tomorrow.

GN: The phone company left us a message to let us know it was working now.
BN: We didn't get it. . . .BECAUSE THE PHONE ISN'T WORKING. Thanks, yelling that helped. Hopefully they will still come tomorrow. We called and the recording said it was still on.

Aug 3, 2009, 6:16 pm

Forgot GN: When i come home from work there is a dog at the door to greet me.

Aug 3, 2009, 7:29 pm

Oh bibmom, don't be silly, of course you love it! :D

Aug 3, 2009, 7:58 pm

Very Good News: Kasongo is quoting Pride and Prejudice!

Aug 3, 2009, 10:28 pm

BN: I wasted a complete 6 hours today in a meeting that didn't teach me anything other that what I was already doing.
GN: Our curriculum director told us (the 4 of us from our school that are teaching gender specific classes) not to come to the meeting tomorrow since it will be basically the same thing.

BN: My right wrist hurts. I don't know what I did, but carrying anything doesn't help any.

Fun News: I ordered Finnegan doggles today! He needs them to protect his eyes when he's playing with the water hose. It's quite funny when he plays.

Aug 4, 2009, 2:08 am

Are there pictures or, better, videos of Finnegan playing with the hose?

Aug 4, 2009, 12:36 pm

Yes both, but I don't have them uploaded yet. Mom's borrowed my camera for the day, so my memory card is with her. I'll try to get them up tonight.

Here's the doggles I got him:

Aug 4, 2009, 2:33 pm

Can't wait to see Finnegan in his new specs.

GN: My great-niece and her husband are expecting a baby!

Aug 4, 2009, 3:06 pm

GN: Today is my day off!
GN: The bathroom is clean!
BN: I cleaned the bathroom as a means of procrastinating on all of the other stuff I need to get done today . . . packing for my trip, washing the dog (and now that the bathroom is clean, I really don't want to wash her in there, since she will make it all dirty and doggy), mowing the grass (which I can't do anyway because of the rain), shopping. . . .
GN: There's still a good bit of time left in the day, so maybe at least one or two of those things will get done.

Aug 4, 2009, 3:32 pm

My roommates in college came up with a word for doing something that needed to be done, but not necessarily at that time to avoid doing the thing that you should be doing. Persnickeration. Now, if you had just sat around doing nothing, watching tv that was procrastination. Should study for an exam, so clean the oven instead.

Aug 4, 2009, 3:34 pm

#234 -- Just so!

Edited: Aug 4, 2009, 4:06 pm

Lefty, congrats on the new car and a relaxing school year!

Bella, that was so nice of your aunt. Cute bag!

#218 Ron:
New phones are exciting. Where's your trip going to be to?

#221 mandy:
Yey for Scotland! How long will you get to be there?

#229-231 kirby:
Sorry about your wrist. Maybe it's from getting ready for school. Cute doggles for Finnegan! I can't wait to see how they look on him.

#232 ejj:
Congrats to your great niece!

#233 foggi:
You just went on a trip, missie. ;) When is this one? Hope you have a good time!

Bad news: We're doing inventory this week and on a weekday. If they'd chosen Sunday we'd be done much sooner in the day night.

Good news: Fall textbooks are listed online now! I over-estimated the price so I've saved extra for them.

More good news: I earned $10 in Borders Bucks.

And more good, erm 'bad' news: I'm not going camping this weekend. My 23-year-old sister made plans to, but she didn't give me the time to ask for it off work. As you've guessed by now, I hate camping.

Aug 4, 2009, 4:23 pm

I'll be gone for 2 weeks. I'm afraid of how many post i'll be coming home too.

Aug 4, 2009, 5:29 pm

k, what school are you going to? Yay for overestimating!

GN: Work is still great. My boss keeps telling me how well I am doing.

GN: Tonight is the last night I have to sleep at my aunts! I am going to be so happy to get back to my bed.

Aug 4, 2009, 5:34 pm

#236 -- My trip to visit my parents in Russia -- I fly out on Monday.

#237 -- Me too! I'm only hoping that I'll be able to get online occasionally and keep up with the posts that appear while I'm away!

Aug 4, 2009, 5:37 pm

Mandy & foggi-Stay safe and have a great time!

Aug 4, 2009, 7:42 pm

#237 Mandy:
I hope you have a good trip and get to meet LadyN! :)

#238 Bella:
Just a community college right now. It's called Chabot. I'll probably transfer to CSU East Bay because they have the best degrees for me, though San Jose State has the coolest library. Ten floors! A co-worker who goes there promised to take me to see it sometime.

#239 foggi:
I'm so glad you'll get to see your parents soon!

Bad news: I'm going to owe nearly a third of what I've already paid to my college for fall tuition thanks to my lovely governor. Murder. There are so many jobless out here.

Aug 4, 2009, 8:09 pm

Have fun on your trips Mandy and foggi!

BN: Our play at Drama Camp is really hard. It's about all these dialogues about different types of love, except our directors keep telling us we need to make it bigger all the time and tell the audience what our characters are feeling. The really bad news is that we have 6 hours left to work on it, and then we're presenting. :S

Aug 4, 2009, 8:37 pm

K, Ten Floors!!! I wanna come! lol

Aug 4, 2009, 10:00 pm

Lots of trips! I'm headed off to NYC this week! Safe travel everyone! If I don't find a computer while I'm away, I'll see you all next Wednesday.

Aug 4, 2009, 10:26 pm

#243 Bella:
I google imaged it for you. My sister always said it was ten floors, but it looks more like eight to me. San Jose State Univ. Library

This is a lot of trips! Perhaps there won't be an overwhelming amount of posts to come back to after all. Be safe, everyone! :)

Aug 4, 2009, 10:46 pm

OK, I had to skim a lot of that. Happy for happy news people, hugs for those with bad news. I'm kind of behind in posts because I'm humoring my inner madman genius. But I heard that lefty is coming and I am very excited! Yay!

Now I need to get a comic written before I go to bed...

Aug 5, 2009, 9:15 am

GN: First night at the Camden Fringe Festival for my comedy group tonight.
BN: Tensions are running high - we had a row in rehearsals last night.

GN: I'm rising above it.... For the moment....

Aug 5, 2009, 11:10 am

GN: I'm going to see HBP again tonight. My friend hasn't seen it yet and she knew who to call.

Aug 5, 2009, 12:01 pm

#231: Nice doogles, kirby! I'm sure Finnegan will pull them off, unlike MrA with the "Onion Googles" :P

#232:Yayy for babies, Ejj!

#236: I am going to an island part of Venezuela: It's called Margarita. And yes, new phones are a lot of fun! Yayy for over estimating!

#238: I am happy you are doing well and you still like your job, Bella!

#239 re #236: Have an awesome trip, foggi! Take lots of pictures!

#247: {{Hugs}}, LadyN

GN: My best friend is defending her thesis today at 3:00 P.M.
BN: I won't be able to accompany her because I have a class at that time.
GN: I'm confdent that she will do a great job.

Aug 5, 2009, 1:09 pm

GN: Future baby won't be here until next year, but is tentatively going to be either Prudence or Noah. I have to say I really like those names!

Aug 5, 2009, 1:12 pm

#250 -- My cousin's new baby is named Noah. I will get to see him for the first time this weekend! (Guess that's the GN!)

BN: It is the time of afternoon when all I want to do is curl up under my desk and take a nap. Alas, I think management would frown on that sort of behavior.

Aug 5, 2009, 1:57 pm

Good News: I've had a pretty good time at my aunt's house and with my cousins' dog, Scamp.
Bad News: My aunt has no internet and no phone (but we all have cellphones so it doesn't matter) and no TV right now. The TV I'm okay without, mostly. Although it gives us something to do. But she's supposed to get in fixed in a couple days.
Good News: I have books!!!!
Good News: We came to my cousins' house today to water plants and for my aunt to watch TV so I can come on the computer!

To everyone going on trips: Have a great time and enjoy it while it lasts!

Aug 5, 2009, 2:06 pm

I hope everyone has safe trips!

GN: My brother, Mike, got back home from Russia a couple days ago.
BN: He was in Orlando for a couple days though and now he has a really bad sunburn. His shoulders are practically covered in blisters.
GN: Rant and my charger were returned from Missy's house. yay!
GN: After tonight, I have 3 days off of work.
GN: Saturday I'm going to a concert =D

Aug 5, 2009, 5:38 pm

GN: I get to sleep in my own bed tonight!!!!!!
GN: I am taking this afternoon to relax!

Aug 5, 2009, 7:53 pm

BN: Accidentally downloaded a Facebook application that installed a search toolbar I hated (Fast Web Search, or something like that).
GN: Was able to search for a way to remove the very pesky thing.
BN: One always has to be on guard against apps like this. If the company had a product they really thought people would want, they'd ask before installing it.

Aug 5, 2009, 9:31 pm

Ejj, which app was it?

Aug 5, 2009, 10:26 pm

#253 Ouch for your brother, but yay you got your stuff back!

#255 That's not good. But I'm glad you got it off.

Good News: I'm at my grandparents' house and my aunt, brother, and grandma went to Target so I'm on the computer.
Bad News: There's so many posts to catch up on! You people never stop! Hahaha

Aug 5, 2009, 11:06 pm

I hope everyone travelling has a fun and safe trip!

GN: I got a full time job, decent pay, great benefits! Orientation is Monday.
GN: Hubby got a promotion at work
BN: He had to go back to nights, which means he'll be grouchy and he'll sleep all the time!

Aug 6, 2009, 7:11 am

Awww... PollyAnna I know how the nights are... Tom works nights as well.

Aug 6, 2009, 8:33 am

Congrats on the new job PollyAnna!

Aug 6, 2009, 10:55 am

Good news: We're going to meet lefty on Saturday!
More good news: I talked to suge, she'll be there too.

So Bib, you wouldn't happen to want to take a trip to the city on Saturday, would you? I suppose Mandy won't delay Scotland for this... :o)

Aug 6, 2009, 10:56 am

I do believe that Bib was already planning on it. But i'll let her speak for herself. And no, sorry, still going to Scotland as planned.

Aug 6, 2009, 10:59 am

I was planning on it and Lefty and I have been talking for a couple weeks about it. Unfortunately, my car has a bunch of lights on the dashboard at the moment who don't seem to want to go away and I haven't had the time to get it checked out yet. Not knowing how much it might cost to get it fixed, I can't afford the city right now.

Aug 6, 2009, 11:02 am

Oh darn! Those dashboard lights can be such a nuisance. Especially the check engine light. That one is my least favorite.

Aug 6, 2009, 11:30 am

Yep, that's the one that's being the most insistent at the moment.

Aug 6, 2009, 11:34 am

I ignore lights on my dashboard. Except for the fuel one. Its a tactic that works very well for me and my car.

Aug 6, 2009, 11:48 am

I did that, ignoring the check engine light. Right up until the car stopped running.

GN: I'm sure the enforced walking has been good for me.

BN: Having a broken car just sucks.

Aug 6, 2009, 12:29 pm

#258: Congrats on the job, Pollyanna!

#261: Have fun with Lefty and Suge, JP!!

Aug 6, 2009, 2:42 pm

Put some oil in your car, kids! It's not expensive unless you don't do it.

Aug 6, 2009, 2:45 pm

Oh *sigh*. How do I do that??

Aug 6, 2009, 2:50 pm

#258 PollyAnna:
Congratulations on the job!

JP, lefty, and suge:
Have a wonderful time!

#267 ejj:

Exciting news:
The most incredible thing happened to an old friend.
She's always been wheelchair bound from her MS but walked nine inches in physical therapy yesterday!! It was her first session in years and everyone's very hopeful. :)

Edited: Aug 6, 2009, 3:00 pm

#270 Just go to Jiffy Lube or similar and let them do an oil change. If you're getting the engine light, it's probably better to have it changed than just throw some more in.

The oil goes in the engine. If you don't know where the engine is in your car, get someone to show you. The guy at the auto parts store is a good bet for that one if you don't know anyone else. It's not uncommon to be ignorant of this stuff if you're female, they tend not to tell us this stuff unless we ask.

btw, I learned the hard way, too. Blew up my car's engine by ignoring the lights. (I was much younger & stupider then.)

Aug 6, 2009, 3:57 pm

I told our mechanic that the check engine light came on so I stopped and looked and it was still there, so I kept driving. He rolled his eyes and shook his head.

Aug 6, 2009, 4:52 pm

I could tell the long and funny story of the time the mechanic rolled his eyes and shook his head at me, but I don't want to derail this thread too far. Suffice it to say, it involved an exhaust pipe rusting through, a rain storm, a road trip, and a luggage strap.

Having an old car is an education in itself -- I know where to put oil, coolant, and windshield-wiper fluid, can replace the windshield wipers and the dome light, and can change a tire if I really have to (though if I can get someone else to do it, I will).

Okay . . .

GN: Vacation is almost here! I work this evening and tomorrow morning, and then I am off!
BN: Millions of things need to get done before I go! What am I doing around here?

Aug 6, 2009, 7:39 pm

I know where to put in oil (and the other fluids) but that, alas, was not the problem--I got it back from a repair shop with the light on (actually, flashing, which I gather is even worse). Now I could pour fluid into the car, but it wouldn't make any difference--it's deader than dead.

It *may* be a problem with the timing of the throttle assembly, which is what was replaced when it was last in the hands of a mechanic. The ones who gave it back to me with the light flashing. If I ever get my hands on some money, I'll be taking it to a different place. Or, well, having it towed there.

Aug 6, 2009, 7:56 pm

*fingers crossed for ej*

Aug 6, 2009, 9:28 pm

BN: I think I have another speed sensor that is bad. That cost me about $150 last time I got it fixed. Unfortunately, there are 4 in the car. and 1 has already gone bad. So I'm hoping they don't all decide they want to break.

Aug 6, 2009, 10:57 pm

Thanks Ms. Bella, Mandy, Kerian and Ren!

I hate car problems! Definitley had my share of them, glad hubby knows how to fix all that stuff! ...

ejj, bib and mindylou good luck w/ the car problems, I hope they are sorted out soon!

Have a safe trip bib! Can I hide in your suitcase?

Foggi, safe trip to you too!

Aug 7, 2009, 4:33 pm

GN: My mum has a new dog and she is adorable :)

Aug 7, 2009, 5:03 pm

BN: Got an email today telling us we had more restrictions on where we could have things in our room. This is after most of us have spent 2 weeks getting things ready. Lots had to move everything back around.
GN: I was able to move 3-4 things and make it work.
BN: I'm not 100% happy with it, but
GN: I can live with it.

GN: We got our class lists an hour ago. This is the most important thing to us right now. We've been "casually" strolling by the office every hour for the last 2 days seeing if they were ready. Now the real work begins.

Aug 7, 2009, 5:53 pm

GN: Sophie is more or less clean!
GN: I am more or less packed!
BN: The dishes are more or less . . . still dirty.
GN: I'm going to shirk my duties for a while and go out to see a movie!

Aug 7, 2009, 10:12 pm

GN> spent the evening with little grandsons, Cole and Theo. Lots of fun and lovin's

Aug 7, 2009, 10:49 pm

GN: Got lots of great deals on Amazon and made a small dent in my wish list! 3 new books and a dvd!
BN: I have to wait for them to arrive....oh the anticipation! How shall I endure it!
GN: had a lovely day hanging out with my youngest daughter Lizzie, and my best friend Amanda.
BN: It was raining so we couldn't walk the Labyrinth set up by a local spirital-ish book & gift store.
GN: We went shopping and saw Harry Potter for the 3rd time.

Polly...How fun! How is Cole liking the big brother role?

Aug 7, 2009, 11:57 pm

GN: just got back from vacation; our first in 4 years, and first since our 10th anniversary w/o children! Went to Missouri to visit family a couple of days, then to Springfield, Illinois to see Lincoln home and tomb (this is the Lincoln Bicentenniel btw), two days in Macinac Island, Michigan (gorgeous! will definitely go back!), Chicago to see the Harry Potter exhibit, a side trip to Amish country in Illinois, back to Missouri, then home to Texas today. Nine days, and husband only got on my nerves once, in Urbana-Champaign when he dithered about which motel to stay at and got turned around 3 times. But I had a glass of wine at dinner and got over it lol. All in all, it was a nice low-keyed vacation.
BN: the weather up north was lovely (average temp in Macinac Island 68 degrees, sigh). It is supposed to be 105 tomorrow here.

Aug 8, 2009, 12:03 am

#284 -- Sounds like a great trip!

GN: The dishes are almost done, and I will soon be off to bed!
BN: I probably won't be able to check in for the next few days, as I'll be offline for the weekend and then on a plane to Russia!
GN: Once there, I should be able to check in occasionally, so don't stint in posting on my account! ;-)

Aug 8, 2009, 10:36 am

#283 he's a little jealous but we make sure to give him lots of praise and positive attention. He climbed up into my lap last night, I told him he will always be my big boy. He said, stretching his arms up "Even when I'm this big?" I said "Yes, no matter how big!" that may seem odd to some people but I understood. he gave me a hug and a kiss.

Aug 8, 2009, 12:35 pm

GN: I got some really lovely pics of my mum's new dog
BN: Can't find the bloomin' camera cable to upload them and show her off!

Aug 8, 2009, 12:49 pm

GN: The murder mystery in Kennett Square was attended by 600-700 people. It was great weather and people had a great time. Mutombu was a fantastic body.

Aug 8, 2009, 2:30 pm

That sounds like it was lots of fun Kasongo!!!

GN: I went to see HBP again!
GN: I also learned that apparently The Lightning Thief is gonna be made into a movie!!!!!
BN: I'm going back home tomorrow :(
GN: Our play for the end of Drama Camp was really good, and lots of people said they were moved by the meaning of it.

Aug 8, 2009, 4:20 pm

GN: Had a wonderful day today... hit the amish market and walked the nature trail (about 4 miles)! So I got some excercise
GN: Tonight is going to be nice and relaxing Tom and I are watching movies all night and just hanging out.
GN: Tomorrow is cleaning day! Hopefully I will get all of my cleaning done.

Aug 8, 2009, 7:22 pm

GN: My computer which has been messed up for longer then i can remember, is officially fixed
BN: I start school Monday. Happy Junior year to me
GN: I have a couple of classes with my best frineds
BN: That class isn't Chemisty which I have at 8am.

Aug 8, 2009, 7:29 pm

Tons to do, tons to do. So why am I on here?


GN: Finn and I had a blast at the first dog walk in our town today.
BN: He got scared by a couple of ginormous dogs who barked and lunged at him. I was scared too. I've been attacked before, so I'm still a little skittish around strange dogs.
GN: We had fun anyway and got to meet some new people.
BN: His doggles arrived after we got back home. :(
GN: His doggles have arrived and he loves them. We didn't know if he would since he doesn't like wearing dog clothes.

Okay, off to get more accomplished...maybe

Aug 8, 2009, 8:30 pm

#286 That is soo sweet Polly!

#288 That sounds like a great turnout Kasongo!

#291 Yay for gpwts's computer being fixed! Boo for the 8 am Chemistry class!

Aug 8, 2009, 11:18 pm

*waves to g*

Bad News: Feet hurt. Ouch.

Good News: We spent the day at Central Park with Suge and Lefty!!!

Aug 9, 2009, 12:04 pm

BN: School starts Wednesday.
GN: It is my senior year, so maybe it will go by quickly.
GN: Calculus! I can't wait. (I'm a math nerd if you don't already know.)
BN: School means waking up at 6am. NOT fun. I hate mornings.
GN: I had a lot of fun at the World Pulse Festival yesterday. I got a little burned, but nothing too serious.

Aug 9, 2009, 11:54 pm

BN: Back from Sasktoon and already missing everyone.
BN: We couldn't even pick up Kero cuz the kennels he's at closed at 6.
GN: Kitties seem alright.
GN: Three more weeks of summer!

Aug 10, 2009, 8:33 am

BN: I'm exhausted!! As some of you are aware from my FB staus last night, I got stranded at Euston station, having been enjoying a few beers after our last Camden show and missed the last train. I first tried for a room at the Travel Lodge, but they wanted to charge £100 and were having none of my midnight drunken haggling, so I walked all the way to Traflagar Square, where I found a stop for the night bus that goes closest to my house. Unfortunately it was a 25 minute wait for the bus. The bus journey itself took 40 mins, and then it was a 20 minute walk home. I got in at 2.15 this morning. UGH!!

GN: THe shows went well, and I had a lovely weekend. :-)

Aug 10, 2009, 4:23 pm

BN: AHHHH school starts Wednesday. Where did summer go??
BN: Summer ending means I have to start filling out college applications and scholarship applications. I hate applications.

Aug 10, 2009, 5:00 pm

GN: Giants vs Dodgers series starts tonight. Go Giants!
BN: I have meeting scheduled for tonight & tomorrow so I'll probably miss most of it.
GN: Tonight's meeting may be cancelled.
GN: Wednesday I have the day off to go see the last game in this series, with Tim Lincecum pitching. Yay, day games in the middle of the week!
GN: My friends indulge (or ignore) my obsession with the Giants. They rock.

Aug 10, 2009, 7:25 pm

BN: I lost my job. (and I just realized that if I go into it, it will become a rant. so thats where I am heading next.)
GN: Tom brought me home a new bookshelf to cheer me up. It worked somewhat.

Aug 10, 2009, 7:27 pm

Oh, bella, that's horrible! At least Tom is helpful.

Aug 10, 2009, 7:44 pm

300: Losing a job is never fun (personal experience). It must be especially tough when less than a week ago you said "Work is still great. My boss keeps telling me how well I am doing." Our thoughts are with you.

Aug 10, 2009, 7:49 pm

So sorry Bella! It happened to me too.

Aug 10, 2009, 8:51 pm

#300: {{hugs}} Bella! I'm really sorry about you losing your job!

GN: I am home and relaxing!
GN: I got a friend hooked up on So You Think You Can Dance and we will watch the whole 5th season on Thursday!
GN: My birthday is on Wednesday!!!
GN: Life is good right now!!

Aug 10, 2009, 9:39 pm

Thanks Everyone I am coping. I already have a bunch of applications out via careerbuilder and monster. I have also put out a few phone calls.

Aug 10, 2009, 10:22 pm

I'm sorry Bella! =(

**air hugs**

Aug 10, 2009, 11:41 pm

**Hugs to Bella! Sorry to hear about your job, good luck on your search!**

Even though you'll have a birthday thread in a few days happy early birthday anyway Ron!

BN: My orientation was pushed back a week, so I start next Monday, rather than today.
BN: That means it will be longer til I get a fulltime paycheck.
GN: I get an extra week of spending time doing fun stuff with the kids like fishing!
GN: Took the boys fishing today!
BN: Didn't catch anything

Aug 11, 2009, 12:14 am

Omg I'm so sorry to hear that Bella. ***lots of hugs***

BN: Back home and 3 more weeks of summer, which means nothing to do.
BN: I"m missing my cousin a lot. :(
GN: One of my best friends is coming back home tomorrow so we'll be able to hang out!
BN: Grandma's leaving on Sunday :(
GN: It means we get to go to Toronto for the weekend to drop her off!

Aug 11, 2009, 3:13 pm

GN: I am in Russia with my parents!
BN: I'm pretty disoriented, with the time difference -- didn't sleep much on the plane. I'm just going with it, though; we don't have a very strict schedule, so if I get sleepy I should be able to nap.
GN: We're going out on a boat on the Neva river tonight. Apparently the bridges go up at night so the ships can go through, and it's quite a sight!

Aug 11, 2009, 3:52 pm

I am glad you made it safely foggi! Have lots of fun!

Aug 11, 2009, 7:29 pm

Здравствуйте, foggi! *waves in the direction of Russia*

Aug 11, 2009, 10:16 pm

Yay, have fun foggi!!!

GN: I'm chatting with a friend I haven't talked to in like 4 years!!!

Aug 11, 2009, 10:43 pm

BN: School in the morning. I hate mornings.
GN: Senior year.
BN: That means scholarship/college applications. I hate applications.

balkjgawoeigjad. Where did summer go?

Aug 12, 2009, 12:03 am

BN/Rant: Finally finished some work I should have had out last Friday. Went online earlier today to the USPS website and checked on the pickup times for mailboxes on Main Street. Website said 4:45 for the last pickup, so I went out about 3:30. Found out pickup was at 2:30. Post office not in walking distance. So another day's delay in getting it out, and another day's delay, theoretically, in getting paid.

GN: I dunno. I'm still pretty happy about making English muffins from scratch and having them turn out really well, except they're gone now!

Aug 12, 2009, 12:25 am

Cover your ears please.


Thank you. *sigh*

Good news: I'm hosting a homeschooling blog carnival on my blog next week.
Bad news: Submissions. I didn't know there were that many online degree programs with "Top 100" blog links. "100 best blogs for library science students." "100 best blogs for career minded students."

It's going to be a long week.

Aug 12, 2009, 12:27 am

This just in: Top 100 awesome ways to use duct tape in your dorm room!

Aug 12, 2009, 3:25 am

Foggi...glad you made it to Russia safe and sound, have fun!

GN: Found an old friend I haven't talked to in about 12 years, we spent about two hours catching up via facebook.
GN: spent the day at the beach with the kids
GN: Had a lady's night out and played BINGO
BN: I didn't win any money! =(

Aug 12, 2009, 8:42 am

#316: Ummmm.....scary

GN: I'm truly enjoying my latest ER. Looking forward to finishing it tonight and getting a review up tomorrow.
GN: It will be my 55th book of the year, so I should easily reach my 75 book challenge, with room to spare.
GN: There's pretty much nothing on TV until September, so I should be getting a lot of reading done the next few weeks.

Aug 12, 2009, 11:16 am

GN: We have the day off and we're going to the Giants game.
BN: They are in serious need of their fans right now. And a bat or two.
GN: Lincecum is pitching!

Aug 12, 2009, 10:18 pm

GN: I get to go back to work after being on summer break.
BN: I have to go back to work after being on summer break!

Aug 12, 2009, 10:53 pm

GN: Giants win!

Aug 12, 2009, 11:26 pm

I'm exhausted. Meetings during regular hours and staying late to work is wearing me out.
GN: I've got tons done.
BN: I've still got more to do.
GN: Friday & Monday are ACT 1185 days, which means we get those days by law to work on curriculum & our rooms.
BN: We do have to go to small meetings on those days too.
GN: They're small meetings.

RBN: Tuesday after our meetings it was pouring down rain. About 4:45 I hear a "OH MY GOSH" from my neighbor teacher across the hall. I race over there and we see a house engulfed in flames (I have pictures). Tons of fire trucks and police are surrounding the area. Apparently lightning struck the house. It was the tallest house on the street, and the houses are very close together. We were able to see it because our classrooms are on the 2nd floor.
GN: Everyone is safe. The woman that lived there was home but got out safely, and the house next door has one side that has been melted from the fire. She has family that she can stay with. One of the great things about our community is that people chip in to help, even when we don't know others. Local businesses often help in cases like this as well. I know there is an account for donations, and talk of building a new house.

Aug 12, 2009, 11:47 pm

GN: My husband did NOT get skunked tonight. And if any of you are ever at my house and I yell skunk, freeze. Don't keep running forward so that you end up within petting distance of the skunk. Especially if you are carrying my groceries.

Aug 12, 2009, 11:52 pm

lol JP, has your husband been skunked before?

Aug 13, 2009, 12:52 am

GN: I got to hang out with JP and her family and Suge while in NYC! :D It was great!
GN: NYC rocks and I can't wait to go back.
GN: I also got to go see my grandparents upstate.
GN: I am home. Miles lived through a week without me. So did husband. It is good to be home again.

Aug 13, 2009, 11:44 am

Hey lefty! Welcome home!

PollyAnna, he's never been skunked, but I wouldn't have blamed the skunk last night. Poor thing looked terrified with this big guy running towards it and some crazy lady yelling, "Skunk, skunk, SKUNK!"

Aug 13, 2009, 1:09 pm

#325 That's great lefty do we get to see photos on the Flicker account?

GN I am going to an LT friend's wedding this weekend.
GN I am dancing with a broom in a public park this weekend (well actually six of us are).

Aug 13, 2009, 2:25 pm

BN: Pierre (Mike's hissing cockroach I was caring for over the summer) died yesterday. He's thinking about getting a "Pierre Deux" (meaning Pierre 2 for those of you who aren't familiar with French) but he says it's up to his students. And for those who think I'm a bad caretaker, I would like to point out I always made sure he had food and water. Unfortunately, we don't know if he was old when Mike got him. Hissing cockroaches only live about 2-4 years max.

GN/BN: School started.
GN: My schedule rocks.
1st--French 4
3rd--Service Learning (pretty much I leave the school and go volunteer somewhere. It will most likely be the humane society.)
4th--Cadet Teaching (By October, I will be assigned to a teacher and I will be there to help out and get the teaching experience.)

At my school, we do 4 periods a day, so 5th period is a Blue day, and so my 5th period class starts at 7:15 AM.
5th--AP Comp
6th--SRP (which will be with my Calc teacher)
7th--U.S. Government
8th--Drawing 2

Aug 13, 2009, 4:15 pm

#318: Which is the title of the ER book bib? Can't wait for your review

#322: Scary about the fire, kirby. Well at least no one was hurt.

#328: I'm glad you liked your new schedule, mindy!

GN: I had an amazing birthday yesterday!!
BN: I have had a stomach flu since yesterday morning and it still won't go away...
GN: I got absolutely awesome birthday presents!! I will post the pictures over my birthday thread
GN: I still get to celebrate my birthday on Saturday night!! We are having a barbecue!!

Aug 13, 2009, 6:33 pm

#322 I'm glad everybody is okay.

#328 Yay for a good schedule! I don't get mine til next week. I really want to see it! But I'm not ready to start school. There can't really be only 2 weeks left of my vacation, can there?

Aug 13, 2009, 8:28 pm

Gosh you kids make me long to be going back to school too!
Ron, sorry you were sick on your birthday! I've had several of those myself

Aug 13, 2009, 9:04 pm

Yes, what Polly said. The worst was having my tonsils out for my birthday and Thanksgiving both . . . mashed potatoes and ice cream are nice, but there's all that other lovely stuff ;-(

GN: That was a long, long time ago!

Aug 13, 2009, 11:43 pm

#322: Wow, that must've been impressive. Glad everyone's ok!

#330: Lucky you, who get your schedules this early. We don't get ours till the week before school starts, which is in 2 weeks. But you're right though, where did summer go?!?!!?

GN: We're in Toronto and we're gonna go see The Sound of Music musical at the theater tomorrow!!!

Aug 14, 2009, 2:08 am

#325- I love NYC, I haven't been there since 1996, might try to go next summer when I visit my sis again in upstate NY....glad you're home safe!

#327 Marensr, why are you dancing with a broom?!

#329 Ron sorry to hear you were sick on your birthday! Have a great time at your bday BBQ!

#333 Pico, that sounds like a blast!

GN: Played hide-n-seek after dark in the park tonight!

Aug 14, 2009, 2:36 am

BN: Haven't gotten any calls about jobs yet...
GN: Not losing hope.
GN: Since I haven't had work I have started a new excersise routine and I really like it. It seems to be working as I have woken up in pain the last few days. Hopefully I can stick to this one.

Aug 14, 2009, 8:43 am

#329: The book was called Loved Me Once, I think I linked it around here somewhere. If not, you can get there through my profile, of course.

GN: Finished The Time Travelers Wife
GN: I loved it!
BN: I stayed up late to finish it, between that and the crying that went with it, I'm exhausted.

Aug 14, 2009, 10:02 am

I hate books that make me cry. I actually threw a Nicolas Sparks novel across the room once. Now I won't read anything by him

Aug 14, 2009, 10:25 am

Ahhh...I love to cry. Mandy will tell you. I do it less with books than with movies though. I can only think of a handful of books that have effected me like this one did.

Aug 14, 2009, 10:31 am

I don't really like movies that make me cry either altho there are A few that I love: Gone with the Wind, Love Story (Oh! Did I cry during Love Story!)

Aug 14, 2009, 11:59 am

BN: It rained really hard all morning, causing us to postpone our trip to Peterhof, which I had been looking forward to.
GN: It cleared up enough this afternoon to venture to the Imperial Porcelain Muesum -- and if it doesn't rain too much tomorrow, we will do Peterhof then.

Aug 14, 2009, 12:01 pm

Gee it sounds so cool there Foggie!

Aug 14, 2009, 12:07 pm

I'm having a great time, that's for sure!

Aug 14, 2009, 12:13 pm

#342: Yayy for having a great time! You have to show us lots of pictures of your trip foggi!!

Aug 14, 2009, 1:03 pm

#343 -- My problem is that I forget to take them! My dad is taking a lot, though, and is going to make me a disk with them to take back, so I'll post some when I am home.

Aug 14, 2009, 2:06 pm

thank goodness for Dads! Of course mine, bless his heart barely knows how to use a camera and refuses to go near the computer

Aug 14, 2009, 2:53 pm

#345 and honestly does anyone really want to try and explain the interwebs to grandpa? hehehe

GN: Life is fantastic right now! 8)
BN: I haven't been online much because fantastic=insanity in my house. LOL
GN/BN: Life should settle down soon 8)
GN: Theo is growing like a weed! Uber cute is he.
BN: He's already a month old 8( *wipes tear* Maybe time to start thinking about #4... These baby persons get addicting until they become 8 years old and suddenly start using your sarcasm against you viciously 8)

Aug 14, 2009, 3:17 pm

i can swear to all MEM says about Theo! UBERcute and growing like a weed!

Aug 14, 2009, 3:52 pm


hehe, till they get to above 8 and into teenage years and then you find yourself wondering why you had one at all, let alone four. So I'm told! ;)

Aug 14, 2009, 3:58 pm

334 It is a dance company that does outdoor performances and the idea behind this was sort of chimney sweep inspired.

Huzzah for foggi's cool trip and Mem and Polly's sweet Theo!

Aug 14, 2009, 5:25 pm

#237 Maren, I'm actually a really bad tourist and did not even bring a camera on the trip. But JP was kind enough to take an official meet up picture! :)

Aug 14, 2009, 6:58 pm

Yes...now I need somebody to put them on the computer. We were using cat's camera, since it was less bulky to carry.

Aug 15, 2009, 12:57 am

#349 Marensr...that sounds awesome!

Oh I do love the babies, luckily I can't have anymore or I'd have been the old woman who lived in a shoe!

#348, yeah I would say that is true from experience!

GN: My stepmom and baby brother and sister are up from TX
BN: I probebly won't be able to see them as I work all weekend!
GN: Only 2 weekends left at work, then my weekends are free again!
GN: Fulltime job starts on Monday!

Aug 15, 2009, 10:05 am

GN: The publisher contacted me about my most recent ER review, she loves it and wants to link my review on the author's website.
GN: I'm babysitting for my nephew today.
BN: Probably won't be around again until tomorrow night.

Aug 15, 2009, 11:42 am

have fun bib! and congrats!

Aug 15, 2009, 11:50 am

GN: It's the weekend!
BN: I've only gone to school 3 days and I'm sick of it. sweet.

Aug 15, 2009, 6:09 pm

#333 Well sophomores have registration on the 19th and school starts on the 31st. Which sucks cause usually we start the day after Labor Day. Although this means we have the whole week of Thanksgiving off as opposed to 2 days. So that means I still get my birthday off!!! I have never gone to school on my birthday. I was on B-track from K-6 and we had November off, then 7-9 it was on Thanksgiving, the day after, and then Sunday. This year it's on Monday so for that I am thankful. ;)

MEM and Polly: Yay for uber cute Theo!

#355 That's what I'm afraid of. The first day will be nice and exciting and maybe even the second, but after that I will hate having hours of homework again and school will become boring. :(

Good News: I got a lot done yesterday.
Bad News: I didn't do any of the important assignment yesterday. :(
Bad News: I'm a teensy bit stressed.

Aug 16, 2009, 1:20 am

#324 jp:
Did he run then like with the bee incident last summer? ;)

#336 bib:
I'm happy to hear you loved The Time Traveler's Wife! It's one of my favorites.

Foggi, I'm so glad you're having a great trip!

Good news: There's some 36-ish hours until the fall term starts and I will have my classes. :)

Aug 16, 2009, 5:36 am

Mindy and Chels: I know you are probably hearing this all the time But once you graduate you will miss school lol.

K: Yay! My fall semester doesn't start until October... I can't wait!

GN: I have an interview on Monday for a receptionist position.

Aug 16, 2009, 9:20 am

Good luck, Bella! Hope the job comes through.

And I agree about school, I'd love to be able to go back. Though only to college, never (shudder) high school.

GN: I'm happy with what resulted last night when I made a skillet dinner from what I had around that I thought might work: onion, red peppers, hamburger, Spanish rice mix (Rice-a-Roni), plus some leftover white rice. Very tasty!

BN: It's hot and I don't feel like working. But I really need to.

Aug 16, 2009, 11:22 am

Bella, they can't get upset if you talk on that job. Best of luck, you will be in my prayers.

Aug 16, 2009, 12:41 pm

#346: Aww that little dude Theo is growing up too fast, MEM but I'm glad everything is fine!!

GN: I had an amazing time yesterday at my Bday barbecue!!
GN: I got the stuff I ordered from the states (a friend brought them for me. I got The Demigod Files and The Time Traveler's Wife, the Harry Potter 20Q, two colognes, Watchmen and Final Fantasy's Blu-Ray (both for a friend)).
GN: I also got many more presents!!
GN: Life is great right now and no bad news :D

Aug 16, 2009, 12:50 pm

Sounds like a great birthday, Ron; glad you were feeling better for the barbecue.

Aug 16, 2009, 3:16 pm

Thanks Kasongo and Ejj!

Aug 16, 2009, 4:28 pm

BN: Finnegan was sick this morning. On my bed first. Then as I was carrying him to his kennel to clean up he got sick again.
GN: The spot on the bed wasn't big, and I could feel the 2nd time around coming. I was able to at least get him to the sink first.
GN: He's feeling much better, just a little weak.

N: Tomorrow night is open house. I'm almost ready, but still have a list 1/4 mile long of stuff to do.

GN: My teacher neighbor found a cute seuss clock for me at a garage sale for 25 cents! I put a battery in it and it works.
BN: It hangs weird on the wall (I think it's the hook I used, but it's the only kind we're allowed to use). It also clicks the seconds. That annoys me.
But it's so cute!

Aug 16, 2009, 4:31 pm

GN: We went to the ballet tonight -- it was lovely. We saw Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet.
BN: My shoes got wet this afternoon, so I borrowed a pair of Mom's, and now I have some epic blisters.
GN: I still have one more day in St. Petersburg! It's a good thing, too, as I haven't decided what to bring back for the Espys.

Aug 16, 2009, 7:16 pm

How fun foggi!
Good luck Bella!
kirby, I hope Finnegan feels better.

And Kerian, he did run like the bee incident. I forgot about that. :oD He ran all the way around the house, which surprised me because I heard a door slam and thought he went in. (It was Sierra opening the door for us and then noticing the skunk.)

Aug 16, 2009, 8:59 pm

#365 foggi: I'm glad you liked the ballet! I've seen that one too and I fell in love with it. It's definitely something I'd see again.

GN: We're back from Toronto.
GN: The Sound of Music musical was lovely. The singing was amazing, and even more amazing were the kids' performances.
JN: Two more weeks of summer!

Aug 17, 2009, 12:47 pm

GN: I had an awesome time at my friend's Hen Party (that's Bachelorette Party to you people). we all met by the Round Pond in Hyde Park and had a "Ladies Luncheon" - champagne, sandwhiches, olives, quiche, strawberries and cream. The we had cars pick us up and take us to a life drawing class! Once that was done, we went to a pub for more champagne, followed by one of the girls' houses for cocktails while we got ready for the evening part. Adouble decker bus picked us up at 6pm, and took us around London for two hours while we danced, sang and drank champagne on the top deck. It dropped us off in Soho for a delicious italian meal. It was a really special day, and the besty thing was that all of it was a total surprise for my friend as the day unfolded.

BN: I don't seem to be around here much lately... :-(

Aug 17, 2009, 12:56 pm

LadyN that sounds like soooo much fun!

Aug 17, 2009, 1:35 pm

That sounds wonderful, LadyN! Ooh, traveling always makes me want to travel more, and the United Kingdom is high on my list. . . .

BN: Just a few more hours in Russia. :-( AND I have to get up incredibly early to get to the plane.
GN: I will get to go home and see Sophie soon! Espy says she's been missing me, and when I talked to him on Skype (through the computer) earlier today, he said she perked her ears up and wagged her tail.

Aug 17, 2009, 2:23 pm

N: The interview today was a bit awkward. It didn't go over as I expected. Normally I can chat with the person interviewing me and everything but I just couldn't today.

Aug 17, 2009, 5:15 pm

Sounds like you had lots of fun LadyN!

Aww, that sucks Bella! *hugs* If you need to talk about it, we're all here. :)

Aug 17, 2009, 6:33 pm

I hate when that happens, bella! But maybe it'll be okay

Aug 17, 2009, 7:52 pm

GN: 22 out of 24 kids showed up tonight for Open House.
BN: My feet are killing me.

GN: One brought me a dozen red roses! I've never gotten a gift on open houst. Come to think of it, I've never gotten roses from a child either.

Aug 17, 2009, 8:15 pm

GN: I have the day off tomorrow from school
BN: I'm taking AP History and Pre Calc and it's about to kill me
BN: My AP history book is ginormous and going to drown me
BN: After 13 pages of reading each night I have quizzes so I can't skip
GN: I aced my first test today though
GN: The really good looking senior was flirting with me I think
BN: I made such an idiot of myself that he probably has been scared off for life

Aug 17, 2009, 8:30 pm

sweet! kirby did you tell him you can't be bribed:)

seriously doubt that g. He probably thought you were cute

Aug 18, 2009, 12:47 am

>368 LadyN: That sounds like such a wonderful day. I've been fascinated by the differences in wedding customs around the world. The hen party and stag night seem a lot more creative in the UK than in the US (not that I've been to one lately here).

I don't know if it's usual, but on the BBC America show "Don't Tell the Bride," the weddings seem to have some special entertainment as part of the day (here it's just a live band or a DJ for dancing). But I've seen everything from belly dancers to medieval jousts on that show--sounds like such fun.

Sorry for all the digressions . . .

GN: My soon-to-be housemate came by this evening and drove me to the grocery store. So I just had my favorite food, a fresh Kaiser roll with butter and cheese, toasted. How much am I going to love having this girl here??

BN: Did not get enough work done today. Not at all.
GN: Tomorrow is another day.

Aug 18, 2009, 2:47 am

>377 ejj1955: - Oh I love "Don't Tell The Bride"!
Usually the entertainment here is also just DJ or band, but I think the extra bits that are creeping in are largely due to shows like that. People just want to out-do eachother. It's fun, but also largely unnecessary I think! There's a new show here now called "Four Weddings" where four brides all attend each other's weddings, ad then score each other. The winner gets a luxury honeymoon. Of course, they all think their own was the best wedding... so silly, but very addictive viewing I'm ashamed to say!!

GN: I've had a great sleep!
BN: My flatmate who I've been sharing with for nearly 4 years is moving back to australia. This would be slightly more manageable if the timing weren'y so bad. I have 4 weeks to find a new flat mate, and then of course I go away. I'm hopinjg to find someone I know to move in, as I don't really like the idea of leaving a total stranger with all my worldly belongings for two months. I'm trying not to panic...

Aug 18, 2009, 10:25 am

Oh Lady! too bad one of us can't come and house sit....well flat sit for you! I hope you find someone you are comfortable with! Set up a nanny cam and we'll watch her for you. :)

Aug 18, 2009, 12:53 pm

Thanks polly :-)
I knew I could count on you guys!

Aug 18, 2009, 2:31 pm

#356 Chelsea
I wasn't even excited for the first day. I didn't want to go and I still don't want to go.

BN: My phone went all crazy on me. I dropped it in my dog's water dish on accident, but it was fine after that (and the little red X's on the back are still there, meaning no water damage). Yesterday the front screen started to go wonky and crooked. Today the front screen is just black. I went to Verizon yesterday and they are sending me a replacement env2 for free.
BN: School. Hate it. the end.
GN: Megan (my sister) and I will be hanging out Thursday =D we haven't hung out in awhile.
GN: Friday I'm going to our home football game (and not football like soccer, but American football). I haven't hung out with some of my friends for awhile.

Aug 18, 2009, 2:42 pm

#358 Maybe, I'll miss hanging out with my friends but not the loads of homework. Although in 6th grade I thought I got too much work and we didn't always like the teacher and I ended up missing that class. Lol

#381 Oh haha. I'm just excited to see my classes and who's in them and see my friends again. But other than that, I'm not looking forward to it. I have to turn in a assignment on the first day and have band rehearsal after school. :(

Just News: First day of band camp was yesterday.
Good News: Pretty easy day.
Bad News: Very boring and basics over and over.
Good News: We got another flute player. Now we have 4!
Bad News: I'm about to leave for day 2...I'm kind of sore...

Aug 18, 2009, 3:25 pm

BN: I think I'm coming down with something, I've got that sore throat and general blechiness that usually precedes a cold.

Edited: Aug 18, 2009, 6:13 pm

GN: Got to go swimming today with a guy I find highly attractive
BN: There's another girl he's madly in love with, and he was depressed about her today. So that made time less fun.
GN: Saw GI Joe today which wasn't bad
BN: Saw with same guy so part of the fun is missing
BN: in between the movie and the swimming Caleb *the boy* and I were sitting in a tree. As I reached for a branch it snapped
BN: As a result I fell 12 feet out of a tree
BN: My nose is now huge from where i smacked a branch and my back hurts from hitting the roots
BN: My parents still barely cared
BN *one more*: I have now rambled all this which is a little silly

Aug 18, 2009, 10:08 pm

Ouch! *gets ice for g* I hope that you feel better soon! You shouldn't feel silly about rambling, you deserve to ramble a bit.

Aug 18, 2009, 10:53 pm

Omg, ouchy!!!! Sounds like it hurt! *careful hugs for g*

GN: My friend and I went to get ice cream today and made ourselves look like retards for laughing for no reason. Well no, there was a reason actually. My friend said something funny and then I started laughing and said "You crack me up!" And then I said "Good thing I'm not an egg!!!" And then this old lady walks in and looks at us like we're retards and the ice cream guy (high schooler) just rolls his eyes. Meanwhile my friend and I can barely breath.
BN: My keyboard's messed up, the left shift key won't go down. :(

Aug 18, 2009, 11:21 pm

#384: Sorry about your nose, g! Hope it heals quickly!

Aug 19, 2009, 4:21 pm


Aug 19, 2009, 8:40 pm

g, as one of the HE moms, let me just say...

Ack! Are you OK? Did a doctor look at it? And I hope you learned your lesson young lady. Next time check the limb for strength. Closer to the trunk is safer.

Aug 19, 2009, 11:28 pm

deep breath
No a doctor didn't look at it. I'm fine, it stopped bleeding a few minutes later. I mean now it looks nasty but such is life
The branch was rotted, i was actually close to the trunk.
And don't worry, i'm earth bound now

BN: I ache ALL OVER so I"m cranky

Aug 19, 2009, 11:44 pm

LadyN -- Oh, I desperately wish I had a job lined up in London . . . I would come be your new flatmate in a heartbeat!

gpwts -- Ouch! But was the boy sympathetic about your fall from the tree? And ramble away; we always love to hear from you (and most of us ramble on a bit from time to time, as I'm sure you are aware)!

GN: I get to sleep in my own bed tonight! Hooray!
BN: I have to wake up and go to work in the morning. I'm told that my department (which is in the basement of the library) flooded while I was away. I'm told it was not deep enough to damage the books, but am skeptical until I get to see the damage for myself.

Aug 20, 2009, 12:17 am

GN: Went back to school shopping.
BN: This just makes me see how much little is left of summer. (That wasn't grammatically correct was it?)
GN: I got registered for this dance season!

Aug 20, 2009, 3:09 am

Pico, just take out the "much" . . . but we know what you mean!

BN: I promised to work the library book sale tomorrow at 9:30 a.m.
BN: That's in the morning. I don't do morning.
GN: I can take a book with me to read if it's slow . . . and if I'm awake.

Aug 20, 2009, 6:09 am

BN: Jet lag -- means I am wide awake at 5 a.m., and will be dead tired later today when I have to work, I'm sure.
GN: Sophie loves jet lag! She thinks I am awake just so I can play with her!

Aug 20, 2009, 7:20 am

aww Foggi that means she missed you!

Ejj: I understand, I don't do mornings either.

BN: I haven't been to sleep yet.

Aug 20, 2009, 8:34 am

BN: Cold still going strong, though the sore throat seems to be gone, so I don't feel quite so bad anymore.
GN: Both the publisher and the author love my review of the book Loved Me Once. There are links up on the author's site, the publisher's blog and the author left me a looooooooong comment where she ended up recommending a bunch of books, not based on her book but on a book she saw from my widget that I'd already read this year.
GN: In all the links, they don't just mention my review but encourage people to read the entire blog, saying it's well written and interesting. :)

Aug 20, 2009, 8:45 am

GN: Survived the 1st day of school. I have a couple of chatty Cathys, but I'll fix that soon.
BN: I was exhausted. Still am.

Aug 20, 2009, 11:30 am

the little darlings!

GN~ I found a job, babysitting for a two month old girl. Not a lot of money but I'll have internet access and time to read.

Aug 20, 2009, 12:25 pm

Oh, how neat, Bib! I'm glad your blog is getting some recognition, and hope it brings a lot more cool books in your direction.

Congratulations on the job, Polly!

Aug 20, 2009, 12:38 pm

Our little Bib is getting all famous and everything. How exciting! Boo on the cold though. I just got over one.

Kirby, big congrats on surviving! The first day is usually the hardest.

Yay, Polly! I bet you'll enjoy that.

GN: I was able to have Miles out of his crate while I worked on some pants yesterday. He didn't get into anything and was a perfect little angel. He doesn't get to go in the sewing room unsupervised and only rarely supervised because there are just too many things he shouldn't be playing with. But he laid down at my feet and took a nap while I sewed. I was so proud of him!

GN: I got some new yarn today. I can't wait to start more socks! :D There are also plans to make a puppy coat. Miles is not very hairy and will need something to run with me in the winter when we're out for a while. He gets shivery even when it's 65*.

Aug 20, 2009, 2:04 pm

thanks everyone!

Lefty can't wait to see the doggy sweater

Aug 20, 2009, 2:33 pm

Congratulations Bib and polly!!!

Lefty, I can't wait to see the doggy sweater either!!! I'm really excited about winter cuz it gets really cold here so I'll be able to put those little doggy boots on Kero and maybe buy him a doggy sweater (although I swear he has some husky in him, he's so furry) but that's to see.

BN: It's raining, so can't really do anything today.
GN: Might be having a sleepover tonight!!

Aug 20, 2009, 4:44 pm

foggi, that would be wonderful! Alas... :-(

Generally being miserable at the moment, hence absence. Apart from flat situation, heart is in bits. Again. Gonna wallow a while. I realise I'm very present on facebook - all part of trying to get flatmate, nothing against you guys at all. I do loves ya!

Aug 20, 2009, 6:18 pm

BN: Soooo tired after getting maybe four hours of sleep. Eh.

Just news: Made $17 dollars in three hours for the library at the book sale. Kinda seems like a waste of my time, but I did get to see many adorable children, some babies with very cute bare toes. And read half of a book.

GN: Get my new housemate tomorrow. I think she's going to be a joy to have around. And, paradoxically, not around that much, which is even better.

Aug 20, 2009, 6:43 pm

BN~ went to the store and discovered a huge gas leak coming from my car! Now its stuck in a parking lot and I had to call MEM to come get me! Now what? I'm trying not to freak until MEM's hubby gets a chance to look at it, maybe its a hose come loose or something or maybe its a two hundred dollar fuel filter!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Aug 20, 2009, 9:20 pm

BN: I haven't been able to get on lately.
GN: Tomorrow is Friday.
GN: I went shopping today. I thought I deserved some presents for myself.
BN: One of my friends just decided he wanted to stop talking to me. It sucks.

Aug 20, 2009, 9:51 pm

BN: Still haven't gotten any calls about jobs.
BN: My options are getting very limited which means I am probably going to end up back in retail.
GN: Barnes and Noble is hiring.

Aug 20, 2009, 9:57 pm

GN~ Car fixed! Yay! Bless Rob!

Aug 21, 2009, 12:55 am

#396: Sorry about your cold, bib. Hope you'll feel better soon. And congratulations on getting your review published and your blog advertised!! I always read it :D!!

#398: Congrats on the job, polly!!

#407: Hang in there, Bella. You'll see that in no time you'll find a job that you'll love!!

GN: I went to see The Proposal (the new Sandra Bullock romantic comedy) and had a great time, I laughed a lot!
GN:I have a student who suddenly decided she wanted 2 hours of classes every day of the week so I am getting money!!
GN: It is awesome because I will have more money for my trip!!
BN: I had a little accident with my car yesterday, but I'm fine, the car is fine, it just got a huge scratch but my car needed a paint job anyway, so I am thinking about doing it after I get back from my trip....

Aug 21, 2009, 10:24 am

polly- *Gasp*, then *Yeah*

lefty-The trick is to get them really tired before you need to do something. I've found this works with Finnegan.

bella- I'm crossing my fingers and toes for you!

Aug 21, 2009, 10:48 am

409: wasnt' the Proposal great! I have a long standing love for Ryan Renyolds so you can understand my enjoyment

BN: I'm still seriousy hurting from my fall on Tuesday
BN: I can't walk past anyone without them asking what's wrong with my nose *it's all scabbed up*
GN: I have off of school today, so at least I don't have to walk around a lot
BN: It's race weekend in Bristol, which means you can go NO WHERE

*if you can't tell i'm mildly cranky*

Aug 21, 2009, 12:03 pm

#400: Lefty, you scared me a little when you said you were making a puppy coat. Image of Cruella deVille popped into my head. Good thing you elaborated.

#407: Good luck with finding another job. Barnes & Noble job for LTers...I thought you needed to make money?

#409: Ron, I'm glad only the car was injured!

And hooray for fixed cars and good first days!

g, I really think a doctor should look at you nose. My husband broke his nose when he was 17 by bench pressing 100 lbs. and dropping the barbell on his face. He only bled a little as well, didn't think it was broken, but he ended up with a deviated septum and years later needed to have surgery to fix it.

Sorry, didn't mean to give you lecture. I'm just concerned about it. :o)

Aug 21, 2009, 2:59 pm

Kirby, yes definitely!! I read quite a few books in preparation for bringing Miles up properly and every book said something along the lines of "A tired dog is a good dog." And I couldn't agree more!

JP, kik! No, not that kind of puppy coat!! Though I have heard of people using their dog's shedded hair to make yarn and then knit something from it. A little strange but an interesting hobby! I'll stick to sheep and alpaca, I think. ;)

Aug 21, 2009, 3:05 pm

GN: I got my replacement phone
GN: I'll be going to Missy's house next weekend to see Julie & Julia. I'm excitedd =D

Aug 21, 2009, 5:46 pm

BN~ I'm getting seriously annoyed, the lady I'm supposed to babysit for was supposed to call me today to set up a meeting tommorrow. So far nothing! I can't make plans or anything. I wonder if they have changed their mind? If so, no big hairy deal, just let me know! I could call them, but thats not good protocol. they have both my number and my email address.
Should I call?

Aug 21, 2009, 5:56 pm

Polly, yes I would call her and mention that I have to go somewhere with someone (or something) tomorrow and would like to know if she wanted to meet with you. As long as you are polite there is nothing at all wrong with nudging things along. Just do it with a smile on your face :D. (Yes, you can hear a smile over the phone!)

Aug 21, 2009, 5:59 pm

thanks jasmine

Aug 21, 2009, 10:37 pm

mildly annoyed at husband...the library called almost 2 weeks ago that a book was being held for me. He forgot to tell me till yesterday. So of course the book was no longer being held for me...it was the new Stephanie Plum book, and now I am #30 in the queue. I originally put my name on it just days after the library got it, and now I have to wait AGAIN. *pouting*

But I've fixed it that they now notify me by email, so he will no longer be my (super bad) secretary. lol

oh, well, I have lots of other books TBR

Aug 22, 2009, 9:55 am

#418: Well the good news is the Stephanie is a fast read, so hopefully you won't have to wait that long!

Aug 22, 2009, 10:54 am

#412: Nah your not lecturing. You just now have terrified me that my nose is going to be permently messed up

GN: My nose finally starting to look nose like again
BN: It's the weekend
GN: My parent's and sister are gong out for a while to see HP so I am going to get a few hours of peace

Aug 22, 2009, 10:33 pm

GN: So today after work I went out to my car and there were a dozen pink roses sitting on it with a card. So I opened the card and it said something along the lines of "True friends are forever. Thank you for always being a true and special friend. I hold our friendship close." It was from Jordan, one of my friends from work. Precious buttons!

Aug 23, 2009, 5:17 am

#421 - Oh that's lovely!!

GN: I got a package from Australia!! Hurrah for my lovely LT friends around the world. I now have lovely scented candles (beautifully packaged), and a new book mark! Thank you thank you thank you MsD and MrA!!

Aug 23, 2009, 5:17 am

This message has been deleted by its author.

Aug 23, 2009, 11:07 am

Roses! thats quite a friend there

Aug 23, 2009, 2:40 pm

BN: We've had no internet service since Friday night.
BN: We have had no phone line for about a month.
BN: This means I had to call Virgin Media on the premium number from my mobile, rather than the free landline help number...
GN: I made them call me back.
BN: They did lots of "tests" in the internet, and diagnosed it wasn't a problem with the service they were providing.
GN: But we have internet connection again. Funny that....
BN: Still no phone line. Technician allegedly coming on Wednesday.

Aug 23, 2009, 2:52 pm

I hate the way the telecommunications companies try to pass the buck. It happens to us here sometimes but Jim ,having been in the business, set them right and makes them fix it

Aug 23, 2009, 3:53 pm

>422 LadyN: Oooh, did you get the one that smells like cocoa? I'm surprised I haven't eaten those candles, they smell so yummy!

Aug 23, 2009, 4:32 pm

Bad News: The weather played havoc with our internet and with my head.

Good News: We now have our internet back. My head is slightly better, but still hurts at the left jaw hinge. My migraines usually start at the jaw and creep upward. This time it didn't seem to really leave that area. Luckily, the pain is easing. I can open my mouth again. (Wait, maybe that's bad news to some.)

Aug 23, 2009, 4:51 pm

The only day we lost power for a couple of hours. If I hadn't had MEM to go to I would have suffered from HE withdrawal. Sorry for everyone else's internet woes and JP I'm glad your jaw is getting better

Aug 23, 2009, 5:00 pm

This is really a post from Sgt. Pepper she asked me to post it.

GN: Yey!! Mandy2 and Don are back and I am back in my home looking over my street and I can check out my neighborhood again.

Aug 23, 2009, 5:19 pm

GN: Mandy is back! I really missed her! We've gone this long without seeing each other or talking plenty of times, but I'm so used to still being able to catch up with her here!

Aug 23, 2009, 6:17 pm

#427 - I got Frankincense & Myrrh, Creme Brulee, French Pear, French Vanilla and Sandalwood. And yes, they all smell good enough to eat!! Delicious!

Aug 23, 2009, 10:41 pm

BN: Tonight at work was really bad. Everyone was annoying me and the person I closed with was making me really mad. I almost snapped on her.

Aug 24, 2009, 8:51 am

N: Going out today to put in applications. Hoping Someone calls me back for a job...

Aug 24, 2009, 10:34 am

GN: my vacation was amazing and fun and relaxing.
GN: happy to be home and talk to my family again, and be on here with you all.
BN: I'm back in the office

Aug 24, 2009, 10:37 am

BN~ my job didn't work out. I have called and called and left messages. They have never called me back.

GN~ I have an interview for an infant room position at three today!

Aug 24, 2009, 10:39 am

Good luck Polly, I'll be sending you good thoughts...and your interviewer good thoughts of you.

Aug 24, 2009, 10:40 am

thanks Mandy! I have to get myself together and find my stuff.

Aug 24, 2009, 11:12 am

#434: Good Luck with your job applications, Bella!

#435: I'm glad your trip was amazing! And it's good to have you back, Mandy! And thanks for the birthday extension!!

#436: Good Luck in your interview, polly!!

GN: Venezuela won Miss Universe again!! We went down in history as the first country to ever win two years in a row! (All of us are excited because it's nice to have a good thing remembered in history about our country)
GN: In one week and a half I'll be on my way to Margarita Island!!
BN: I overslept and turned off my alarm.
GN: My student called me and cancelled the class because she is coming down on something (the good news is that it didn't matter that I overslept not that the student is sick)

Aug 24, 2009, 11:14 am

Ron~ margarita Island,huh? Soundslike my kind of place! LOL Seriusly. tell us about Margarita island

Aug 24, 2009, 11:29 am

#440: LOL It's a little Island that's part of Venezuela, it has nothing to do with the drink (I think but now I'm not sure) and its a tropical paradise with lots of beaches and one of the perks is that everything there is tax-free so things should be cheaper there...

Aug 24, 2009, 11:31 am

sigh- it sounds so nice!

Aug 24, 2009, 3:39 pm

GN: A couple hours that local used bookstore I LOVE put up a contest on their Facebook page, be the first one to answer the trivia question correctly and get their ARC of Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters. Guess who won?

(I actually answered within seconds, I was just waiting for the confirmation from them before celebrating!)

Aug 24, 2009, 4:20 pm

That is so cool!

Aug 24, 2009, 4:41 pm

GN: I filled out my applications and have high hopes for the B&N Position. The manager told me that a bunch of her employees are college students and are leaving her to go back to school she should call me within a week or so.

Aug 24, 2009, 4:44 pm


Edited: Aug 24, 2009, 6:15 pm

Polly: Good Luck at your interview! Hope you get the position.

Aug 24, 2009, 6:35 pm

whaddyaknow! She was too busy to see me today! I will go back tommorrow!

Aug 24, 2009, 7:49 pm

GN: I'm starting to finally feel better after my fall.
BN: Still slighty sore and cranky
BN: Just got told by my mother that applying to the the school of my dreams would be a waste of time
BN: When i mentioned in passing my grandmother thought i should apply to yale or harvard my mother actually scoffed and said why? and she better be paying because otherwise it's a waste of money.
BN: This whole thing has put me in an awful mood

Aug 24, 2009, 7:56 pm

Oh, G! This reminds me of what happened to me when My dreams of college fell to dust when I heard my father tell my mother that" he had no intention of sending a girl to college so she could meet a husband and get married. It would be a waste of money" He didn't know I heard that. It didn't help that all of my life my mother said I didn't have the sense "God gave a goose" and she said it to my face. So i never went to college and now I regret it! Don't give up!

Aug 24, 2009, 8:13 pm

#449 -- Oh, g, apply wherever you want! The worst they can do is say no -- and it's your time to "waste," right? And you can get financial aid. I went to an expensive school and have lots of loans to pay back, but I feel it was worth it.

(I'm really curious as to what your "dream school" is, too. If you don't want to say on the threads, send me a private message, but I want to know!)

GN: I got a lot done today, both at work and at home. (Of course, there's always more to do.) That's really all the news I have today.

Aug 24, 2009, 8:20 pm

G: You should apply at any school you want. Financial aid and loans are always there and don't let your parents have a say in where you go! (Unless you want to) But whatever you do and whereever you apply do it to make yourself happy!

Aug 24, 2009, 8:33 pm

G, could not agree more with Polly, Foggi, and Bella on this. Go for your dream. Maybe you'll get your first choice, maybe not, but have a plan to get to a college you'll be happy with. I'm appalled when I think of how little direction I got when applying to college--I went to a small high school and the principal was supposedly the guidance counselor. It was sheer dumb luck that I ended up at a good school.

Aug 24, 2009, 9:07 pm

BN: Haven't been able to be on for a while because we had some people visiting.
JN: 1 week of summer left. Eek!

Aug 24, 2009, 9:24 pm

G: Try for whatever school you want. After you get in, you can worry about how to pay for it. My brother went to Harvard and my sister went to Cornell. I decided I didn't want to go to a sleep-away college and picked a local community college. I think I had as good an education as they did and I came out of school debt-free. I also didn't suffer the stress they did from highly competitive schools. (Cornell had one of the highest suicide rates when my sister attended.)

The important thing is to pick a school with courses in your field of interest.

Aug 24, 2009, 9:40 pm

G: I suggest telling your mom you'll pay for school by selling all the dark poetry you've been penning based on her bad parenting skills. Then I suggest you practice your best soul killing look of disgust to use at all major functions where your mom may want to parade you around. *flicks speck of dust off shoulder* Not to brag but my step-aunt told me I could suck all the happiness out of a room just by walking into it. Now I know that's a high bar to strive for but I believe in you.
PS: When you get into said university of your choice it wouldn't hurt to pin the acceptance letter to your shirt everyday for, say, a month 8)
P.S.S. Maybe your grandma would help cover any application fees to Harvard so you can apply in case your mommy dearest refuses 8)

Aug 24, 2009, 10:08 pm

G: I agree with everyone here on the HE, It's your life and it's your choice, there's nothing more important than you being happy with what you will do for the rest of your life (no pressure).

Aug 24, 2009, 11:20 pm

I want to go to New York University for Creative Writing

Just to clear that up

Aug 24, 2009, 11:26 pm

Have you applied? Go for it! Like I said, deal with getting in first, then worry about how you would pay for it. And I'm not just saying that because NYU would put you very close to several cool HEers. ;o)

Aug 25, 2009, 3:03 pm

Went to my one to one at Apple Store, and my g-drive quit. It had been messing with me for a week and right there, in the store it died. They were not able to repair it since it is not an Apple external drive. So now I will have to send it somewhere and who knows for how long. I hope they can get what I have on it off. I had Final Cut and had been working on a project for KATS, Inc our theatre group.

This is the second external drive that doesn't like me.

Aug 25, 2009, 4:24 pm

BN I am back from vacation
GN I had a vacation in the beaufitul mountains
GN I got to feed a rescue black bear marshmallows by hand.

I am sorry for all you bad news and wish everyone more good news.

G just apply for schools and see where you get in. I think you will find a school that feels right.

LadyN sorry for your continuing internet woes and Kasongo your computer woes too.

Aug 25, 2009, 7:13 pm

Hi gang!

I'm afraid I have some bad news to impart. I have just taken the "What's going to happen to you this year" quiz on facebook, and it would seem I'm going to die. Sorry about that, but facebook has spoken, so there is very little I can do about it.

It's been wonderful getting to know you all, but let's just start getting used to the fact that my days are numbered.

Carpe Diem.


Aug 25, 2009, 7:42 pm

Maybe you should start a funeral thread. I will sing "Poor N is Dead." :o)

Aug 25, 2009, 7:46 pm

That's such a shame LadyN. What do you want in your eulogy?

Aug 25, 2009, 8:04 pm

And just when you got all those candles as well! We'll make sure to burn them in your honor.

Aug 25, 2009, 8:07 pm

If she was to have a viking funeral the candles could be put to even better use!

Aug 25, 2009, 8:07 pm

462- Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that.

.... Sooo, who gets your flat? Because I would take really good care of it! :)

Aug 25, 2009, 8:08 pm

466- Ooh, a viking funeral! With all of those candles, it would smell good, too!

Aug 25, 2009, 8:11 pm

I think cat is too young to look after your flat on her own. I could supervise when I'm sober *woops did I say that out loud*.

Aug 25, 2009, 8:14 pm

I'm not too young! *pouts* Well, OK, I guess you could help.

So, does anybody have a boat? Can't have the funeral without a boat, that's what I always say!

Aug 25, 2009, 8:27 pm

How many candles do you think we need? Couldn't we use a ferry or a punt from one of the canals?

Aug 25, 2009, 8:39 pm

*clears throat*

Poor N is dead
Poor Lady N's dead
She's lookin' oh so purdy and so nice (and so nice!)
She looks like she's asleep
It's a shame that she won't keep...
But it's summer and we're runnin' outta ice!

*whispers* She's kind of quiet. Is she dead already?

Aug 25, 2009, 8:42 pm

Gee Whiz you guys! This gives me the willies!

Aug 25, 2009, 8:46 pm

Sorry polly! It was a really stupid FB quiz tho. The questions were particularly random. It said I would get married this year. That should come as a surprise to my husband. :o)

Aug 25, 2009, 8:59 pm

I want to do the quiz but I'm not on facebook.

Edited: Aug 25, 2009, 9:17 pm

BN: I'm off work sick today with a horrid head cold.

GN/BN: My mother worked out that I wasn't going to work, because she saw Mr leave on his own.

GN/BN: A courier just dropped off the birthday present my mother has had on hold for me since June. It is a plasma screen TV which is bigger than my loungeroom.

GN: The cats will enjoy playing in the box.

BN: Mr will have to set it up.

Woops edited to delete the 's' from cats. I blame Catbastet as I started looked at Savannah cats which are being bred from Servals and I want one

PS. I'm also claiming the Espy defence in advance for anything I write today as I'm taking cold and flu meds.

Aug 25, 2009, 9:20 pm

This message has been deleted by its author.

Aug 25, 2009, 9:21 pm

MsDonna, you are funny with or without the flu meds. Get well soon! And I've seen those Savannah cats. They are huge! Are you sure they would get along with the panda dog you're supposed to get?

Aug 25, 2009, 9:23 pm

Ohh such bad news, LadyN, people keep fighting for your flat, but I'm wondering...could I have your books?

P.S. Sorry about your cold MsD! Hope you'll get better soon!

Aug 25, 2009, 9:25 pm

Hey Ron, Pete and RePete are in a boat. Pete jumps out. Who's left?

Aug 25, 2009, 9:30 pm

Darn you Ron. You ruined a perfectly good joke!

Aug 25, 2009, 9:31 pm

I need the Savannah cat to take care of Moo, so I can get the panda dog.

A few nights ago I bad allergies (I hate this time of year) and I screamed at Moo when he went to get in the bed. I also hadn't slept for some time as his snoring keeps me awake so I was not my normal self.

Despite my apologies Moo has taken to attacking me whenever the opportunity arises. I'm feeling a mixture of guilt and fear.

Aug 25, 2009, 9:33 pm

#481: I have no idea what you are talking about, JP :P...LOL

Aug 25, 2009, 9:34 pm

#481 snuck snuck

Aug 25, 2009, 9:37 pm

#482: :oP~~~

#481: You poor thing. I'm sure Moo will forgive you. Our cats usually forgive when they get hungry.
Have you ever tried taking a spoonful of local honey each day for a few weeks before the allergy season? It really does help lessen the severity.

Aug 25, 2009, 9:42 pm

I use to do that years ago. I've just drunk 1/2 lt of cranberry juice.

Aug 26, 2009, 3:40 am

BN: A local TV station shows a crosswords game show in the wee hours. They routinely--but not always--go off the air before they end the show, so I miss the last round (whether the contestant wins). I've even called them to complain about this.

GN: I just channel surfed and found "Touch of Evil," great Orson Welles film.

BN: Financial stuff. The usual, only worse.

Aug 26, 2009, 7:41 am

Ooh, what lovely plans you've all made for my send off! I give my blessing for all of it - boats, candles, vikings, the lot.

I hearby bequeath my books to Ron, since he was the first to ask.

My flat I leave to HE. (My landlord won't mind, I'm sure). Let it be your London home whenever you need it to be.

Right, I guess there's nothing left to do now but wait....

*twiddles thumbs*

Aug 26, 2009, 8:37 am

22 unread messages! For a second I had panicked, then I remembered that MsD had been on last I checked and my hopes soared. I was not disappointed!

Hope you feel better MsD!

LadyN: A bit ironic that we're all fighting over your flat and you're desperate for a flatmate. Of course, if I knew I could get a job and had a current passport, I'd be there in a second!

Aug 26, 2009, 9:11 am

And I would be eager to take you in, bib!

GN: I have twom people coming to look at the room this evening. Fingers crossed one of them will like it.

Aug 26, 2009, 9:46 am

and that you will like them.

Aug 26, 2009, 10:06 am

GN: I have an interview tomorrow with a small publishing company.
GN: If I get this job I can still do B&N nights and weekends.
BN: I won't have much time to do anything but work or homework
GN: The more money I make the more I can save.

Aug 26, 2009, 10:27 am

#491 - yes indeed!

BN: One of them just texted to say they'd found somewhere else. Hrmph. I don't think I'm going to like the other one. Just a hunch.

Aug 26, 2009, 10:29 am

find me a job serving fish and chips and I'll be your flatmate!

Aug 26, 2009, 12:05 pm


I'd come and rent the room but I don't think you'll give me such a good deal, and it might be a bit far to commute. Is there a big need for horseriding instructors in London??

Aug 26, 2009, 1:30 pm

Oh dear poor MsD. I hope your cold is better!

Poor LadyN. Not even dead and we are fighting over your belongings. So you do want to be set ablaze on a boat in the North Sea then? Do you have any great theater tickets you need to leave me?

Aug 26, 2009, 2:37 pm

I would so be in London to live with LadyN if I didn't have this house here and thousands of books and . . . well, the very strong feeling that the great British government would not just allow me to come live in their country with the airy assurance that I'm a freelancer, I can work anywhere.

GN: Things are not nearly so bad I as I thought. Stoopid IRS anyway.

>492 MellieT: Good luck, MsBella! I've been working in publishing my whole career. It's a small, small world, really. You won't get rich, but you get to help make books.

Aug 26, 2009, 2:49 pm

GN: Dining room table arrived today! I'll get pictures soon, particularly for those Midwest HEers who were very forgiving of my lack of a table when they were here. :)

Aug 26, 2009, 4:08 pm

#495 - Hmmmm...not sure about the need of riding instuctors... Although there is a riding centre in Dulwich! Hurrah! A short bus ride!

#496 - ablaze on a boat in the North Sea sounds awesome! Lots of fun :-) And I can always get theatre tickets, even from beyond the grave I reckon!

Aug 26, 2009, 5:37 pm

Horse taxi!

Aug 26, 2009, 7:20 pm


Aug 26, 2009, 8:47 pm

lefty: Of course we were forgiving of your table arrangement: there was such good food on it! I still can't wait to see pictures of your new table!

Aug 26, 2009, 9:57 pm

Omg, LadyN! Can I do like a viking dance at your funeral and put a helmet with horns on it and dance around your coffin before we set it on fire?!?!! Oh say yes!! Please, please Please!!! *gets down on her knees*

BN: I just found out that this play that I really really really wanted to audition for has rehearsals on Wednesdays, which is when I have dance class, so I can't go. :(
BN: The play looked really cool, but I guess there will be others...
JN: School starts on Monday (well Tuesday technically but we have an orientation on Monday.)

Aug 26, 2009, 10:38 pm

BN: I feel blah.
BN: Tomorrow is a longer day than usual at work.
BN: I didn't get anything done around the house this evening.
GN?: The neighbor mowed our front yard. I was thinking I would do it this weekend, but now I don't have to. I hope this doesn't mean that he thinks we're not keeping our yard tidy enough.

Aug 27, 2009, 3:59 am

#503 - Of course pico, I would be honoured. :-)

Aug 27, 2009, 4:57 am

503: It's not like she'll be able to stop you ;)

Aug 27, 2009, 6:06 am

I wouldn't put it past her. After all, she is still anticipating getting her hands on theatre tickets after she's gone!

Aug 27, 2009, 8:58 am

504: Foggi, Hopefully he is trying to be helpful.

GN: New laptops coming in for the teachers in my school district!
News: Not for me, but my lab had the newest computers in the building so it is not changing for now.
GN: I get to help set everything up and earn extra money!
BN: Not much of a relaxing end to the summer.
GN: After the teacher laptops we will work on phones and mini-notebooks for every classroom!

Aug 27, 2009, 11:42 am

#506 - 507 Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!

Aug 27, 2009, 11:51 am

BN~ My IBS is kicking up again

GN~ I know what to do to help and I cling to the knowledge that it will pass

Aug 27, 2009, 12:06 pm

Really Really Good News: Just heard from the publisher and I'm getting another back of the book blurb for A Year of Cats and Dogs. If you haven't read my review yet, here's the link: http://www.librarything.com/profile_reviews.php?view=biblioholic29

It's the second one down.

Aug 27, 2009, 12:47 pm


Aug 27, 2009, 12:48 pm

How exciting, Compski!

Polly, feel better!

Bib, you're an all star! Congrats!!

Aug 27, 2009, 12:51 pm

Does this get me more socks?

I'm just kidding of course, you should be working on my quilt!


Aug 27, 2009, 1:51 pm

Your mom and dad are very proud of you.

Aug 27, 2009, 2:04 pm

Yay Bib!

BN: Interview was a bust.

Aug 27, 2009, 2:22 pm

lol -- my first thought was of socks, actually. We'll see how time gets along. I don't want your quilt to take a year!

Sorry for the bad interview, Bella. There must be something even better out there! (No, I'm not an optimist, not at all..)

GN: I got Isle of Fire in the mail today, unlike last time when I thought I got Isle of Fire in the mail but actually got a Nolan Ryan biography. It only took about a month to get that all corrected with all money refunded. *grumble* But all is well, the correct book is here!

Aug 27, 2009, 3:59 pm

BN: I have to write a summary for AP lit. not excited.
BN: Work tonight.

Sometimes I wish I could either stop time for a little while or fast forward to a time where I didn't have so much to do.

Aug 27, 2009, 4:23 pm

Congratulations Bib!

Aug 27, 2009, 5:24 pm

GN: Still reeling with relief that my fiscal mess is not nearly as dire as I thought. I have time, that's what counts.

BetterNews: Got a check today! Was beginning to wonder if this client was upset with me for some reason, not having heard from her, but got a note say "I love your work!" Well, she sure figured out how to get more of it ;-)

Aug 27, 2009, 6:29 pm

#520 - Great news ejj. I'm pleased for you.

Sorry for everyones woes, and hurrah for your joys.

Also sorry I'm not around much. I'm not much fun at the moment, and am only just keeping myself together. But you guys are always a light whenever I'm here. Thank you. xx

Aug 27, 2009, 6:32 pm

Discovered yesterday that all the digital cameras in my school library were stolen from the library storage room sometime over the summer. All except one, which I had borrowed and was at home. Also stolen from school, 2 projectors and a TV. Grrr. I suppose if they had been able to, they would have stolen all the SmartBoards too.

Next summer, all the cameras will be locked in a file cabinet, or I will take them home with me!!

Aug 27, 2009, 6:36 pm

its a shame that there will always be people who take what is not theirs!

Smile LadyN, We all love you!:)

Aug 27, 2009, 6:46 pm

Thanks polly :-)

Aug 27, 2009, 8:03 pm

Thanks for all the congrats everyone!

Aug 27, 2009, 11:07 pm

Bad News: I have TMJ, which is apparently different from TMI. Temporomandibular Joint pain. My jaw shifts right when I open my mouth. And it hurts when I laugh. Which means it hurts for me to be online. Or with my family.

I have a Temporomandibular anomaly. Haha! Ow.

Aug 27, 2009, 11:20 pm

I made a joke to JP about how she has to go to the ents, and now whenever I say ENT, she starts laughing uncontrollably.


Hey JP, ready to go to the ENT?

(she's laughing over my shoulder. Oh yeah. I'm good. ;) )

Aug 27, 2009, 11:23 pm

511- Belated congrats to bib! You are awesome!

GN: I'm getting ready for my Christmas knitting.

BN: I need yarn. A shopping trip is in order, methinks.

Aug 27, 2009, 11:41 pm

#527: Say ENT to JP from me, cat! LOL

Aug 27, 2009, 11:47 pm

She's laughing.

And she says if she doesn't get better she'll blame all of us.

Aug 28, 2009, 8:19 am

It'll be handy having an Ent around if there is a flood.

Aug 28, 2009, 9:01 am

LOL ow LOL ow LOL ow...

Aug 28, 2009, 9:47 am

Or Orcs. Very handy to have an Ent about when there are prowling Orcs.

Aug 28, 2009, 9:55 am

Of if you need to reach something on a high shelf. An ent would be pretty helpful then.

Aug 28, 2009, 9:56 am

GN: It is my parents anniversary today! Happy Anniversary Mommy and Daddy!!!

Aug 28, 2009, 10:08 am

#531, 533, 534 -- Or if your next-door neighbor suddenly decides to turn into an evil sorcerer and try to take over the world.

Aug 28, 2009, 11:38 am

Pain killers. I need pain killers.

Aug 28, 2009, 12:21 pm

Gosh, I just took my last one JP, sorry

Seriusly, that sounds awful JP I know sometimes my jaw 'pops' and that hurts so I know you must hurt. Any chance that an ice pack would help?

Aug 28, 2009, 2:40 pm

I tried an ice pack. Didn't work. It seems to help more if I hold some cold liquid in my mouth on that side.

Unless I'm reading posts, of course.

Aug 28, 2009, 2:43 pm

Everyone, JP's about to laugh...........





Aug 28, 2009, 2:50 pm

*ducks with hands over her head*

Aug 28, 2009, 2:58 pm

*opens umbrella over head*

Aug 28, 2009, 3:03 pm

#539: That seems like a good reason to eat an obscene amount of ice cream to me.

Aug 28, 2009, 3:08 pm

*ducks underneath her desk*

Congratulations to you Bib!! Omg, you're getting all famous and everything, how exciting!!

BN: My teeth hurt because I just got chain elastics for my braces yesterday.
GN: I also got a new pair of shoes :o)

Aug 28, 2009, 3:15 pm

544- Ouch for the braces! I've had chain elastics before. Congrats on the shoes, though!

Aug 28, 2009, 4:20 pm

I second Bib's suggestion. Better go stock up on ice cream, JP!

Aug 28, 2009, 5:03 pm

*respectfully holds towels in front of mouth*

I think I must enjoy hurting because I keep coming back here! Did everyone suddenly get more talkative and funny? Figures.

Aug 28, 2009, 5:37 pm

doncha know JP? We THRIVE on pain....other peoples pain that is

Aug 30, 2009, 12:03 am

Not to interrupt, but thought this thread needed a replacement. New thread here:


Aug 30, 2009, 6:19 pm

Okay...I'm way behind. Just finished reading the last 87 messages and had to comment:

*Oh no!

Choose the correct response to your message, since I really don't have the time to track down the numbers.