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The Dante Club

by Matthew Pearl

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7,5841711,225 (3.36)224
Fiction. Literature. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:In 1865 Boston, the members of the Dante Club -- poets and Harvard professors Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, and James Russell Lowell, along with publisher J.T. Fields -- are finishing America's first translation of The Divine Comedy and preparing to unveil Dante's remarkable visions to the New World. The powerful Boston Brahmins at Harvard College are fighting to keep Dante in obscurity, believing that the infiltration of foreign superstitions onto American bookshelves will prove as corrupting as the immigrants living in Boston Harbor.

As they struggle to keep their sacred literary cause alive, the plans of the Dante Club are put in further jeopardy when a serial killer unleashes his terror on the city. Only the scholars realize that the gruesome murders are modeled on the descriptions from Dante's Inferno and its account of Hell's torturous punishments. With the lives of the Boston elite and Dante's literary future in America at stake, the Dante Club must find the killer before the authorities discover their secret.

The Dante Club is a magnificent blend of fact and fiction, a brilliantly realized paean to Dante, his mythic genius, and his continued grip on our imaginations.

… (more)
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This may be a good audiobook for someone else, but it's not for me. Although I haven't read Dante's Inferno, I am familiar with and I like historical fiction and mysteries so it sounded interesting. However, I'm not familiar with the poets who belong to "The Dante Club" at the center of this novel and it felt like I was missing a lot of context. In addition, many similar characters are introduced to the reader at the same time so audiobook is a poor format because it's hard to flip back a few pages to figure out who is who. ( )
  lbspen | May 16, 2024 |
The history was interesting; but the murders were really gross and unpleasant; I'm not satisfied with whodunit. A lot of famous people make guest appearances. I should read Dante's Divine Comedy.
I bought the book at Longfellow House-Washington's Headquarters National Historic Site, run by the National Park Service, that offers interesting free tours and I felt I should recompense them. ( )
  raizel | Feb 6, 2024 |
It took me forever to get into it, but then I couldn't put it down. I love historical fiction, this didn't dissapoint. ( )
  jskeltz | Nov 23, 2023 |
El club Dante
Matthew Pearl
Publicado: 2003 | 410 páginas
Novela Intriga

Boston, 1865. Importantes personalidades están siendo brutalmente asesinadas por un criminal inspirado en los tormentos del Infierno de Dante. Sólo los miembros del club Dante —poetas y profesores de Harvard dirigidos por Henry Wadsworth Longfellow— pueden anticiparse al asesino e identificarle. Mientras preparan la primera traducción americana de La divina comedia enfrentándose a la oposición de la puritana vieja guardia de Harvard, los intelectuales deberán convertirse en detectives y pasar a la acción. Nicholas Ray, el primer policía negro del departamento de Boston, dirigirá la investigación oficial mientras los miembros del club llevan a cabo sus insólitas pesquisas. Un dantesco infierno medieval se cierne sobre las calles de la ciudad, en una época que toca a su fin, convulsa por la recién terminada guerra civil, el asesinato del presidente Lincoln y los disturbios raciales.
  libreriarofer | Nov 7, 2023 |
Boston. 1865. A small group of elite scholars prepares to introduce Dante’s vision of hell to America. But so does a murderer.

The literary geniuses of the Dante Club – poets and Harvard professors Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Dr Oliver Wendell Holmes, James Russell Lowell and publisher J. T. Fields – are finishing America’s first translation of The Divine Comedy. The powerful old guard of Harvard College wants to keep Dante in obscurity, believing that the infiltration of such foreign superstitions will prove as corrupting as the immigrants invading Boston Harbor. The members of the Dante Club fight to keep their sacred literary cause alive, but their plans fall apart when a series of murders erupts through Boston and Cambridge. Only this small group of scholars realises that the gruesome killings are modelled on the descriptions of Hell’s punishments from Dante’s Inferno. With the police baffled, lives endangered and Dante’s literary future at stake, the Dante Club must shed its sheltered literary existence and find a way to stop the killer. ( )
  nordie | Oct 14, 2023 |
Showing 1-5 of 149 (next | show all)
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Matthew Pearlprimary authorall editionscalculated
Abelsen, PeterTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed

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To Lino, my professor, and Ian, my teacher
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John Kurtz, the chief of the Boston police, breathed in some of his heft for a better fit between the two chambermaids.
The proof of poetry was... that it reduced to the essence of a single line the vague philosophy that floated in all men's minds, so as to render it portable and useful, ready to the hand.
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Fiction. Literature. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:In 1865 Boston, the members of the Dante Club -- poets and Harvard professors Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, and James Russell Lowell, along with publisher J.T. Fields -- are finishing America's first translation of The Divine Comedy and preparing to unveil Dante's remarkable visions to the New World. The powerful Boston Brahmins at Harvard College are fighting to keep Dante in obscurity, believing that the infiltration of foreign superstitions onto American bookshelves will prove as corrupting as the immigrants living in Boston Harbor.

As they struggle to keep their sacred literary cause alive, the plans of the Dante Club are put in further jeopardy when a serial killer unleashes his terror on the city. Only the scholars realize that the gruesome murders are modeled on the descriptions from Dante's Inferno and its account of Hell's torturous punishments. With the lives of the Boston elite and Dante's literary future in America at stake, the Dante Club must find the killer before the authorities discover their secret.

The Dante Club is a magnificent blend of fact and fiction, a brilliantly realized paean to Dante, his mythic genius, and his continued grip on our imaginations.


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Matthew Pearl is a LibraryThing Author, an author who lists their personal library on LibraryThing.

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Matthew Pearl chatted with LibraryThing members from Oct 5, 2009 to Oct 16, 2009. Read the chat.

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