Publisher Series東欧の想像力


Hourglass by Danilo Kiš 189 copies, 6 reviews1
Too Loud a Solitude by Bohumil Hrabal 1,657 copies, 47 reviews2
The Glance of Countess Hahn-Hahn (Down the Danube) by Péter Esterházy 81 copies, 2 reviews3
Last Love in Constantinople: A Tarot Novel for Divination by Milorad Pavić 143 copies, 1 review4
The General of the Dead Army by Ismaîl Kadaré 506 copies, 10 reviews5
Dvě legendy by Josef Škvorecký 7 copies6
The Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosiński 2,990 copies, 74 reviews7
Samko Tale's Cemetery Book by Daniela Kapitáňová 17 copies, 2 reviews8
The Cremator by Ladislav Fuks 89 copies, 2 reviews9
Death and the Dervish by Meša Selimović 504 copies, 12 reviews10
Why We Love Women by Mircea Cartarescu 90 copies, 3 reviews11
Medallions by Zofia Nałkowska 99 copies, 5 reviews12
The End of a Family Story by Péter Nádas 125 copies, 2 reviews13
宰相の象の物語 by イヴォ アンドリッチ 1 copy14
アカシアは花咲く by デボラ フォーゲル 1 copy15
Primeval and Other Times by Olga Tokarczuk 535 copies, 13 reviews16
The Loser by Fatos Kongoli 20 copies, 1 review17
ジュスタ by パウル ゴマ 1 copy18
Who Was David Weiser? by Paweł Huelle 121 copies, 3 reviews19


