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Isaac Babel (1894–1940)

Author of Collected Stories

206+ Works 3,852 Members 77 Reviews 25 Favorited

About the Author

Isaac Babel was born in Odessa, Russia, in 1894. He won early success with stories about his native Odessa and about the exploits of the Bolshevik cavalry in the Polish campaign of 1920-21. During the 1930s his output was small, but his talent remained undiminished. He was arrested in May 1939 show more during the Great Purge, and his manuscripts were confiscated. His exact fate remains unknown. Although Babel's reputation was restored in 1956, he was still published only occasionally in the Soviet Union-the very strong Jewish element in his stories, as well as the ambiguous positions he took on war and revolution, made his stories uncomfortable for Soviet authorities. For a Russian reader, the Odessa Tales (1916) are particularly exotic. Their protagonists, members of the city's Jewish underworld, are presented in romantic, epic terms. The Red Cavalry stories are noted for their account of the horrors of war. In both cycles Babel relies on precisely constructed short plots, on paradox of situation and of character response, and on nonstandard, captivating language-be it the combination of Yiddish, slang, and standard Russian in the Odessa Tales or of uneducated Cossack speech and standard Russian in the Red Cavalry cycle. The result of such features is a prose heritage rare in the history of Russian literature. Isaac Babel passed away in 1941. (Bowker Author Biography) Isaac Babel was born on July 13, 1894 in Odessa, Russia, to a middle-class Jewish family. He attended the Institute of Business Studies. His life was filled with persecution, which greatly influenced his writing. During the civil war that followed the Russian Revolution, Babel served as a soldier in Poland. This experience provided him with material for Red Cavalry, a collection of his stories. Later, in the Odessa Tales, published in 1931, Babel drew on his Jewish heritage to create colorful and memorable characters. As with many great artists in Russia, Babel's creative style was unpopular with the Stalin regime. Babel admitted to a long association with Trotskyites, but denied this testimony at his trial. He was ultimately found guilty of espionage and shot in Moscow in 1939, although, nearly a year later, his wife and the general public were told that he died in a labor camp. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Image credit: Courtesy of the NYPL Digital Gallery (image use requires permission from the New York Public Library)

Works by Isaac Babel

Collected Stories (1929) 1,059 copies
Red Cavalry (1926) 769 copies
Odessa Tales (1931) 287 copies
1920 diary (1989) 157 copies
You Must Know Everything (1966) 106 copies
Quatre contes russos (2009) 43 copies
The Golden Age of Soviet Theatre (Penguin Classics) (1990) — Contributor — 40 copies
Избранное (1983) 13 copies
The Essential Fictions (2017) 13 copies
Toneel 13 copies
Odessa (1967) 11 copies
Maria: uma Peça e Cinco Histórias (2003) — Author — 10 copies
Benya Krik (1948) 8 copies
How It Was Done in Odessa (2002) 8 copies
Stelle erranti 7 copies
Dziennik 1920 (1990) 5 copies
Prosa (1983) 4 copies
Traonto (1991) 4 copies
Iszaak Babel művei (1986) 4 copies
The forgotten prose (1978) 3 copies
Mes premiers honoraires (1972) 3 copies
My First Goose 3 copies
Historia jednego konia (1988) 3 copies
Vremenu i sebi (1967) 3 copies
Rusia. Volumen 2 — Contributor — 2 copies
Isaak Babel. Izbrannoe (2000) 2 copies
Konarmia ; Dziennik 1920 (1999) 2 copies
Odessa (2019) 2 copies
Nello scantinato (2006) 2 copies
Guy de Maupassant (1935) 2 copies
Odessa Stories (1931) 2 copies
Journal pétersbourgeois (2013) 2 copies
A Letter 2 copies
Utwory wybrane 2 copies
Sumrak (1979) 1 copy
Prosa 1 copy
オデッサ物語 (1995) 1 copy
El despertar 1 copy
Babel Isaac 1 copy
Odesskie rasskazy (2014) 1 copy
Rytterarmeen (2023) 1 copy
El Despertar 1 copy
Peterburg 1918 (1989) 1 copy
Nouvelles 1 copy
Werke : Zweiter Band (1973) 1 copy
Werke : Erster Band (1973) 1 copy
Salt 1 copy
"Pan Apolek" 1 copy
"First Love" 1 copy
"The King" 1 copy
Benya Krik 1 copy
Lyubka the Cossack (1963) 1 copy
Zwei Welten (1960) 1 copy
Die traurige Strasse : (1965) 1 copy
L'armata a cavallo (2001) 1 copy
Caballería roja (1901) 1 copy
caballeria roja (2011) 1 copy

Associated Works

The Story and Its Writer: An Introduction to Short Fiction (1983) — Contributor — 1,136 copies
My Mistress's Sparrow Is Dead (2008) — Contributor — 766 copies
The World of the Short Story: A 20th Century Collection (1986) — Contributor — 464 copies
The Penguin Book of War (1999) — Contributor — 453 copies
Best Short Stories of the Modern Age (1962) — Contributor, some editions — 335 copies
Great Jewish Short Stories (1963) — Author, some editions — 239 copies
Russian Short Stories from Pushkin to Buida (2005) — Contributor — 223 copies
Sudden Fiction International: Sixty Short-Short Stories (1989) — Contributor — 213 copies
Randall Jarrell's Book of Stories (1958) — Contributor — 145 copies
Sudden Fiction (Continued): 60 New Short-Short Stories (1996) — Contributor — 133 copies
The Jewish caravan : great stories of twenty-five centuries (1935) — Contributor, some editions — 132 copies
The Oxford Book of Jewish Stories (1998) — Contributor — 132 copies
Great Modern European Short Stories (1969) — Contributor — 113 copies
Magical Realist Fiction: An Anthology (1984) — Contributor — 113 copies
Great Soviet Short Stories (1962) — Contributor — 77 copies
A Golden Treasure of Jewish Literature (1937) — Contributor — 76 copies
Extreme Fiction: Fabulists and Formalists (2003) — Contributor — 51 copies
Modern Jewish stories (1963) — Contributor — 36 copies
Found in Translation (2018) — Contributor, some editions — 36 copies
Escape: Stories of Getting Away (2002) — Contributor — 25 copies
One World of Literature (1992) — Contributor — 24 copies
Studies in Fiction (1965) — Contributor — 22 copies
Horse Stories (2012) — Contributor — 16 copies
14 Great Short Stories By Soviet Authors (1959) — Contributor — 15 copies
Russische liefdesverhalen (1961) — Author — 11 copies
Russische verhalen (1965) — Contributor — 11 copies
Het derde Testament : Joodse verhalen (1995) — Contributor, some editions — 7 copies
Moderne joodse verhalen (1964) — Contributor — 7 copies
Penguin Modern Stories 4 (1970) — Contributor — 7 copies
De 43ste april : zeven verhalen op één thema (1961) — Contributor — 6 copies
Skaz: Masters of Russian Storytelling (2014) — Contributor — 5 copies
The Noble Savage 3 (1961) — Contributor — 5 copies
Russland das große Lesebuch (2017) — Contributor — 4 copies
Prachtig weer verhalen (1994) — Contributor — 3 copies
50 seltsame Geschichten — Contributor — 1 copy
現代ソヴェト文学18人集〈第1〉… (1967) — Author — 1 copy
世界短編名作選〈ソビエト編〉 (1978年) (1978) — Contributor — 1 copy
ロシア短篇24 (現代の世界文学) (1987) — Contributor — 1 copy


20th century (115) anthology (525) Babel (33) books about books (25) classics (41) collection (49) Cossacks (27) diary (26) fiction (993) history (95) Isaac Babel (41) Jewish (78) Jewish literature (37) Judaism (27) librarians (42) libraries (73) library (23) literature (304) love (25) military (38) military history (64) non-fiction (78) own (30) read (48) Russia (226) Russian (185) Russian fiction (32) Russian literature (343) Russian Revolution (25) short fiction (74) short stories (1,132) short story (75) Soviet Union (45) stories (155) textbook (34) to-read (371) translation (49) unread (57) war (60) writing (70)

Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Babel, Isaac
Legal name
Бабель, Исаак Эммануилович
Other names
Babel, Isaak
Bobel, Isaac Manievich (birth name)
Babel, Isaak Emmanuilovich
Бабель, Исаак Эммануилович
Date of death
Burial location
Donskoi Cemetery, Moscow, Russia [mass grave]
Country (for map)
Odessa, Russian Empire
Place of death
Butyrka prison, Moscow, USSR
Cause of death
Firing squad
Places of residence
Odessa, Russian Empire
St. Petersburg, Russia
Kiev Institute of Finance and Business
literary translator
short story writer
Gorky, Maksim (friend)
Brown, Nathalie Babel (daughter)
Paustovsky, Konstantin (friend)
Short biography
Isaac Babel was born to a Jewish family in Odessa, then part of the Russian Empire (present-day Ukraine). In 1911, Babel went to study economics and business at the Kiev Institute of Finance and Business Studies, receiving his degree in 1916. While finishing his studies in Kiev, he also enrolled in the Faculty of Law at the Psycho-Neurological Institute in St. Petersburg. At this time, he met Maxim Gorky, who welcomed Babel into a literary career by publishing a selection of his short stories in the November 1916 issue of his journal Letopis (Chronicle). Gorky's mentorship was a major coup for a fledgling author and assured his wider recognition. Babel also became a journalist, playwright, and literary translator. He is best known as the author of the acclaimed collections Red Cavalry (1920s) and Odessa Stories (1921-24). Stalin's Great Terror purges destroyed the lives and careers of many of Babel’s friends, and finally reached Babel himself. He was arrested by the Soviet secret police on May 15, 1939 on fabricated charges of terrorism and espionage, and executed on January 27, 1940.



awful awful awful... that's all i have to say
ZetaRiemann | Apr 4, 2024 |
slightly better than salt but not by enough! just not good
ZetaRiemann | Apr 4, 2024 |
this wasn't offensively bad or anything compared to Salt and maybe it was slightly better than My First Goose but compared to literally everything else I've ever read it was trash. I hate Isaac Babel
ZetaRiemann | Apr 4, 2024 |
Okay so for me at least this one did something kind of interesting with the blurred lines of whether it's more ethical to put somebody out of their misery when they ask you to or refuse to participate in someone else's death directly. I still hate Babel though.
ZetaRiemann | Apr 4, 2024 |



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Máximo Gorki Contributor
Andrew R. MacAndrew Translator and Afterword
Walter Morison Translator, Editor
Peter Urban Translator
Val Vinokur Editor, Translator
Fritz Mierau Composer, Afterword
Bettina Kaibach Translator
Harry Burck Translator
Esa Adrian Translator
Heddy Pross-Weerth Translator / Afterword
Cynthia Ozick Introduction
Boris Dralyuk Translator
Froukje Slofstra Translator
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Jacques Catteau Translator
Enric Mir Designer
Staffan Dahl Translator
Michael Dirda Introduction
Monika Zgustová Translator
Oriol Maspons Photographer
H. T. Willetts Translator
Anna Montero Translator
Silvia Serra Translator
José Ardanaz Translator
Victor Kernbach Translator
Julia Pericacho Translator
Gerardo Escodín Translator


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