Real Name
About Me
Vanessa Kittle is 40. She lives out on Long Island with her evil cats; Lama and Sombrero, and her slightly less evil partner, Erin. Vanessa is a former chef who now teaches English Composition. She has published 2 full books of poetry: Apart, and Surviving the Days of the Empire, both with The March Street Press. Her work has recently been in The New Renaissance, Contemporary American Voices, Nerve Cowboy, Limestone, Ibbetson Street, and A Generation Defining Itself anthology.
Vanessa edits the Abramelin journal of poetry, which receives approximately 4000 readers each year. Abramelin has published most of the leading voices of the small press world during its 7 year history. Vanessa's poems ‘Next Time’ and ‘Fall People’ were nominated for the 2007 and 2008 Pushcart Prizes respectively. Vanessa was the featured poet in the September 2008 issue of Contemporary American Voices. The previous issue featured the Poet Laureate of the U.S.
Vanessa enjoys gardening, cooking, walking, reading good books, and watching cheesy movies.
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