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The Story of Ferdinand (1936)

by Munro Leaf

Other authors: Robert Lawson (Illustrator)

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9,353172868 (4.31)84
Ferdinand likes to sit quietly and smell the flowers, but one day he gets stung by a bee and his snorting and stomping convince everyone that he is the fiercest of bulls.
  1. 20
    The Right to Be Lazy by Paul Lafargue (lquilter)
    lquilter: If you like "The Right To Be Lazy", perhaps you would enjoy reading to your children (and for yourself), "The Story of Ferdinand", by Munro Leaf -- a children's picture book about a bull who doesn't want to fight, but just wants to sit under a tree and enjoy nature. If you liked reading Ferdinand to your kids, maybe you'd also like spending some time with the classic pro-relaxation theoretical work of Lafargue, who argues that relaxation and creativity, not work, are the true engines of human development. Down with the corporate-capitalist-entertainment complex! Up with the enjoyment of life, bread, and roses!… (more)

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The movie came into my life before the book. But I’m glad about that otherwise I wouldn’t have been aware of this little gem.

Ferdinand is a huge bull whose size belies his demeanour. His mates just want to butt heads with other peers. However, all Ferdinand wants to do is sit under a tree and smell flowers.

While the book is really short, it has giant lessons to teach. How Ferdinand’s mom accepts him as he is, how Ferdinand doesn’t succumb to peer pressure and simply follows his heart, how we must not judge by looks or size…. The book is full of lovely little lessons for kids and even adults.

This is an early readers’ book with simple language (except for the Spanish bullfighting terms) and loads of illustrations, so anyone aged 4 will be able to enjoy it.

PS: Unlike the norm, the movie is excellent. Go for it if you enjoy animated films.

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( )
  RoshReviews | Jul 26, 2024 |
The story of Ferdinand, written by Monroe Leaf with drawings by Robert Lawson, was first published in 1936, for readers of all ages. The story takes place in Spain. It is the story of a young bull in Spain who prefers sitting quietly under his favorite cork tree and smelling the flowers to running, jumping, and butting his head with the other little bulls. Naturally, his mother worried about him because he would sit alone. Two years passed, and he grew to be big and strong. When all the other bulls hoped to be picked to fight in the bullfights in Madrid, Ferdinand still preferred to sit quietly under his favorite tree. Then, one day, five men came to choose the roughest bowl for the bullfights. Ferdinand didn't care as he knew they wouldn't pick him, but just as he was about to sit down, he sat on a bumblebee, which stung him and caused him to jump and snort And act as if he was crazy. The five men believe they found the largest and fiercest bull, in Ferdinand. When the big day came for him to fight in the bullfights and Madrid, he saw all the flowers in the lady's hair and just sat down and smelled them; he refused to fight and be fierce, which made the Banderilleros and the Picador very mad, and the Matador even madder. So they were forced to take him back home, where he would be able to sit under his favorite tree and be very happy.
  ntrappchen | Jul 10, 2024 |
this is one of my favorite childhood books, every now and then I will pick it up and reread it. ( )
  Enid007 | May 3, 2024 |
Ferdinand is the world's most peaceful--and--beloved little bull. While all of the other bulls snort, leap, and butt their heads, Ferdinand is content to just sit and smell the flowers under his favorite cork tree.
  PlumfieldCH | Nov 29, 2023 |
Classic book, about bull which likes to smell flowers and not fight. First published in 1936 and was banned by Hitler, as it supported pacifist's tendencies. ( )
  kakanihome | Dec 15, 2022 |
Showing 1-5 of 171 (next | show all)

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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Leaf, Munroprimary authorall editionsconfirmed
Lawson, RobertIllustratorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Bindervoet, ErikIllustratorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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Once upon a time in Spain there was a little bull and his name was Ferdinand.
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Ferdinand likes to sit quietly and smell the flowers, but one day he gets stung by a bee and his snorting and stomping convince everyone that he is the fiercest of bulls.

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There is so much learning that can be brought into the classroom with this story. This story presents a story of peace and difference. It also introduces the history of bullfighting.
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