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174+ Works 3,432 Members 84 Reviews 12 Favorited

About the Author

Michel Onfray is a French philosopher who established the free Universit Populaire in Caen, Normandy, where he teaches. He is the author of numerous books.
Image credit: Michel Onfray, philosophe, lors d'une conférence intitulée "Le postanarchisme expliqué à ma grand-mère" au Théâtre du Rond-Point (Paris, France) le 20 mai 2010.


Works by Michel Onfray

Antimanuel de philosophie (2001) 155 copies
Le crépuscule d'une idole (2010) 98 copies
Cynismes (1990) 79 copies
Politique du rebelle (1997) 78 copies
Nietzsche (2010) 74 copies
Cosmos (2015) 63 copies
Décadence (2014) 61 copies
L'art de jouir (1991) 55 copies
La sculpture de soi (1991) 53 copies
La raison gourmande (1995) 38 copies
Penser l'islam (2014) 34 copies
Esthétique du pôle Nord (2002) 26 copies
Théorie de la dictature (2019) 21 copies
Apostille au Crépuscule (2010) 18 copies
L'Archipel des comètes (2001) 13 copies
Le Deuil de la mélancolie (2018) 13 copies
Le réel n'a pas eu lieu (2014) 10 copies
El sueño de Eichman (2008) 10 copies
La cour des miracles (2017) 9 copies
Autodafés (2021) 9 copies
Le miroir aux alouettes (2016) 8 copies
L'Art d'être français (2021) 8 copies
La Vengeance du pangolin (2020) 7 copies
Filosofar Como un Perro (2007) 6 copies
La Nef des fous (2021) 6 copies
Abrégé hédoniste (2012) 5 copies
La Conversion (2021) 4 copies
Shine (German Edition) (2003) 4 copies
Un requiem athée (2013) 4 copies
Le corps de mon père (2009) 4 copies
Puissance et décadence (2022) 4 copies
Solstice d'hiver (2018) 3 copies
La Parole au peuple (2017) 3 copies
Cosmos (2016) 3 copies
Foutriquet (2022) 3 copies
Vies parallèles (2020) 3 copies
ESCULTURA DE SI (2014) 2 copies
Nietzsche Nº 1 (2013) 2 copies
La gauche réfractaire (2022) 2 copies
Vies philosophiques (2021) 2 copies
COSMOS (2014) 2 copies
GOZNE (2006) 2 copies
Métaphysique des ruines (1995) 2 copies
Ici et maintenant (1997) 2 copies
Nietzsche, T1 (2010) 2 copies
P�rils et Col�res (1992) 2 copies
Les icônes païennes (2003) 2 copies
Sabedoria 1 copy
Zéro de conduite (2018) 1 copy
Michel Onfray (2019) — Editor — 1 copy
Theorie der Diktatur (2021) 1 copy

Associated Works

Walden (1854) — Préface, some editions — 14,151 copies
Alfred Courmes (French Edition) (2003) — Preface, some editions — 3 copies


19th century (190) American (123) American literature (298) atheism (172) autobiography (120) biography (156) classic (245) classics (346) Easton Press (62) ebook (105) ecology (69) environment (105) essay (120) essays (305) fiction (147) Folio Society (47) goodreads (49) hardcover (47) Henry David Thoreau (55) history (62) Kindle (83) literature (303) Massachusetts (79) memoir (325) natural history (73) nature (526) nature writing (56) New England (53) non-fiction (764) own (54) philosophy (1,376) politics (48) read (102) religion (142) solitude (67) Thoreau (127) to-read (840) transcendentalism (212) unread (78) USA (88)

Common Knowledge



Em nenhum lugar desprezei aquele que acreditava nos espíritos, na alma imortal, no sopro dos deuses, na presença dos anjos, nos efeitos da prece, na eficácia do ritual, na legitimidade das encantações, no contato com os loas, nos milagres com hemoglobina, nas lágrimas da virgem, na ressurreição de um homem crucificado, nas virtudes dos cauris, nas forças xamânicas, no valor do sacrifício animal, no efeito transcendental do nitro egípcio, nas moinhas de preces. No chacal ontológico. Em nenhum lugar. Mas em toda parte constatei o quanto os homens fabulam para evitar olhar o real de frente. A criação de além-mundos não seria muito grave se seu preço não fosse tão alto: o esquecimento do real, portanto a condenável negligência do único mundo que existe. Enquanto a crença indispõe com a imanência, portanto com o eu, o ateísmo reconcilia com a terra, outro nome da vida. (M.O)… (more)
luizzmendes | 23 other reviews | Mar 10, 2024 |
Very good. Thought provoking, practical, and personal in style. Had its French-y-er moments but over all a solid defense of hedonism as the author defines the term.
P 7 “to say again: the dominant historiography is idealist. It can be split into three periods: the Platonic period, the Christian Era, and German Idealism. In the language of official school syllabi: Plato, Descartes, and Kant. The Republic and its came of Ideas, the Discourse on Method and its thinking substance, and The Critique of Pure Reason, with its phenomena, of course, but mainly its noumena, the German reincarnation of the Platonic Idea.”
P 24 “I often put forward the following maxim of Chamfort, because it serves as a hedonist categorical imperative: “enjoy and have others enjoy, without doing harm to yourself or anyone else; that is all there is to morality.””
P 138 “These elective micro societies engage in microresistance capable of temporarily disrupting dominant microfascisms. The micrological era that we live in compels us to permanent action and perpetual engagement. “
… (more)
BookyMaven | 3 other reviews | Dec 6, 2023 |
Testo che convince poco. Per le tante pagine “sprecate” a riassumere Orwell (forse utili a scopo divulgativo, si dirà: ma chi non l’ha mai letto comprerà mai questo libro?). Per il franco-centrismo che rende la riflessione limitata. Per il modo non chiaro con cui maneggia il termine “sovranismo”. Per le proposte positive in buona parte prevedibilmente deboli.
d.v. | May 16, 2023 |
On a second reading after a few years, I have revised my opinion. I think I can see its weaknesses now, There are some factual assertions which are simply false. Among some examples, he states that no Christian or Muslim thinkers condemn the violence and misogyny so evident in the churches and mosques. That's simply false: has he never heard of Christian pacifists? I'm persuaded by atheism/agnosticism, but this falsity really weakens the book, making its opponents into straw people. Also, a second reading shows how wedded he is to Foucault, not surprising in a French thinker. (He criticises Foucault's attitude to Iran, in the end.)
Knowledge is inextricably linked to power, says Foucault, and Christian power in the west pollutes all medical and other knowledge. Assertion, assertion. Is there no room for independent knowledge? How else did the Enlightenment emerge?
He then seeks to base a new epistemology on Bentham's utilitarianism with its very obvious weakness of oppression of the minority for the benefit of the majority, the greatest number.
Towards the end, the book is less atheist than hostile to religion. The two are not the same.
I enjoyed the first reading. Not so much the second, despite the clarity of his writing and strength of his anti-religion arguments.
… (more)
elimatta | 23 other reviews | May 10, 2021 |



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