EventsOrigins of World War I

Works (67)

After Sarajevo: The Origins of The World War, Volume II by Sidney B. Fay
The Arming of Europe and the Making of the First World War by David G. Herrmann
Austria-Hungary and the Origins of the First World War by Samuel R. Williamson
Britain and the Origins of the First World War: Second Edition by Zara S. Steiner
British documents on the origins of the war, 1898-1914 by G. P. Gooch
British Documents on the Origins of the War, 1898-1914: Vol XI - The Outbreak of War by G. P. Gooch
Causes and Consequences of World War I by John Milton Cooper
Collected Diplomatic Documents Relating to the Outbreak of the European War by Great Britain. Foreign Office
Cuno Hofer,... Les Germes de la Grande Guerre by Cuno Hofer
The diplomatic background of the war, 1870-1914 by Charles Seymour
Dreadnought : Britain, Germany, and the Coming of the Great War by Robert K. Massie
Europe on the Brink, 1914: The July Crisis by John E. Moser
Europe's Last Summer: Who Started the Great War in 1914? by David Fromkin
The Fateful Alliance: France, Russia, and the Coming of the First World War by George F. Kennan
France and the Origins of the First World War (Making of the Twentieth Century) by John F. V. Keiger
The French Foreign Office and the Origins of the First World War 1898-1914 by M. B. Hayne
Germany and the Approach of War in 1914 by Volker R. Berghahn
Germany’s Aims in the First World War by Fritz Fischer
Heading for the abyss : reminiscences by Karl Max von Lichnowsky
Helmuth von Moltke and the Origins of the First World War by Annika Mombauer
The History of Twelve Days, July 24th to August 4th, 1914: Being an Account of the Negotiations Preceding the Outbreak of War Based on the Official Publications (1915) by James Wycliffe Headlam
The Ideology of the Offensive: Military Decision Making and the Disasters of 1914 by Jack Snyder
Isvolsky and the world war,: Based on the documents recently published by the German Foreign office by Friedrich Stieve
July 1914: Countdown to War by Sean McMeekin
July 1914: The Outbreak of the First World War : Selected Documents (The Norton library) by Imanuel Geiss
July Crisis: The World's Descent into War, Summer 1914 by T. G. Otte
The Lions of July: Prelude to War, 1914 by William Jannen
The Long Fuse: An Interpretation of the Origins of World War I by Laurence Lafore
Lord Milner's Second War: The Rhodes-Milner Secret Society; The Origin of World War I; and the Start of the New World Order by Mr John P. Cafferky
Military Strategy and the Origins of the First World War by Steven E. Miller
The Month that Changed the World: July 1914 by Gordon Martel
Official diplomatic documents relating to the outbreak of the European war, with photographic reproductions of official editions of the documents (Blue, White, Yellow, etc., books) by Edmund von Mach
Les origines de la guerre by Raymond Poincare
The Origins of the First and Second World Wars by Frank McDonough
The Origins of the First World War by Gordon Martel
Origins of the First World War by Fritz Fischer
The Origins of the First World War by James Joll
The Origins of the First World War by Ruth Henig
Origins of the First World War (Foundations of Modern History) by L. C. F. Turner
The Origins of the First World War: Controversies and Consensus by Annika Mombauer
The Origins of the First World War: Great Power Rivalry and German War Aims by H. W. Koch
The Origins of the War of 1914 [3-volume set] by Luigi Albertini
The Origins of the War of 1914, Volume 1 by Luigi Albertini
The Origins of the War of 1914, Volume 2 by Luigi Albertini
The Origins of the War of 1914, Volume 3 by Luigi Albertini
The Origins of the World War by Sidney Bradshaw Fay
The Origins of the World War Volume I by Sidney Bradshaw Fay
Origins of World I 1871-1914 by Joachim Remak
The Origins of World War One (Documentary History) by Roger Parkinson
The Outbreak of the First World War: Strategic Planning, Crisis Decision Making, and Deterrence Failure (Praeger Studies by John H. Maurer
The Outbreak Of World War I (Problems in European Civilization Series) by Dwight Erwin Lee
The Perfect Summer: England 1911, Just Before the Storm by Juliet Nicolson
A prophecy fulfilled: The present war predicted in 1911 by Francis Delaisi
The Proud Tower: A Portrait of the World Before the War, 1890-1914 by Barbara W. Tuchman
Russia and the Origins of the First World War (Making of the Twentieth Century) by D. C. B. Lieven
The Russian Origins of the First World War by Sean McMeekin
The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914 by Christopher Clark
Splendid Isolation?: Britain, the Balance of Power and the Origins of the First World War by John Charmley
The twelve days : 24 July to 4 August 1914 by George Malcolm Thomson
War by Timetable: How the First World War Began by A. J. P. Taylor
War Memoirs of David Lloyd George by David Lloyd George
War Memoirs of David Lloyd George: 1914-1915 by David Lloyd George
The War That Ended Peace: The Road to 1914 by Margaret MacMillan
Winston S. Churchill: Young Statesman, 1901-1914 by Randolph S. Churchill
The World Crisis (Odhams Press 2 volumes) by Winston S. Churchill
The World Crisis [Unabridged] by Winston S. Churchill
World power or decline;: The controversy over Germany's aims in the First World War by Fritz Fischer