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Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Dec 14, 2009
Real Name
About My Library



I hope that some LT-ers, particularly younger readers, will find in my library some books which catch their interest.

I wish that someone who had read both widely and well had given me an introduction to the books listed here, sixty years ago or so, when I was first starting to read at an adult level.

The books I've listed are ones I thought well enough of to buy, either because I like what they say and how they say it, or because I want to engage writers with whom I expect to disagree, and the writers of these works generally are regarded as being able advocates for the positions they take.

My FAVORITES are books I expect to keep, and relinquish only when I can no longer read.

My WISHLIST is made up of books I think are worth reading, & worth owning, but most of which I'll simply get from local & regional libraries.

My LIBRARY is made up of books which I presently own, and have either on bookshelves at home, or in boxes on shelves at storage. I'm presently at work inventorying these, and reviewing them, to see which volumes might make the cut, and become part of my "Semi-Portable Retirement Library", also known as my FAVORITES.

Eventually, the books from my LIBRARY which are not selected as FAVORITES will be sold, given to friends, or donated to selected school & community libraries.

My listing of books is essentially complete, save for some additions to my WISHLIST.

It pleases me that a number of LT-ers find my library to be an interesting one . . . if you find books or authors here that are new to you, and catch your interest, I'm glad!

After all, fully four-fifths of the books on my WISHLIST are works which have come to my attention as a result of browsing the collections which other LT-ers have posted for public view.

My thanks to all of you who make your collections public.


While still in school, I began gathering books on subjects which interest me, and about people who intrigue me. I intended the volumes selected to help remedy gaps in my education, and the number of my books has grown steadily as decades have passed.

Approximately one third of my collections are listed on LibraryThing; of the remaining two thirds, half are books by popular authors in various genres (Westerns, Thrillers, Mysteries, Science Fiction---No Horror Or Romance, & very few works of Fantasy) which usually can be read quickly, and don't often merit re-reading. When I finish with such books, I give them to friends, or donate them to the local library book sale.

The final third of my collections consists primarily of books on technical subjects (Auto Repair, Household Wiring, Landscape Design, Etc.) or books & monographs on topics not likely to be of interest to "The Common Reader". A few of these books will be sold, and the rest donated to appropriate nearby schools & colleges which express interest.


What I've posted on Library Thing represents, in my view, the core COMMUNITY OF MINDS with whom I find myself en rapport.

I very much view the FAVORITE AUTHORS whom I've listed as being roughly the equivalent of a small town populated by extremely interesting, articulate people, each of whom has a distinctive viewpoint, a fascinating story to tell, and something to say which is worthwhile, worthy of my serious consideration.

As I live in the rural Inland Northwest of the United States, in a small town far from even a mid-size city, I don't find it difficult to make this analogy work: in a community of fewer than 1,000 people, one knows pretty much everyone in town---some better than others, some you like more than others, some you like a lot, & visit with or work with often. Some folk, of course, you simply find yourself in disagreement with, almost every time you meet them!

Thus, my extensive list of FAVORITE AUTHORS represents the COMMUNITY OF MINDS which I choose as my own: perhaps you'll find here people you enjoy as well---I hope so, as that's why I've taken the time & effort to post these works On Line! Enjoy!


This list includes the 1,000 or so authors I'd invite to live in my small home town---if they all were alive at the same time, and were willing to relocate to rural Washington State!

Of course, most of them are dead, and many of them hold views decidedly at odds with others whom I've included in this group . . . which makes for interesting discussions.

In any event, these are authors who have written at least one work which I've found worth re-visiting, if only to disagree with its author.

I don't read each of these authors every day, nor have I read all of the works by each writer listed---as the rule of thumb in Augustinian Studies goes,

"He who says he has read ALL of Augustine . . . LIES!"

Even so, these are the authors who make up the "Mental Neighborhood" in which I spend time. No doubt there will be occasional additions to, or deletions from, this group, but these are the sort of people I find interesting.


George Orwell, W. H. Auden, W. S. Maugham, Aldous Huxley, Paul Tillich, Montaigne, Pascal, Cicero, Alasdair MacIntyre, Cervantes, Chekhov, Homer, C. S. Lewis, and Twyla Tharp.


Adam Gopnik, William Langewiesche, Malcolm Gladwell, Timothy Egan, Michael Lewis, Janet Malcolm, Wendy Kaminer, Mark Kurlansky, Barbara Ehrenreich, Ian Frazier, Bill Bryson, Calvin Tomkins, Tom Wolfe, Diane Ackerman, Paul Theroux, Jonathan Raban, Michael Pollan, Simon Winchester, Kenneth Brower, Dava Sobel, Sylvia Nasar, Oliver Sacks and, especially, John McPhee.


In my view, translators don't get nearly the credit (or, occasionally, blame) they deserve.

The quality of translations varies significantly, and, as I don't read or speak other languages at more than a beginner's level, I must rely on translators for access to works from other languages & cultures.

I usually list the translator's name(s) right after a work's title, so that folk browsing my library can know---at a glance---which version I've been reading . . . and may perhaps suggest a better one.


. . . are by authors I enjoy, (e.g., Isaiah Berlin, Frances Yates, Martin Foss, Walter Ong) but are works of which I became aware only recently, largely as a happy result of my browsing the libraries of LT-rs with whom I have books in common.

If your library shares a lot of books with mine, I take it as given that yours is an INTERESTING LIBRARY, even if I've not yet gotten around to officially assigning that designation to your collections.


. . . it's entirely possible that I may never get to read all the books on my WISHLIST . . .

. . . but . . .

"A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a Heaven for?"


As I work on a memoir intended for my grandchildren, I aim to apply the sentiments expressed by three notable Britons:

"The best effect of any book is that it excites the reader to self activity"

---Thomas Carlyle

"When I want to read a good book, I write one"

---Benjamin Disraeli

"The Individual has always had to struggle, to keep from being overwhelmed by The Tribe. To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you will be lonely often---and sometimes frightened---but no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning one's self"

---Rudyard Kipling

One Frenchman:

"Most of life is a matter of nuance; women help men realize this."

---Henri Peyre

And the American writer Annie Dillard:

"When you can present data to support your own statements about ideas in relationship, you are intellectually an adult."

About Me
I am retired, read primarily non-fiction, am interested in the nature of language & the history of ideas . . .

(especially in the history of science & technology, and in the development of world religions)

. . . and I currently am studying both Spanish and German, in anticipation of a trip to Europe within the next couple of years.

In addition, I am developing an intense interest in health, fitness, & cookery, including gardening "for the table" and T'ai Chi.
Washington State, USA
Currently Reading
Favorite Authors
Edward Abbey, Janet L. Abu-Lughod, Diane Ackerman, Lord Acton, Andy Adams, Henry Adams, Les Adams, Richard Adams, Mortimer J. Adler, Aeschylus, Aesop, Robert Aitken, Anna Ahkmatova, Sherman Alexie, Dante Alighieri, Richard D. Altick, Jorge Amado, Akhil Reed Amar, Stephen E. Ambrose, Martin Amis, Hans Christian Andersen, Boethius, Anonymus, Anonymous, Anonymous, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Hannah Arendt, Philippe Ariès, Aristotle, Karen Armstrong, Matthew Arnold, Isaac Asimov, Margaret Atwood, John Aubrey, Louis Auchincloss, W. H. Auden, Erich Auerbach, Saint Augustine, Marcus Aurelius, Jane Austen, Teresa de Ávila, Michael Axworthy, Isaac Babel, Gaston Bachelard, James Marcus Bach, Francis Bacon, Joe Bageant, Walter Bagehot, Archie J. Bahm, Mark C. Baker, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Honoré de Balzac, Reyner Banham, Elizabeth Wayland Barber, Owen Barfield, Coleman Barks, Julian Barnes, Geoffrey Barraclough, John Bartlett, Luigi Barzini, Jacques Barzun, Nicholas A. Basbanes, A. L. Basham, Matsuo Bashō, Rick Bass, Claude Frédéric Bastiat, Marston Bates, Gregory Bateson, Walter Jackson Bate, Ibn Battuta, Mary Beard, Simone de Beauvoir, David W. Bebbington, Carl L. Becker, Ernest Becker, Gavin de Becker, Max Beerbohm, Antony Beevor, S. N. Behrman, Clive Bell, John Taine, Gertrude Bell, Julien Benda, Frans G. Bengtsson, Walter Benjamin, Arnold Bennett, E. F. Benson, Nikolai Berdyaev, Bernard Berenson, Peter L. Berger, Thomas Goddard Bergin, Henri Bergson, George Berkeley, Isaiah Berlin, Don Berry, Wendell Berry, Bruno Bettelheim, Ambrose Bierce, James H. Billington, Sven Birkerts, Donald H. Bishop, Elizabeth Bishop, Simon Blackburn, William Blake, Marc Bloch, Harold Bloom, Giovanni Boccaccio, Jakob Böhme, W. E. B. Du Bois, Sissela Bok, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Daniel Boorstin, Jorge Luis Borges, George Borrow, James Boswell, Kenneth E. Boulding, Jonny Bowden, Elizabeth Bowen, C. J. Box, C. R. Boxer, A. C. Bradley, Anne Bradstreet, H. W. Brands, Fernand Braudel, John Bremer, Gerald Brenan, Asa Briggs, Joseph Brodsky, Jacob Bronowski, Emily Brontë, Van Wyck Brooks, Dee Brown, Sir Thomas Browne, Peter R. L. Brown, La Bruyère, Bill Bryson, Martin Buber, William F. Buckley, Jr., William Buck, E. A. Wallis Budge, J. Budziszewski, Lois McMaster Bujold, Vladimir Bukovsky, Mikhail Bulgakov, Alan Bullock, John Bunyan, Jacob Burckhardt, Edmund Burke, Kenneth Burke, Milton T. Burton, Richard Burton, Robert Burton, J. B. Bury, Samuel Butler, Herbert Butterfield, Dino Buzzati, Julius Caesar, Italo Calvino, Luís Vaz de Camões, Joseph Campbell, Albert Camus, John Canaday, Elias Canetti, Norman Cantor, Orson Scott Card, Thomas Carlyle, E. H. Carr, Lewis Carroll, Stephen L. Carter, Joyce Cary, Bartolomé de las Casas, Ernst Cassirer, Manuel Castells, Willa Cather, Jean Pierre de Caussade, Constantine Petrou Cavafy, John G. Cawelti, Benvenuto Cellini, Henry Chadwick, Nora Chadwick, Owen Chadwick, Bruce Chatwin, Geoffrey Chaucer, Anton Chekhov, Ron Chernow, Apsley Cherry-Garrard, Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield, G.K. Chesterton, Julia Child, Noam Chomsky, Loren W. Christensen, Chang Chung-Yuan, Winston S. Churchill, Patricia Smith Churchland, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Lewis Clark, Carl von Clausewitz, James Clavell, Alfred Cobban, William Cobbett, Charles Norris Cochrane, J. M. Cohen, Norman Cohn, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, R. G. Collingwood, Gail Collins, Wilkie Collins, Anna Comnena, Confucius, Cyril Connolly, Robert Conquest, Joseph Conrad, Deryck Cooke, Jeff Cooper, Frederick Copleston, A. E. Coppard, Giovanni Costigan, Fustel de Coulanges, William Cowper, Matthew B. Crawford, Benedetto Croce, A. J. Cronin, David Crystal, Barry Cunliffe, Edited By: Charles P. Curtis Jr., Nicholas of Cusa, Dante, Tobias Dantzig, Eleanor Dark, Robert Darnton, Charles Darwin, René Daumal, Alexandra David-Néel, Norman Davies, Robertson Davies, William C. Davis, Christopher Dawson, J. M. Déchanet, Daniel Defoe, Eugène Delacroix, Miguel Delibes, Vine Deloria, Jr., John Derbyshire, Bernard DeVoto, Charles Dickens, Emily Dickinson, Joan Didion, E. J. Dijksterhuis, Annie Dillard, Cassius Dio, Diogenes Laertius, J. Frank Dobie, E. R. Dodds, Ivan Doig, Don Koberg, Don Koberg & Jim Bagnall, John Donne, John Donohue, John J. Donohue, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Charles Doughty, Frederick Douglass, John P. Dourley, Arthur Conan Doyle, Margaret Drabble, Ree Drummond, John Dryden, Dinesh D'Souza, Georges Duby, Jeroen Duindam, Louis Dumont, William Dunham, Gerald Durrell, Lawrence Durrell, Freeman Dyson, Meister Eckhart, Umberto Eco, Jonathan Edwards, Timothy Egan, Barbara Ehrenreich, Albert Einstein, Loren C. Eiseley, Suzette Haden Elgin, Mircéa Eliade, Norbert Elias, T. S. Eliot, Ralph Ellison, Jacques Ellul, Amos Elon, Ralph Waldo Emerson, William Empson, Epictetus, Joseph Epstein, Wolfram von Eschenbach, Euclid, Euripides, Anthony Everitt, Brian M. Fagan, Byron Farwell, Edmund Burke Feldman, Ernest Francisco Fenollosa, Niall Ferguson, Patrick Leigh Fermor, Richard Feynman, M. I. Finley, David Hackett Fischer, H. A. L. Fisher, M. F. K. Fisher, Sue Fishkoff, Gustave Flaubert, Antony Flew, James Thomas Flexner, Joshua Foer, E. M. Forster, Martin Foss, R. F. Foster, Robin Lane Fox, Anatole France, Viktor Frankl, Ian Frazier, Douglas Southall Freeman, Paulo Freire, Gilberto Freyre, David Fromkin, Erich Fromm, Robert Frost, Northrop Frye, Roger Fry, Carlos Fuentes, R. Buckminster Fuller, Antoine Fuqua, Betty Fussell, Paul Fussell, Carlo Emilio Gadda, Eduardo Galeano, Richard Gambino, Jeffrey Gantz, Andrew Garcia, Helen Gardner, Martin Gardner, Bryan A. Garner, George P. Garrett, José Ortega y Gasset, Peter Gay, Patrick J. Geary, Pieter Geyl, Edward Gibbon, William Gibson, S. Giedion, Martin Gilbert, Sandra M. Gilbert, Cole A. Giller, Étienne Gilson, Jean Gimpel, Malcolm Gladwell, Cyril Glasse, James Gleick, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Erving Goffman, Vincent van Gogh, Nikolai Gogol, Rebecca Goldstein, Adrian Goldsworthy, E. H. Gombrich, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Adam Gopnik, J. E. Gordon, Maxim Gorky, Edmund Gosse, Robert Gottlieb, Stephen Jay Gould, Sir Ernest Gowers, Baltasar Gracián, Temple Grandin, Michael Grant, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert Graves, Graham Greene, Josiah Gregg, Samuel B. Griffith, Jacob Grimm, Dave Grossman, Hugo Grotius, Erich S. Gruen, Ursula K. Le Guin, David Guterson, John Langston Gwaltney, Ian Hacking, Moses Hadas, Uta Hagen, Emily Hahn, Alexander Hamilton, Edith Hamilton, William Hamilton, Charles Hampden-Turner, Knut Hamsun, Helene Hanff, Victor Davis Hanson, Yuval Noah Harari, Thomas Hardy, Donald Harrington, Claire Harman, Joel Chandler Harris, Marvin Harris, B. H. Liddell Hart, Kent Haruf, Max Hastings, F. A. Hayek, Henry Hazlitt, William Hazlitt, Seamus Heaney, Lafcadio Hearn, Friedrich Heer, Robert L. Heilbroner, Robert A. Heinlein, Ernest Hemingway, Robert Henri, Frank Herbert, Herodotus, Eugen Herrigel, Michael Herr, Abraham Joshua Heschel, Gilbert Highet, Christopher Hill, Gertrude Himmelfarb, Ammiel Hirsch, Thomas Hobbes, Eric Hobsbawm, Eric Hoffer, Douglas Hofstadter, Richard Hofstadter, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Homer, Paul Horgan, Alistair Horne, David Horsey, Albert Hourani, Langston Hughes, Robert Hughes, Victor Hugo, Johan Huizinga, T. E. Hulme, David Hume, Jesse Lyman Hurlbut, Zora Neale Hurston, Aldous Huxley, Elspeth Huxley, Lewis Hyde, Henrik Ibsen, Washington Irving, Walter Isaacson, Jonathan I. Israel, Jane Jacobs, Brian Jacques, Werner Jaeger, Hope Jahren, William James, H. W. Janson, Randall Jarrell, Karl Jaspers, Thomas Jefferson, Roy Jenkins, Paul Johnson, William Johnston, Hans Jonas, A. H. M. Jones, Douglas C. Jones, Gwyn Jones, Roger S. Jones, Flavius Josephus, Bertrand de Jouvenel, Tony Judt, C. G. Jung, Donald Kagan, Wendy Kaminer, Robert D. Kaplan, Philip Kapleau, Nikos Kazantzakis, John Keats, John Keegan, Donald Keene, Walt Kelly, Thomas a Kempis, Paul Kennedy, Søren Kierkegaard, Florence King, Martin Luther King, Jr., Mary Kingsley, Thomas Kinsella, Rudyard Kipling, G. S. Kirk, Russell Kirk, Morris Kline, George Wilson Knight, Arthur Koestler, Alan Charles Kors, Joseph Koterski, Alexandre Koyré, Karl Kraus, Joseph Wood Krutch, Thomas S. Kuhn, Mark Kurlansky, Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, R. D. Laing, Derek Lambert, Anne Lamott, Louis L'Amour, Susanne Langer, William Langewiesche, Jaron Lanier, Joe R. Lansdale, Lewis H. Lapham, Christopher Lasch, Peter Laslett, Linwood Laughy, John Laurence, Margaret Laurence, Brother Lawrence, D. H. Lawrence, T. E. Lawrence, Michael Lawson, William Law, Laurie Lee, Sherman E. Lee, Gerardus van der Leeuw, Georges Lefebvre, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Aldo Leopold, Craig Lesley, Doris Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Peter Levi, Bernard Lewis, C. S. Lewis, Michael Lewis, Abraham Lincoln, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Yutang Lin, Walter Lippmann, Titus Livius, Mario Vargas Llosa, John Locke, David Lodge, Jack London, Elias Lönnrot, Barry Lopez, Federico García Lorca, Konrad Lorenz, Arthur O. Lovejoy, Malcolm Lowry, Alfred Lubrano, J. R. Lucas, Lucretius, Edward Luttwak, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Alan Macfarlane, Niccolò Machiavelli, Alasdair MacIntyre, Halford John Mackinder, Seumas MacManus, Jeff MacNelly, Salvador de Madariaga, James Madison, Bryan Magee, Magnus Magnusson, Naguib Mahfouz, Moses Maimonides, Geert Mak, Thomas Mallon, Thomas Malory, André Malraux, William Manchester, Osip Mandelstam, Alberto Manguel, Karl Mannheim, Richard Manning, Thomas Mann, Katherine Mansfield, Alessandro Manzoni, Walter de la Mare, Julián Marías, Jacques Maritain, Beryl Markham, Karl Marlantes, Gabriel García Márquez, Judith Martin, Joanot Martorell, Robert K. Massie, Gervase Mathew, W. A. Mathieu, Peter Matthiessen, Peter Matthiessen, Garrett Mattingly, W. Somerset Maugham, François Mauriac, André Maurois, Frances Mayes, Henry Mayhew, Peter Mayle, Rollo May, Mary McCarthy, Scott McCloud, Frank McCourt, Malachy McCourt, David McCullough, J. Vernon McGee, Marshall McLuhan, Larry McMurtry, William H. McNeill, John McPhee, John McWhorter, P. B. Medawar, John Medina, Gita Mehta, Ved Mehta, Herman Melville, H. L. Mencken, John Merriman, Thomas Merton, Deon Meyer, Leonard B. Meyer, Michelangelo, Robert Michels, Arthur Miller, Rory Miller, John Stuart Mill, C. Wright Mills, A. A. Milne, Czesław Miłosz, Ludwig Von Mises, Molière, Theodor Mommsen, Michel de Montaigne, Montesquieu, Marianne Moore, Thomas Moore, Geoffrey Moorhouse, Edmund S. Morgan, G. Campbell Morgan, Donald R. Morris, Edmund Morris, Jan Morris, Walter Mosley, H. St. L. B. Moss, Farley Mowat, Malcolm Muggeridge, Kary Mullis, Multatuli, Lewis Mumford, William Murray, Gary Paul Nabhan, Vladimir Nabokov, Daniel Nagrin, V. S. Naipaul, Lewis Namier, Sylvia Nasar, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, J. E. Neale, John G. 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