Book Related Movies for ljbryant

  • 1,520 Related Movies
  • 415 Works with Related Movies

"Great Performances": Cats (1998 | IMDb)

"Playhouse 90" Alas, Babylon (1960 | IMDb)

"Wishbone" Muttketeer! (1995 | IMDb) (Swedish)

"Wishbone" Salty Dog (1995 | TV | IMDb) (French, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish)

101 Dalmatians (1961 | IMDb)

102 Dalmatians (2000 | IMDb)

The 13th Warrior (1999 | IMDb)

1408 (2007 | IMDb)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1905 | IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1907 | IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1916 | IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954 | IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1973 | IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1985 | IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1997/I | IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (2008 | IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (2016 | IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (IMDb) (German)

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (IMDb) (German)

20.000 Leagues Under the Sea (2004 | IMDb) (German)

20.000 Leagues Under the Sea (2012 | IMDb) (German)

20000 Leagues Under the Sea (1976 | IMDb) (German)

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968 | IMDb) (French, Italian)

2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984 | IMDb) (Italian)

3 musketiers - De musical (2003 | IMDb) (Polish)

30,000 Leagues Under the Sea (2007 | IMDb) (German)

300 (2006 | IMDb)

ABA Journal 25 Greatest Law Novels Ever (5)

ABC Weekend Specials: Pippi Longstocking (1977 | s9e4 | IMDb) (German)

ABC Weekend Specials: Ralph S. Mouse (1977 | s12e1 | IMDb)

ABC Weekend Specials: The Mouse and the Motorcycle (1986 | s10e4 | IMDb)

ABC Weekend Specials: The Secret Garden (1977 | s15e1 | IMDb)

Abismos de pasión (1954 | IMDb) (French)

Adoráveis Mulheres (1994 | IMDb) (Portuguese (Brazil))

The Adventures of Black Beauty (1972 | IMDb)

The Adventures of Huck Finn (1993 | IMDb)

The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949 | IMDb)

The Adventures of Pinocchio (1996 | IMDb)

The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938 | IMDb)

The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (1922 | IMDb) (Polish)

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1939 | IMDb)

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1984–1985 | IMDb)

The Adventures of Tarzan (1921 | IMDb)

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1938 | IMDb) (German, Portuguese (Brazil))

Die Akte (1993 | IMDb) (German)

Aladdin (1992 | IMDb)

Alice (2009 | IMDb) (German)

Alice in Wonderland (1951 | IMDb) (German)

Alice in Wonderland (1999 | IMDb) (German)

Alice in Wonderland (2010 | IMDb) (German)

Alice Through the Looking Glass (1966 | IMDb) (German)

Alice Through the Looking Glass (1974 | IMDb) (German)

Alice Through the Looking Glass (1987 | IMDb) (German)

Alice Through the Looking Glass (1998 | IMDb) (German)

The Alienist (2018 | IMDb)

The Alienist (2018 | IMDb | TV mini-series)

Alkitrang dugo (1976 | IMDb) (Portuguese (Brazil))

All Creatures Great and Small (1978 | IMDb)

All Creatures Great and Small (2013 | IMDb)

All Creatures Great and Small (2020 | IMDb)

All Night Long (1962 | IMDb)

Allegiant (2016 | IMDb)

Altered Carbon (2018 | IMDb)

I Am Legend (2007 | IMDb) (Norwegian)

Les amants de Vérone (1949 | IMDb)

The Amazing Maurice (2022 | IMDb)

An American Christmas Carol (1979 | IMDb) (German)

American Gods (2017 | IMDb)

American Playhouse: Pudd'nhead Wilson (1984 | IMDb) (Norwegian)

American Playhouse: Sensibility and Sense (1990 | TV | IMDb)

American Playhouse: The Grapes of Wrath (1991 | IMDb) (Finnish, French)

Amleto (1910 | IMDb)

Amleto (1914 | IMDb)

Amleto (1917 | IMDb)

Un Amleto di meno (1973 | IMDb)

Anansi Boys (post-production | IMDb)

And to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street (1944 | IMDb)

The Andromeda Strain (1971 | IMDb) (Finnish)

The Andromeda Strain (2008 | IMDb) (Finnish)

Angeles y demonios (2009 | IMDb) (Spanish)

The Angelic Conversation (1985 | IMDb)

Angels & Demons (2009) (Dutch)

Angels & Demons (2009 | IMDb) (German, Portuguese (Brazil))

Anime san jushi (1987 | IMDb) (Polish)

Animorphs (1998-2000)

Animorphs: Between Friends (1998 | IMDb)

Animorphs: My Name Is Jake (1998 | IMDb)

Animorphs: My Name Is Jake: Part 2 (1998 | IMDb)

Animorphs: The Alien (1998 | IMDb)

Animorphs: The Capture, Part One (1998 | IMDb)

Animorphs: The Capture, Part Two (1998 | IMDb)

Animorphs: The Message (1998 | IMDb)

Animorphs: The Reaction (1998 | IMDb)

Animorphs: The Underground (1998 | IMDb)

Animorphs: Underground (1998 | IMDb)

Anna Karenina (1935 | Clarence Brown | IMDb) (German)

Anna Karenina (1935 | IMDb) (Portuguese (Brazil))

Anna Karenina (1948 | IMDb) (German, Portuguese (Brazil))

Anna Karenina (1961 | IMDb) (Portuguese (Brazil))

Anna Karenina (1967 | Aleksandr Zarkhi | IMDb) (German)

Anna Karenina (1967 | IMDb) (German, Portuguese (Brazil))

Anna Karenina (1977 | IMDb) (German)

Anna Karenina (1977 | TV mini-series | IMDb) (German)

Anna Karenina (1985 | IMDb) (Portuguese (Brazil))

Anna Karenina (1997 | Bernard Rose | IMDb) (German)

Anna Karenina (1997 | IMDb) (German, Portuguese (Brazil))

Anna Karenina (2000 | IMDb) (German)

Anna Karenina (2000 | TV mini-series | David Blair | IMDb) (German)

Anna Karenina (2009 | IMDb) (Portuguese (Brazil))

Anna Karenina (2012 | IMDb) (German)

Anna Karenina (2013 | TV mini-series | IMDb) (German)

Anna Karenina (2017 | IMDb) (German)

Anna Karenina (IMDb) (German)

AnnE (2017 | IMDb)

Anne of Green Gables (1919 | IMDb)

Anne of Green Gables (1934 | IMDb) (Norwegian)

Anne of Green Gables (1972 | IMDb)

Anne of Green Gables (1979 | IMDb)

Anne of Green Gables (1985 | IMDb) (Norwegian)

Anne of Green Gables (2016 | IMDb)

Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story (2000 | IMDb) (Norwegian)

Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire (2022 | IMDb)

Der Anschlag (2002 | IMDb) (German)

Apocalypse Now (1979) (Spanish)

Apocalypse Now (1979 | IMDb) (German, Swedish)

Apt Pupil (1998 | IMDb)

Arashi ga oka (1988 | IMDb) (French)

Around the World in 80 Days (1988 | IMDb) (Polish)

Around the World in 80 Days (1989 | IMDb)

Around the World in 80 Days (1989/I | IMDb) (Polish)

Around the World in 80 Days (1999 | IMDb) (Polish)

Around the World in 80 Days (2004 | IMDb) (French, Italian, Polish)

Around the World in 80 Days (2021 | IMDb)

Around the World in Eighty Days (1956 | IMDb) (French, Italian, Polish)

D'Artanyan i tri mushketyora (1978 | IMDb) (Polish)

Artemis Fowl (2019 | IMDb)

Arupusu no shôjo Haiji (1974 | IMDb) (German)

Astérix & Obélix: Mission Cléopâtre (2002 | IMDb) (German)

Asterix & Obelix - Missione Cleopatra (2002 | IMDb) (Italian)

Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatra (2002 | IMDb)

Asterix e Cleopatra (1968 | IMDb) (Italian)

Astérix & Obélix: Mission Cléopâtre (2002 | IMDb) (Dutch, Polish)

Astérix et Cléopâtre (1968 | IMDb) (Dutch, German, Polish)

Astérix et Obélix : Mission Cléopâtre (2002) (French)

At Sword's Point (1952 | IMDb) (Polish)

At the Earth's Core (1976 | IMDb)

Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001 | IMDb)

Les aventures de Robinson Crusoé (1902 | IMDb) (French, German, Italian)

Les aventures de Robinson Crusoé (1903 | IMDb) (Polish)

Les aventures de Robinson Crusoë (1964 | IMDb) (French, German, Italian, Polish)

Avignon 2008 - Hamlet (2008 | IMDb)

Le avventure di Pinocchio (1972 | IMDb)

Le avventure di Tom Sawyer (1938 | IMDb) (Italian)

Le avventure di Tom Sawyer (1995 | IMDb) (Italian)

The Baby-Sitters Club (1995 | IMDb)

Bag of Bones (2011 | IMDb)

Bambi (1942 | IMDb)

Barricade (1950 | IMDb)

BBC Play of the Month (1965 | IMDb) (Polish)

BBC Play of the Month: Macbeth (1970 | IMDb) (Polish)

BBC Sunday-Night Theatre:Romeo and Juliet (1955 | s6e21 | IMDb)

Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown (1975 | IMDb)

Beauty and the Beast (1991 | IMDb)

Belyy klyk (1946 | IMDb) (French)

Ben-Hur (1959 | IMDb)

Ben-Hur (2016 | IMDb)

Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1925 | IMDb)

Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray (1917 | IMDb) (French, Norwegian)

Bitten (2014)

The Black Arrow (1911 | IMDb) (Norwegian)

The Black Arrow (1948 | IMDb) (Norwegian)

The Black Arrow (1951 | IMDb) (Norwegian)

Black Arrow (1985 | IMDb) (Norwegian)

Black Beauty (1921/I | IMDb)

Black Beauty (1946 | IMDb)

Black Beauty (1994 | IMDb)

The Black Shield of Falworth (1954)

Blade Runner (1982) (Spanish)

Blade Runner (1982 | IMDb) (Italian)

Blood and Chocolate (2007 | IMDb)

Blood Work (2002 | IMDb) (Norwegian)

Il boia di Lilla (1952 | IMDb) (Polish)

Bollywood Queen (2002 | IMDb)

The Bolshoi Ballet: Romeo and Juliet (1976 | IMDb)

The Book of Mormon Movie, Volume 1: The Journey (2003 | IMDb)

The Book Thief (2013 | IMDb)

The Borrowers (1992 | IMDb)

The Borrowers (1997 | IMDb)

The Borrowers (2011 | IMDb)

The Bourne Identity () (Dutch)

The Bourne Identity (1988 | IMDb)

The Bourne Identity (2002 | IMDb)

The Bourne Supremacy (2004 | IMDb)

The Bourne Supremacy (IMDb) (Dutch)

The Bourne Ultimatum () (Dutch)

The Bourne Ultimatum (2007 | IMDb)

Brave Little Tailor (1938 | IMDb)

Brave New World (1980 | IMDb)

Brave New World (1998 | IMDb)

Breaking the Da Vinci Code (2005 | IMDb) (Dutch)

Bride & Prejudice (2004 | Gurinder Chadha | IMDb)

Bride of Frankenstein (1935 | IMDb) (French, Norwegian)

Bridget Jones's Diary (2001 | Sharon Maguire | IMDb)

Bridget Jones's Diary (2001 | IMDb) (Portuguese (Brazil))

O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000 | IMDb) (French)

The Brothers Grimm (2005 | IMDb)

A Bug's Life (1998 | IMDb)

The Bunker (1981 | IMDb)

Büszkeség és balítélet (1995 | IMDb) (Hungarian)

En büyük korku (2002 | IMDb) (Turkish)

Caesar and Cleopatra (1945 | IMDb)

Caesar and Cleopatra (2009 | IMDb)

Il cagnaccio dei Baskervilles (1978 | Paul Morrissey | IMDb) (Italian)

The Call of the Wild (1908 | IMDb) (French)

The Call of the Wild (1972 | IMDb) (French)

The Call of the Wild (1976 | IMDb) (French)

Call of the Wild (1993 | IMDb) (French)

Call of the Wild (2000 | IMDb)

Call of the Wild (2009 | IMDb) (French)

The Call of the Wild: Dog of the Yukon (1997 | IMDb) (French)

Camera Three: Emma (1960 | TV | IMDb) (Spanish)

Captains Courageous (1937 | IMDb)

The Carey Treatment (1972 | IMDb)

Carrie (1952 | IMDb)

Cars (2006 | IMDb)

O Casamento de Romeu e Julieta (2005 | IMDb)

The Cat in the Hat (1971 | IMDb)

The Cat in the Hat (2003 | IMDb)

The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That (2010 | IMDb)

Catch My Soul (1974 | IMDb)

Cats (2019 | IMDb)

CBS Library: Animal Talk (1980 | IMDb) (French)

CBS Library: Orphans, Waifs and Wards (1981 | IMDb)

CBS Storybreak: Dragon's Blood (1985 | IMDb)

The Celestine Prophecy (2006 | IMDb)

Cell (2016 | IMDb)

Chapter 27 (2007 | IMDb)

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005 | IMDb)

A Charlie Brown Christmas, 1965 ()

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (1973 | IMDb)

Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik (1971) (German)

Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik (2005) (German)

Charlotte's Web (1973 | IMDb)

Charlotte's Web (2006 | IMDb)

Charlotte's Web 2: Wilbur's Great Adventure (2003 | IMDb)

Chelovek-nevidimka (1984 | IMDb)

Children of Dune (2003 | IMDb) (Dutch)

Chip 'N Dale (1997 | IMDb)

A Christmas Carol (1951 | IMDb)